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Facilities At Pittodrie

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I've been in all 4 stands this season and bar the dickie they are all pretty poor.


Mainer never has enough pies or bovril and when they do have the pies are either shite cald or burnt to a crisp.

South stinks of pish, pie queue is mintil, missed the first 15 minutes of the Utd game waiting for a pie.

Merkie is just as run down and sparse as the mainer.


Did it nae occur to you to gie the pie a miss , fan you saw the size o the queue ?

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Canna understand people moaning about the length of a pie queue or running out of pies you're there to watch the fitba ffs !


I know. Someone i know was moaning last week about going to the cinema but they had nae popcorn left.


Folk will moan about anything these days :clangers2:

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I'm there to watch the fitba, nae for a dining experience.


Why would you go to the fitba and join a massive line of bodies for a pie? Have something to eat, and feed the bairns before leaving the house. Have something to eat in whatever bar/golf club/wherever you are pre match?


Sounds complicated! :rolleyes: When I go the the AFL (Aussie Rules) or football or cricket over here i just make sure I'm near the bar and through experience know the times to be there to minimise queueing (fn hate it). Yes, beers/ciders/mixers (available to the general public!!) at sporting events. All very civilised...oh and i make sure the kids have plenty of food and drink to take into the game...and I don't get hammered at the game but do enjoy a couple of quiet ones.

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Canna understand people moaning about the length of a pie queue or running out of pies you're there to watch the fitba ffs !



Exactly and standing in a Fucking Queue for 30 mins in the first half means I'm nae. I hear what your saying about eating drinking at the game but FFS if its on offer they should at least have enough to fucking offer.


Being with the old man who has a gammy leg I had to go. Usually I'd be pissing in my seat shouting abuse at the ball boys and throwing King sized marathons at them for not moving fast enough.

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