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On 5/15/2024 at 5:28 PM, Bluto10 said:

too difficult to win the league for a spendthrift club like spurs imo

man citys wallet makes it almost impossible 

liverpool need two world record signings and still they only won it once

Depends who the wallet people hire as manager though. Leicester obviously usurped the wallets albeit on a one off basis. Man Utd have spent bucket loads but got nowhere with it. Everton spent and near got relegated. Tottenham can conceivably win the league but probably not until Pep exits from City. 

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On 5/15/2024 at 6:16 PM, The Gee Man said:

Voting to see if they will scrap VAR is an interesting decision 

Scrapping VAR is stupid. Do they fuck it up with stupid decisions - yes of course they have but they also fix some crud ref decisions as well. Without VAR none of the ref fuck ups get overturned.

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5 hours ago, Jigsaw666 said:

Scrapping VAR is stupid. Do they fuck it up with stupid decisions - yes of course they have but they also fix some crud ref decisions as well. Without VAR none of the ref fuck ups get overturned.

VAR is absolutely destroying the joy in football. It's utter shit and needs to be removed. 

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15 hours ago, Parklife said:

VAR is absolutely destroying the joy in football. It's utter shit and needs to be removed. 

It's annoying I'll agree but mostly coz the tossers using it are fucking clueless. It's only meant to interfere in matters of fact like offsides or for an incident which is clear and obvious. They're getting the refs to come and look at stuff he "might have got wrong" but they should only refer to the ref if they see something and are 100% clear it's a fuck up. No "come and have a look" just plain, simple "that was wrong". If it takes more than a minute to look at then it's not clear and obvious and they should shut the fuck up. Do it like that and it becomes less of an issue. 

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2 hours ago, Jigsaw666 said:

It's annoying I'll agree but mostly coz the tossers using it are fucking clueless. It's only meant to interfere in matters of fact like offsides or for an incident which is clear and obvious. They're getting the refs to come and look at stuff he "might have got wrong" but they should only refer to the ref if they see something and are 100% clear it's a fuck up. No "come and have a look" just plain, simple "that was wrong". If it takes more than a minute to look at then it's not clear and obvious and they should shut the fuck up. Do it like that and it becomes less of an issue. 

It's still a massive issue regardless. Whether an error is "clear and obvious" is totally open to interpretation. 

It's also really stupid as a concept. How can a system designed to improve officiating and decisions allow wrong decisions to stand because they aren't wrong enough to meet some imaginary threshold that, itself, is totally open to interpretation? 

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2 hours ago, Parklife said:

It's still a massive issue regardless. Whether an error is "clear and obvious" is totally open to interpretation. 

It's also really stupid as a concept. How can a system designed to improve officiating and decisions allow wrong decisions to stand because they aren't wrong enough to meet some imaginary threshold that, itself, is totally open to interpretation? 

Of course it's open to interpretation, bit like a court case. The evidence is open to interpretation by the jury who will decide whether or not someone is guilty of an offence. In the case of VAR we have two of our idiot referees who are the judge or jury on whether an offence is committed on the field. If both are clear without equivocation that the on field ref has made a wrong decision then they intervene. If either are still undecided after looking at it over and over for a minute or so then their judgement must be "play on bud".

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3 hours ago, Jigsaw666 said:

Of course it's open to interpretation, bit like a court case. The evidence is open to interpretation by the jury who will decide whether or not someone is guilty of an offence. In the case of VAR we have two of our idiot referees who are the judge or jury on whether an offence is committed on the field. If both are clear without equivocation that the on field ref has made a wrong decision then they intervene. If either are still undecided after looking at it over and over for a minute or so then their judgement must be "play on bud".

You're missing the whole point. It's taking away the unbridled joy of a goal, which takes away the whole point of going to the fitba. They should just use it for offside, which shouldn't be open to interpretation.

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17 hours ago, maryhilldon said:

You're missing the whole point. It's taking away the unbridled joy of a goal, which takes away the whole point of going to the fitba. They should just use it for offside, which shouldn't be open to interpretation.

I do get that but I'd rather have a greater chance of the correct decision probably as I don't trust the clowns we have holding the whistle. Too easy for them to say "well in real time it was hard to see, I've only got a split second". Makes it harder to justify their nonsense calls when there's an opportunity to have a few looks at it. I'll accept there will be delays and it takes away a bit of the joy when a goal is scored but I'll take it to get more correct decisions. Incidentally, if they are still using it for offsides then each goal scored is still going to be examined for potential offsides so the "unbridled joy" is still held back while they do their checks.

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32 minutes ago, Jigsaw666 said:

I do get that but I'd rather have a greater chance of the correct decision probably as I don't trust the clowns we have holding the whistle. Too easy for them to say "well in real time it was hard to see, I've only got a split second". Makes it harder to justify their nonsense calls when there's an opportunity to have a few looks at it. I'll accept there will be delays and it takes away a bit of the joy when a goal is scored but I'll take it to get more correct decisions. Incidentally, if they are still using it for offsides then each goal scored is still going to be examined for potential offsides so the "unbridled joy" is still held back while they do their checks.

That doesn’t work tho, how can you say there’s a great chance of getting the decision correct when the same idiots holding the whistle are the ones sat in front of the screens making an epic cunt of it on a constant basis

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10 minutes ago, Hoofball said:

That doesn’t work tho, how can you say there’s a great chance of getting the decision correct when the same idiots holding the whistle are the ones sat in front of the screens making an epic cunt of it on a constant basis

Aye sadly it just means they have 2 chances to get it wrong with the crowd of referees we have. 


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1 hour ago, Jigsaw666 said:

 Incidentally, if they are still using it for offsides then each goal scored is still going to be examined for potential offsides so the "unbridled joy" is still held back while they do their checks.

Aye, that's true. Unless offside wasn't a factor. Corner, foul in the box, handball etc.

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10 hours ago, Don Fonte said:

You a Man City fan?

I suspect its relief at his North London neighbours not winning the title.

Arsenal have only dropped a handful of points since the start of the year as well. Defeat at the hands of Villa fucked them.


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2 hours ago, Dad said:

Pochettino Punted


He was just getting it going as well 🤷


Ach well - fuck em, hun bastards 

If I was Jim Ratcliffe I'd already be on the phone to his agent. Pass the Dutchie to Ajax and get Poch in.

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