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14 minutes ago, Roberto said:

It's the blinkered people who were bullied at school who seem to have developed some power trip.

'Pull your mask over your nose', 'you're not standing a metre away', 'SOCIAL DISTANCE' or the tutting you get after you pick up bread (and put it back) to get the one with a better shelf life at the back. So selfish tut.

It's fucking doing my nut in.

If you're that fucking scared, don't leave your fucking house. The Muppets who walk over the other side of the road or give the most annoying swerve ever just to not get your Covid Aids which you don't have...

'Oh but you could be a carrier'. Fuck off and put a carrier bag over your fucking head or go get a space suit. I've carried an STD around in my life, and I didn't spread it, so....

As some one pointed out the other day, many have sniffed lines off of pish stained toilet seats and caught fuck all, that's more dangerous than something that has the survival rate it does. 

The judgemental wankers you get for saying, na I'm not getting the vaccine as well. Woah hang on a second, you are getting it, and I've not commented on you doing so but you take a fucking self righteous attitude the moment I say, ach I'm not bothering with it at my age.

It’s a fucking joke. Undoubtedly this has been a horrendous virus killing a large number of people. But the Scottish Government were just so negative yesterday. It’s the first time on the Scottish news (The Nine?) and Radio Scotland this morning I have ever heard BBC giving the SG stick. 
BBC - “So Jason, if by May we have vaccinated all top nine groups, and the groups that are at risk, why can’t we ease things?”

Dentist - “Because the virus is very clever and dangerous”

BBC - “The SG said today that even when the virus is no longer a threat to public health, some ongoing restrictions are likely to remain in place.  Why?”

Dentist - “It’s difficult to predict this new disease, so we have to keep an eye on things”

BBC Radio - “Why would the likes of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire who have incredibly low rates go into the same starting tier after April with the likes of Falkirk and Glasgow”

Some SG Punter - “Well we have to be incredibly cautious. This virus can travel and circulate very quick. We will all have to be on our guard whenever we reduce tiers in any part of Scotland”

I really think Nicola has misread the Scottish public with her statement yesterday. 


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I suppose they've just got to play it safe otherwise they'd be accused of being irresponsible. 

But with the recent studies showing Covid isn't actually on every single surface on the world, it's a bit frustrating with how effective the vaccine appears to be, that they would continue the disgustingly absurd restrictions. 

Incidentally, there are patients who stay for weeks in the Covid ITU's in Scotland that are not Covid positive. They require the use of machines that stay in the Covid ITU's so they have no choice really but to be in there. I know of at least two ITU's in Scotland this happens in and as far as I'm aware in the ITU's I know of, these non Covid patients have not caught Covid over weeks and weeks of being 'directly exposed'. 



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13 minutes ago, Roberto said:

The virus has a high IQ. Surely you knew this? It sees you when your sleeping, it knows if you're awake, or if you're drinking wine inside a restaurant. It can tell the difference between a cola and a beer and whether or not you wear a mask or not n shit.

Clever fucker this virus.

It'll be doing the rounds giving cold calls to your door soon.

I notice also religious cunts are getting better treatment than normal folk. Fuck you Clydeside you fiiction book loving cunt.

On the warpath today!

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41 minutes ago, shut up meg said:

They also sell shampoo in the shops as well as dye.

75p for a nice bottle of Boots Raspberry and Pomegranate shampoo plus points for your Advantage card, providing you get something else for at least 25p. Win win scenario.

However, lice is attracted to clean hair by all accounts, so maybe the beasties of the virus are as well?

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4 minutes ago, Joe pike said:

I have a funny feeling that Sturgeon will pull back from a few things she said yesterday.

She won't admit it like but I'm sure with all the ctiicism she will pretend people have misunderstood her and we are all too thick to understand.

The boy off BBC Scotland was speculating that 'bringing dates forward' in late April would be a great vote winner in the Scottish elections ?

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