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For Those "not Interested" In Scotland

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I said on an earlier thread Kirk Broadfoot is F*****g crap and that Burley is no better than Berti just stating fact that doesn't make me unpatriotic :dontknow:

Nope that's legitimate comment.


What gets tiresome is the endless comments whenever Scotland get mentioned along the lines of "I don't care about Scotland" or "I'm an Aberdeen fan not a Scotland fan" or the like.


Well, frankly I couldn't give a toss and I'm not alone there, if not supporting your country is something you (I don't mean you here btw) feel the need to tell everyone as if it's something to be proud of, or some badge of honour, well guess what, it isn't, no-one is impressed by that nonsense, you just come across as a little sado.




A Scotsman from Aberdeenshire who does indeed live in England Roberto :thumbup1:

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Its an aberdeen site, AFC-CHAT last time i looked - if your nae happy feck of to the TA Board :thumbup1::dontknow::bounce:


...and we're in the 'All Other Football Chat' section - your point is?


I agree with the sentiment of this thread. Burley has my full backing until he makes an erse of an important match, which is why i am resisting the temptation to slag him off until 4pm Saturday.

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What gets tiresome is the endless comments whenever Scotland get mentioned along the lines of "I don't care about Scotland" or "I'm an Aberdeen fan not a Scotland fan" or the like.


Well, frankly I couldn't give a toss and I'm not alone there, if not supporting your country is something you (I don't mean you here btw) feel the need to tell everyone as if it's something to be proud of, or some badge of honour, well guess what, it isn't, no-one is impressed by that nonsense, you just come across as a little sado.


Fkn spot on :thumbup1: Quite sad actually if someone says they don't support Scotland because all they care about is Aberdeen.

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Nope that's legitimate comment.


What gets tiresome is the endless comments whenever Scotland get mentioned along the lines of "I don't care about Scotland" or "I'm an Aberdeen fan not a Scotland fan" or the like.


Well, frankly I couldn't give a toss and I'm not alone there, if not supporting your country is something you (I don't mean you here btw) feel the need to tell everyone as if it's something to be proud of, or some badge of honour, well guess what, it isn't, no-one is impressed by that nonsense, you just come across as a little sado.




A Scotsman from Aberdeenshire who does indeed live in England Roberto ;)



In the same way then that if people (and this is only my second post on this site in 10 months) on this site want to talk about the English Premier League in a favourable fashion, you don't come in with your sh*te about it being a crap league etc? If you stop that, the "Football Chat section" would be a helluva lot better, and after all, i'm just a browser, as I don't post here. But also maybe best to remember that different people with different back grounds make up the Aberdeen support, eh?





(A Scotsman through birth, but with Irish Dad, Dutch Mum, German Grandad, Polish Grandmother, Irish Grandad, English Grandmother).

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In the same way then that if people (and this is only my second post on this site in 10 months) on this site want to talk about the English Premier League in a favourable fashion, you don't come in with your sh*te about it being a crap league etc? If you stop that, the "Football Chat section" would be a helluva lot better, and after all, i'm just a browser, as I don't post here. But also maybe best to remember that different people with different back grounds make up the Aberdeen support, eh?





(A Scotsman through birth, but with Irish Dad, Dutch Mum, German Grandad, Polish Grandmother, Irish Grandad, English Grandmother).

BB, I think there's a great difference between passing an opinion on the merits of the EPL's claim to be the best league in the world, and simply trolling any Scotland thread with 'I don't care about scotland' comments. I only make a comment on it being a crap league when someone claims it's a good league, I'd be pretty sure I watch more of that piffle than anyone on here, so I'll make my point if I like tyvm. Likewise I rarely comment on AFC's current playing ability because I'm ill positioned to do so, seeing only a handful of games a season. What I don't do is that every time the EPL comes up, is wade in with 'the EPL is sh*te' type comments every single time there's any reference to English football. You see the difference there I presume?


We all know the anti-Scots postings will happen, in fact stoney had already spouted his predictable sh*te today already, which was what prompted me to start this thread.

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BB, I think there's a great difference between passing an opinion on the merits of the EPL's claim to be the best league in the world, and simply trolling any Scotland thread with 'I don't care about scotland' comments. I only make a comment on it being a crap league when someone claims it's a good league, I'd be pretty sure I watch more of that piffle than anyone on here, so I'll make my point if I like tyvm. Likewise I rarely comment on AFC's current playing ability because I'm ill positioned to do so, seeing only a handful of games a season. What I don't do is that every time the EPL comes up, is wade in with 'the EPL is sh*te' type comments every single time there's any reference to English football. You see the difference there I presume?


We all know the anti-Scots postings will happen, in fact stoney had already spouted his predictable sh*te today already, which was what prompted me to start this thread.


Away and join robo in the bitter corner would you. :laughing:


Im not anti scotish - i just hate the national team, i hate international football in general dont see where the problem is.

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I never said I didn't care, I just find it very hard to get overly excited over the national side anymore due to who plays for them. You slate those players every other week, but yet you have a hard-on when they play for Scotland, it's kind of a contradiction if you ask me.



I never said you didn't care.


I said you care more about Liverpool than you do Scotland. Correct?


I don't care who plays for Scotland, I want my country to win.

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You are correct, I very much care about Liverpool / Aberdeen over Scotland. I do care about results in certain games, but I standby what I'm saying.


You totally contradict yourselves when supporting them........then the following week giving players pelters for wearing a Rangers top / Celtic top.


It's quite possibly the biggest contradiction ever.




Any pelters dished out is when they play for Rangers or Celtic [and the only pelters I give the Old Firm players is when Aberdeen are playing them], and any support they get is when they play for Scotland. Its not the players, but who they are representing that matters.


Would you rather see England win, than Scotland if it meant Gerrard scoring the winner for England over perhaps Maloney getting a Scotland winner?

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Guest Donforlife
Away and join robo in the bitter corner would you. :laughing:


Im not anti scotish - i just hate the national team, i hate international football in general dont see where the problem is.


what a complete retard.


its sickening that the football fans of scotland do not actually support the national team.


I thought it was only Rangers fans who had this opinion and to me, they are the lowest of the low.


You are clearly of the same mindset and deserve to be treated with utter contempt.

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what a complete retard.


its sickening that the football fans of scotland do not actually support the national team.


I thought it was only Rangers fans who had this opinion and to me, they are the lowest of the low.


You are clearly of the same mindset and deserve to be treated with utter contempt.

In the same way as most Scotland fans wont back a British team for 2012 Olympics?

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what a complete retard.


its sickening that the football fans of scotland do not actually support the national team.


I thought it was only Rangers fans who had this opinion and to me, they are the lowest of the low.


You are clearly of the same mindset and deserve to be treated with utter contempt.



whats retarted about not cheering on players you absolutley hate, and not wanting to jump around hugging huns and tims when scotland score.


I couldnt bring myself to do it, cheering on players i absolutly frigging detest,


No thanks i will just stick to supporting the dons

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The arguement about not supporting Scotland because of who plays for them is bollox. So you didn't back Barry Nicholson when he played for us, or Charlie Mulgrew, because they once played for the Old Firm? When the players pull on the dark blue, they're representing their country in my eyes and not which club they ply their trade at every week.

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Theres a massive differance been supporting somone who plays for your own team, and players who play for your biggest and most hated rivals


i wouldnt expect weegies to understand but everything about rangers and celtic makes me sick - so why would i support anything to do with them

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Guest rocket_scientist
Can you lot just post all of your anti-Scottish unpatriotic drivel in this thread to save us reading about it everywhere else?


Why start a thread with that title then? But as someone not particularly interested in tomorrow's game, thanks for the opportunity.


I'm SNP and definitely not anti-Scottish, but I couldn't really care about the Burley Butcher show tomorrow. I would rather play golf.


AFC is the only football team I care about, that I pay money to watch, and after Amsterdam 6-0, haven't been back to see Scotland.


The TA contain too many w*nkers. Aberdeen fans home and away I generally like, and am never embarrassed like I was in Amsterdam.


If it's raining though, I might go to the pub and sneak a look. Loved the France games!

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