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He was the loudest and most annoying - annoying most of our fellow crew also. It would take a lot for him to annoy me as I just used to laugh at him


Oh Henry’s in the Adelphi for some afternoon stripper action afterwards IIRC


Used to get a dance for a fiver there when it was near closing time. Sadly last I heard it's now a gay bar.

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whitfield 94 seen meh brither taein a bastart eh a kickin fae cunts wantin vallies aff the cunt..cunt staggert up tae nae necks wi a blood smeart pus n a convoy eh tramps stormin intae nae necks scratcher fir a jake orgy. brither wis cryin oot fir fanny, munchd oot a bag ladys red stuff savourin aw the juice n flavors..mind seen it drppin aff ez jaw.. nae neck sterts tae git wind thir somehin nae richt n ez bedrim n jumps aff the couch n a vodka stupor bursts n drags meh brither oot by ez neck.. wit ye daein bringin these jaes up here ya wee runt..brither wis nae enserin..cunt wis gurglin oot spunk sprayin it aboot aw fae creampie eed jist sookd up.. nae neck goat a droplet tae the bottom lip n freaked oot.. shat mucus skitters oanta a plate n smashed it intae meh brithers face.. nae the cunts finest oor

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It was good seeing mcgregor getting owned by khabib. You could tell that mcgregor had been living the duran style of living when he wasn't training. More interested in punting his shit blended whisky and sticking gak up his hooter. Still he's a multi millionaire, but you can't take the gutter out of the man. He should call it quits and leave it to the new, hungry lot coming through.

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Guest Singaporesteve

Been watching a bit of Lethewi ( Burmese boxing ) recently as a result of one of the Joe Rogan pod casts. Basically it is like Muay Thai but head butts are aloowed and no gloves are worn.  You only win by knock out.  so you can destroy your opponent but if you dont knock him out, its a draw.  Also, if you do KO your opponent, his corner get 2 mins to revive him.  If revived, then fight on.  Pretty fucking mental. 

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