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For Those "not Interested" In Scotland

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would you have had the same opinion if any of the dons fans were refused entry in madrid?

if your told not to attempt going in the home end when your an away supporter and when you get there surprise surprise you dont get in what sympathy can you have for that person,ok you have travelled miles to support your team but if you havnt a ticket for allocated section then your chancing it big time,just because someones in the "tartan army" doesnt give them free reign to make up your own rules and decide whats right and whats wrong.simply put fans were told you wont get into the home end if your scottish and thats the end of it theres no coming back from that

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How anyone, born in Scotland, feels the need, not to support Scotland is beyond me! I'm sure none of you have ever called the OF fans, not born in Glasgow, glory hunters, or been saddened when they see bairns walking around Aberdeen in Celtic/Rangers or any other football top. If Barry Ferguson, Gary Caldwell, James McFadden, Darren Fletcher, Kristian Arron Commons or any Scotland player scores for MY country... I will celebrate with whoever is supporting the same country as me. Be they Hun, Tim, Jute... ANYONE. The club you support when watching International football means nothing. It's like the beer you prefer... It doesn't matter. I support Scotland. Whoever pulls on the top gets my 100% backing. Mon i'Scotland!


Why do folk HAVE to support their national side?


I don't support Scotland simply because I don't. You don't choose to support a team (I know some people do), you just do. I used to claim to support Scotland because I felt I should but I didn't really. I did enjoy the atmosphere when they won but couldn't really care if they didn't.


I don't feel like the city of Aberdeen has anything to do with the Scotland national side. I don't like the set up, the players that play for the team and I find the Tartan Army cringe-worthy.


And that doesn't make me anti-Scottish!

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I don't feel like the city of Aberdeen has anything to do with the Scotland national side. I don't like the set up, the players that play for the team and I find the Tartan Army cringe-worthy.


And that doesn't make me anti-Scottish!



yo'damn right!


Kenny Miller? mare like hiedless chicken! why the in the name of jesus is he playing international football? he's such an overrated waste of space.

Last week in the huns vs tic match he gets two flookey goals, suddenly everyone has a boner for kenny miller.


I support Scotland and watch every match through think and thin but i end up finding myself screaming and swearing with frustration. Sometimes i ask myself why i should put up with it?

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I've always been a big Scotland fan, but I really feel like packing it in these days....


The squad selections beggar belief sometimes.... Kirk frigging Broadfoot? Give me bloody strength! Davie Weir is also not good enough to play international football anymore... if we're ever going progress you might aswell stick the likes of Reynolds, Barr & Berra in there right now. Those guys are the future... and they're no worse than Davie Weir is these days. Don't even get me started on Graeme Alexander... who next? A return for Graham Murty?


I thought Burley would be a good appointment... but the guy doesn't appear to have a feckin' baldie! Trying to fit all of our best players into our team just doesn't work! Hartley, Fletcher & Brown are central midfielders - don't play them if your not going to use them in there correct positions FFS! Exactly the same problem England have with Gerrard and Lampard! The wide positions & particularly the right-hand side, is obviously a problem... Darren Fletcher and Brown are totally ineffective here - why can't Burley see this? In my opinion Barry Robson should play on the right, as one of the first names on the team sheet. He was deployed mostly in an inside right role by Craig Levein so he could cut in and take pot-shots at every opportunity... and Dundee United reaped the rewards. Goals from midfield are like gold dust at international level... and we currently don't have anyone capable of doing so!


It's so frigging basic its laughable... speaking to my mates at the weekend, most of us agreed the game would finish 1 or 2-0 to Macedonia. It was so obvious to us all where the short comings were. My can't Burley & Butcher?


The writing was on the wall after the first 5 minutes of that last game. Anyone who thinks we're going to qualify for the World Cup is as deluded as those who thought we ever had a cat in hells chance of displacing France and Italy. Macedonia, Iceland & Norway are bloody awful teams... it may be that we somehow sneak second place, due the aforementioned teams being even mair pish than us. However, even then, there is no way we'll beat any half decent team in the playoffs.


I can't be frigged tomorrow to be honest... I'm going out to watch the England game with my mates tomorrow instead. Watching Scotland right now is killing me. I'm sick to death of these idiots who run Scottish football. Our team has practically no redeeming qualities, from top to bottom. Gordon is decent goalie... but not great. The defence is a frigging shambles, the way we fell apart after McManus was subbed against the Czechs was one of the most frightening things I've ever seen on a football pitch. Without McManus and Hutton we simply don't have a defence. The midfield has no spark/creativity/guile whatsoever. While our strikers must be the worst collection in living memory. Kenny Misser? Don't make me laugh... my wee sister can trap a better fitba.


I feel like crying. Honestly. I'd love to see Scotland do well, but from top to bottom, we're run by a bunch of absolute clowns. I'm really close to turning my back now, I can't be bothered with the disappointment anymore.

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What I was really getting at was how we rise to the challenge of the world's best (much like how AFC raise their game against the Huns) and give a backs to the wall performance, yet fail to overcome opponents we should be hammering. Look at Italia '90 (lose to Costa Rica, but beat Sweden and take Brazil to the wire), not to mention our WC 2006 campaign (beat Norway and Slovenia away, draw at home with Italy, but lose at home to - Belarus!).


We seem to spend so much time mulling over the referee's disgraceful performance last November against Italy (the free-kick that directly led to their last-minuet winner especially) and how it cost us qualification, but it wasn't the referee, or indeed the Italian game. No, the BOTTOM LINE is we failed to qualify becuase we bottled it in Tbilisi against Georgia, losing 2-0 against a team who finished below Lithuania in the table.


Until we change our way of thinking, from perennial underdogs and plucky minnows, we will forever languish in the seas of mediocre also-rans and never-will-be's. AFC should take note, or end up in a similar position. If Espanyol, Schalke, Bayer Leverkusen, Lyon and the like can punch well above their weight, we should aim to emulate them, rather than be content with scraping mid-table finishes and reaching the heady heights of a League Cup semi-final.

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Guest rocket_scientist
AFC should take note...


I fear that the AFC plc example is slightly different than the debate on Scottish loser mentality, but with the same inevitable result.


It stems from the top, and has done since 1996/97. Milne's goal is not success on the football field, never has been, never will be.


His ambition is to win in business, to win personally, to earn more money to validate his sick little outlook.


This is different from the lack of winner psychology that pervades the Scottish psyche.


In fact, if you strive to win in this country, if you dare to be better than the rest, you're to be despised. I blame Fife, and Glasgow.

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I fear that the AFC plc example is slightly different than the debate on Scottish loser mentality, but with the same inevitable result.


It stems from the top, and has done since 1996/97. Milne's goal is not success on the football field, never has been, never will be.


His ambition is to win in business, to win personally, to earn more money to validate his sick little outlook.


This is different from the lack of winner psychology that pervades the Scottish psyche.


In fact, if you strive to win in this country, if you dare to be better than the rest, you're to be despised. I blame Fife, and Glasgow.


You can extend that to the British Isles in general.


Glorious failure seems to be our one uniting constant. I can see Andy Murray being a genuine winner in the coming years but still hated by a lot of people because he's 'grumpy'. WTF!? :dontknow:

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I think it's unfair to blame Burley. He is undoubtedly a first-class coach. He worked miracles at Ipswich and would have done at Heart of MadLithuanian, if he'd been given the chance.


Ultimately, he's got his hands tied in what is effectively a "puppet" job, with Old Farm United (the SFA) pulling the strings. Having said that, I wonder if he'd have taken the job if he knew that he'd have to select anyone who plays (or has played) for either half of the OF, whilst ignoring better and more deserving players...

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I think it's unfair to blame Burley. He is undoubtedly a first-class coach. He worked miracles at Ipswich and would have done at Heart of MadLithuanian, if he'd been given the chance.


Ultimately, he's got his hands tied in what is effectively a "puppet" job, with Old Farm United (the SFA) pulling the strings. Having said that, I wonder if he'd have taken the job if he knew that he'd have to select anyone who plays (or has played) for either half of the OF, whilst ignoring better and more deserving players...


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Ultimately, he's got his hands tied in what is effectively a "puppet" job, with Old Farm United (the SFA) pulling the strings. Having said that, I wonder if he'd have taken the job if he knew that he'd have to select anyone who plays (or has played) for either half of the OF, whilst ignoring better and more deserving players...

Which of course is why Commons is in the starting XI tonight, and Commons starts.

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Care to elaborate as to why that sentence of mine relieved you of the contents of your bladder (not to mention your critical thought)?


Take a look at Burley's record at Ipswich. Then when you've regained your composure, try again. :ThumbsDown:


I agree Jocky Balboa - i can't believe the media are putting pressure on Burley after 1 competitive game - We are as bad as England there imho. Obviously the media does not like Burley at all but i'm willing to give him a bit of time and see if we can qualify for a major tournment for the first time in 6 attempts. I agree his record at Ipswich was good until relegated and also his record at hearts was very good. Lets hope all this talk of sacking Burley stops now and we can get with trying to qualify without that pressure.

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Care to elaborate as to why that sentence of mine relieved you of the contents of your bladder (not to mention your critical thought)?


Take a look at Burley's record at Ipswich. Then when you've regained your composure, try again. :)

Perhaps an over excessive use of smileys. And bladder is fine thanks. :thumbup1:


But top class George burley isn't. A decent to good manager he may be.


But that's only my opinion. He did well over a period of time at Ipswich,building up a team of players who eventually won promotion a t the 3rd attempt. Looking at it that team of players peaked the 1st season in the Prem. Qualifying for the UEFA Cup. Then promptly being relegated the following season. Why? Could he not motivate the players anymore? Was his judgment in the transfer market suspect? Or were the players he had at his disposal simply not good enough to sustain things and he just couldn't see it?


But i hope to be proved wrong and would love to see him take us all the way to South Africa. I just don't think it's going to happen if he's continually blinkered in his selections. Continually picking solely OF players,when there is other options.

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Perhaps an over excessive use of smileys. And bladder is fine thanks. :itch-chin:


But top class George burley isn't. A decent to good manager he may be.


But that's only my opinion. He did well over a period of time at Ipswich,building up a team of players who eventually won promotion a t the 3rd attempt. Looking at it that team of players peaked the 1st season in the Prem. Qualifying for the UEFA Cup. Then promptly being relegated the following season. Why? Could he not motivate the players anymore? Was his judgment in the transfer market suspect? Or were the players he had at his disposal simply not good enough to sustain things and he just couldn't see it?


OK, now that you've gathered your senses, I see you make a reasonable point. Was it the "second season syndrome" so many talk about in England? Who knows, but he did apparently lose a lot of his first-picks after that dazzling first season in the Premiership. He also showed a lot of promise at Hearts, but that is of course another story, adequately covered elsewhere...


But i hope to be proved wrong and would love to see him take us all the way to South Africa. I just don't think it's going to happen if he's continually blinkered in his selections. Continually picking solely OF players,when there is other options.


I think you miss the point. He is but a mere pawn in the OF's game. I very much doubt that he has total control over coaching OR team affairs. The fact that he has so many hangers-on to contend with (a list which reads like a "who's who" of has-been and never-will-be's, guys who couldn't get a coaching job anywhere else) lends further credence to this.


Personally, if the premature ending of his tenure at Heart of MadLithuanian is anything to go by, his willingness to walk at the first signs of trouble suggest to me that we'll be lucky if he sees out the entire WC qualifying campaign. We shall see...

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OK, now that you've gathered your senses, I see you make a reasonable point. Was it the "second season syndrome" so many talk about in England? Who knows, but he did apparently lose a lot of his first-picks after that dazzling first season in the Premiership. He also showed a lot of promise at Hearts, but that is of course another story, adequately covered elsewhere...




I think you miss the point. He is but a mere pawn in the OF's game. I very much doubt that he has total control over coaching OR team affairs. The fact that he has so many hangers-on to contend with (a list which reads like a "who's who" of has-been and never-will-be's, guys who couldn't get a coaching job anywhere else) lends further credence to this.


Personally, if the premature ending of his tenure at Heart of MadLithuanian is anything to go by, his willingness to walk at the first signs of trouble suggest to me that we'll be lucky if he sees out the entire WC qualifying campaign. We shall see...


thnk you are just a wee bit too paranoid

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thnk you are just a wee bit too paranoid


Just a wee bit :bounce:


Completely ridiculous suggestion by Jocky.


Burley parted company with Hearts because Romanov was interfering with team selection etc., yet he's suddenly (in the much more pressured and scrutinised position as Scotland manager) sits back and allows 'has-beens' to pick his side? :bounce:


No manager in their right mind would put their reputation and career in the hands of anyone other than themselves. It's not as if the job is even especially well paid!



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