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Scotland v Lithuania

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pretty annoying. My coverage through thescotland TV cut out about a minute before goal. Connection was fine but it was just this site that went. Came back on just before half time but then froze as they were showing the goal again....GRRRRRR


Anyway, the quality is good and at that price you cant fall off.


Pretty funny listening to the commentators chatting off camera during the half time break!

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pretty annoying. My coverage through thescotland TV cut out about a minute before goal. Connection was fine but it was just this site that went. Came back on just before half time but then froze as they were showing the goal again....GRRRRRR


Anyway, the quality is good and at that price you cant fall off.


Pretty funny listening to the commentators chatting off camera during the half time break!


Same. BOO!


Was still good to be able to see most of the game though...


Jim White was funny... hahaha...


And David Tanner going, "David Tanner David Tanner David Tanner David Tanner in the tunnell David Tanner David Tanner can you hear me?"

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Jist back from game and though we were a tad lucky, from where i was was (west stand) it looked like a frigging stupid challenge for any1 to make. But Justice was done when we scored the other 2 goals, i missed our first because i fell asleep and was waken up by the cheers haha.


Thought that brown played well as usual and that Alec got his changes and timing spot on.

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He'll start wednesday, that's for sure.


Was impressed by Brown today, worked his bollocks off, here's hoping he can keep the crab out the side for years to come.

That'll be 'The Crab', who was outsyanding over in Italy and deservedly got MOM in that game?


Look let's take off the Red tinted specs once in a while. I think ferguson is over-rated AT TIMES, but he has been playing brilliantly since the turn of the year.

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That'll be 'The Crab', who was outsyanding over in Italy and deservedly got MOM in that game?


Look let's take off the Red tinted specs once in a while. I think Ferguson is over-rated AT TIMES, but he has been playing brilliantly since the turn of the year.


Doesn't do it often enough imho, has disappointed as often as Paul McStay. :itch-chin:


Don't get me wrong I think he's is a very talented player and I did have high hopes for him when he left the Huns. However, I would be happy to have Ferguson in if he plays to his best, if so I reckon a central midfield of Brown, Ferguson and Fletcher could really do a good job of choking supply to Anelka and Trezeguet/Wiltord. Riberry and Govou blow hot and cold so I'm not convinced that they will exploit us out wide.


Still think Teale and McFadden could do a job for us out wide. Teale admittedly pish today but has looked decent in a pish Derby side so far this season. He is capable of hitting the bye line and getting decent crosses in.


I really do think we can nick a point, or more, on Wednesday.

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why we dont start james mcfadden is a ***kin mystery


No it's not...


Scotland boss Alex McLeish praised substitutes Shaun Maloney and James McFadden after the win over Lithuania.

"We needed inspiration, a change, and I'm glad to say we've got great options on the bench to give us that and it happened," he told BBC Sport.


"I spoke to James before the game very briefly and said that things can change 'like that' - I clicked my fingers - and those were prophetic words.


"I told him to link up with the strikers and he did it beautifully."


Maloney set up Stephen McManus to score with his first touch and McFadden's brilliant strike completed a 3-1 victory.


But neither men are guaranteed a starting place against France on Wednesday.


"James is not particularly happy out wide, but we felt that it's amazing the amount of times wide players on their opposite side can produce something," added McLeish.


"It took us five or six minutes to get him on the ball and he produced a little bit of magic right away.


"But he's only played 114 minutes (for Everton) over a three-month period.


"Should he have started? I seriously doubt that. I don't know if we'd have got that inspiration there."

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Was in section G, behind the "penalty" incident and what can I say...what a disgraceful decision by the ref! What really made it obvious was when the Lithuanians all mobbed together for a little "job well done" hugging session with Miko. McFadden's goal was a peach though.


Then today Miko apologises to the Hearts fans but not the Scotland fans?? Can somebody explain this please, or are Hearts fans all England/Lithuania supporters now? :/

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Jist back from game and though we were a tad lucky, from where i was was (west stand) it looked like a frigging stupid challenge for any1 to make. But Justice was done when we scored the other 2 goals, i missed our first because i fell asleep and was waken up by the cheers haha.


Thought that brown played well as usual and that Alec got his changes and timing spot on.


bollocks. how could you think we were lucky we played a team off cheats off the park.


that Jambo mink should be suspended for the remainder of the qualifiers,

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That'll be 'The Crab', who was outsyanding over in Italy and deservedly got MOM in that game?


Look let's take off the Red tinted specs once in a while. I think ferguson is over-rated AT TIMES, but he has been playing brilliantly since the turn of the year.

Ferguson seems to have finally stepped up the plate in terms of scotland games. About bloody time too. Im delighted he's back against the french, we might just scrape a draw yet. Domenech has started the mind games though by saying scotland are favourites for the group

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Ferguson seems to have finally stepped up the plate in terms of scotland games. About bloody time too. Im delighted he's back against the french, we might just scrape a draw yet. Domenech has started the mind games though by saying scotland are favourites for the group


ha ha ha brilliant.


got to say i was very impressed by scott brown on saturday.


a midfield of fletcher brown and mcfadden is not too shabby. the futures looking not too bad for scotland

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