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hilarious how langfield AGAIN somehow manages to get stick!

Why? He's a player on the park like any other. Blameless for the goal but that aside, his distribution of the ball was terrible, a refusal to come for crosses and there were two, maybe three occasions when our defence was under pressure and looking for him to pass it back to but couldn't because he was on his goal line and not giving them the option.

He wouldn't be human if his earlier illness didn't pray on his mind (no pun intended) and affected his decision making, no matter how much he says it doesn't.

He has to go if we are to progress.

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hilarious how langfield AGAIN somehow manages to get stick!

He's despised by the majority of the fans...fans who remember how him and his agent tried to engineer a move to hun for him a few years back...he even fell out with your mate JC when he put the blockers on the move...He'll get stick as long as he remains at the club...there's a sneakiness about the cu*t that most cannot take.

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Has Broon had a stroke?...thankfully the ridiculous bunnet is a thing of the past but a black beanie with gold? COYR across the front of it...come on...He's run out of steam...time to get a new man in...Adams showed today that he has it in his locker to change a game to save the tie...AFC would be daft if they aren't already working a deal with him.


Like Brown did bringing on an extra striker and us then scoring? Saving the tie wasn't the problem, it was too reactive. Needed changes before that when it was obvious we were struggling up front.

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Like Brown did bringing on an extra striker and us then scoring? Saving the tie wasn't the problem, it was too reactive. Needed changes before that when it was obvious we were struggling up front.

No nothing like Broon did...Ross County found themselves 2-1 down with 15 to play...not only did they get back on terms (which would have been the point where Broon would have shut up shop and tried to hold on for a replay) they went looking for the winner...ok they conceded at the death but are still in the Cup...Broons "system" would have left him bemoaning the fact that we were

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the lad holis certainly showed more of a calm head that the more experienced clangyshittypants

Correct. Even from a mere 90 minutes it is not hard to conclude that he is a better keeper than :clangers:

And that's a keeper playing his 1st game in aboot 2 years.


Would have to see it again but at the time i though Joe won the ball fair and square and looked like an old fashioned strong challenge. But remember it was Willie Gollum who was the ref

That ref is some fucking gluepot like.


Sounds like (by what some are saying) Fallon has been pretty dire since his return.

So Why does he get a game ahead of say McManus for example? & he's just signed a new deal, so will be on a wee buzz the now :dontknow:

P{robably to maintain a level of experience in the side.

The absolutely woeful, rabbit/deer caught in the headlights performance from Masson the other day will not have hepled his chances.

However unfair that may seem.

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There were a couple of occasions where Langfield was rooted to his line for set pieces, which was concerning again, given our recent record. He has the advantage of far greater reach than any other player in his box. Can't remember the last time he went in for a cross with an attacker.


There were various times our experienced defenders should have had easy passes back to him but pick other options instead which put us on the back foot.


Finally, his kicking. Various times Fallon and Magennis were on one side and Hayes and McGinn on the other. What way would you aim your kick? So many went to the 5 foot odd players rather than the 6 footers. If it went near a player at all...

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There were a couple of occasions where Langfield was rooted to his line for set pieces, which was concerning again, given our recent record. He has the advantage of far greater reach than any other player in his box. Can't remember the last time he went in for a cross with an attacker.


There were various times our experienced defenders should have had easy passes back to him but pick other options instead which put us on the back foot.


Finally, his kicking. Various times Fallon and Magennis were on one side and Hayes and McGinn on the other. What way would you aim your kick? So many went to the 5 foot odd players rather than the 6 footers. If it went near a player at all...

There was one moment in particular in the 2nd half, he should have been out claiming the ball yet put Reynolds i think it was under pressure to clear. His judgement is shocking

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I undrstand people defending Jamie Langfield, he is an Aberdeen player who has on occasion performed well for the team. To think that he should be lauded for his performances or his position shouldn't be challenged would be somewhat naive however. My own opinion is that he isn't good enough for the number one spot, though may be useful as a back up 'keeper. At his best he is good enough, though he doesn't reach that level consistently.

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Poor stuff from both teams and I think a draw was fair.



Can't criticise Clangers too much although he doesn't ever seem keep to step off his line to claim anything which puts the defence under pressure. Really good having Rae back and I think we can beat them in the replay if we have another couple back from injury.



Murphy's goal was a cracker, I don't think you can blame the defence for not closing him down. He was forced across the box and it took a brilliant strike to beat the keeper. I don't think he could hit it so sweetly very often. Brilliant header from McGinn at the death too - I thought he was pretty woeful all game but he saved us again.



Highlight was probably the mini brass band in the south stand creating a bit of atmosphere amongst the sparse crowd!

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Can't criticise Clangers too much



Murphy's goal was a cracker, I don't think you can blame the defence for not closing him down. He was forced across the box and it took a brilliant strike to beat the keeper. I don't think he could hit it so sweetly very often.


If you watch the replay you'll see Clangers doing some spazy "star jump" just before Murphy strikes the shot...why?...fu*k knows...for me the shot was not in the "postage stamp" and he should have got a hand to it.

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