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Huns On King St

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I was born and grew up in the Edinburgh area, my dad grew up in west lothian I think he supported the dons because he hated all the sh1t that went with the old firm.


He took me to my first game in the 70s, before the glory years, once you support a team thats it you cant change.


So it wasn't thru choice, just the way things work out, my kids are both dons fans as well but we have no real connection with the north east sh1t happens.

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The only good thing that can come out of this sorry episode is that hopefully a couple of dirty Tim f**kers try it after the next game and get their teeth punched clean out....preferably by me.......if i can be assed going to the game that is.

Did you see there hordes last Tuesday? Not a full set of teeth between them. Junked up f**kwits


Even worse, to a degree, than fans from the NE supporting the Old Firm is fans from the NE, who once supported the Dons and still do to a certain extent, but now put their whole weight behind Liverpool, or Man U. I'm told a plane load of Aberdeen based fans go down to Old Trafford for each home game.

There can be no questioning Mike's commitment to AFC both past and present

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Not a plane load EVERY home game, but near enough.


All very wealthy, influential Aberdonian buisness men, just the type who AFC plc have failed to court or woo over the last decade or 2.

I myself have often travelled down, and I am neither very wealthy nor influential. I know a few who regularly travel who are, or have been, serious investors in AFC.

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I agree with you to a point. There are some cases though where people have moved away from the North East had kids and they grow up Dons fans. I think that is quite correct. What I don't agree with though is those who have absolutely no connection with Aberdeen/North East but still say they are dons fans, that to me is as bad as the lad from Torry who's parents and grandparents are all from Torry but he supports Rangers.



Well you don't agree with me then, as I was born in Glasgow, grew up in Stirlingshire, and now live just outside Glasgow, no affiliation to the city at all, my dad said I'd to choose a team when I was 6 and gave me 3 options, I chose Aberdeen, went to Aberdeen Uni so I could watch them more, and have kept my ST for the 15 years I've been back down here again. My father became a Don because of me, so did my brother, my mum once went to a game at Tannadice, saw us score 3 and has been a Don ever since, my 15 year old has a ST, and my 16 month old will when the time comes. I can understand why someone might think there is no way someone that has no ties to the city could care as much as they do, logic wold suggest they shouldn't, but its not about logic, its an emotional attachment, whether it makes sense or not, and I certainly don't feel any less a Don than any Aberdeen based fans.

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Haha! Hence your signature mate, love that quote, used against those who used to chant "manchester manchester" and were from Edinburgh or something ;)


Who were the other 2 clubs out of interest?


Yeah, its kind of a "Aberdeen is a state of mind, not a location" type thing I'm using the legend that is Brown, to try and say :)


The other 2 were Celtic, and the Jutes, god, to think I could have ended up one of them, amazing I had so much sense at 6 years old :)

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On the first point it does sound like these guys deserved a dink, I myself have took a hiding outside Parkhead for nothing more than singing SF,perhaps my opinion is bias because of this but at the end of the these mongs probably never been to Ibrox let alone Glasgow in their life. They went out looking for a reaction and got one,pretty straight forward.

Not ashamed to say I was born in Fife as was my brother and father. My Dad was a Dandie due to my Grandad being from Dufftown and supporting them. Dad was a founding member of the Glenrothes Supporters Branch which still runs week in wek out to this day. We moved to Aberdeen for my Dads job in the oil when I was young, been here since and never looked back. Doesn't matter where your from or what your background is, if your a dandie your a dandie.


Never heard that one about Manchester, but I know for a fact there are a Liverpool Supporters Club in Aberdeen which meet up for every match and attend about once a month through bus travel. Most of the guys are predominately NE lads but there is the odd pudlian. All the lads in the club I've spoke to in the club actually like Aberdeen and want them succeed but feel going to their 'big team' is more important.

Judge how you will, each to their own IMO.

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Well you don't agree with me then, as I was born in Glasgow, grew up in Stirlingshire, and now live just outside Glasgow, no affiliation to the city at all, my dad said I'd to choose a team when I was 6 and gave me 3 options, I chose Aberdeen, went to Aberdeen Uni so I could watch them more, and have kept my ST for the 15 years I've been back down here again. My father became a Don because of me, so did my brother, my mum once went to a game at Tannadice, saw us score 3 and has been a Don ever since, my 15 year old has a ST, and my 16 month old will when the time comes. I can understand why someone might think there is no way someone that has no ties to the city could care as much as they do, logic wold suggest they shouldn't, but its not about logic, its an emotional attachment, whether it makes sense or not, and I certainly don't feel any less a Don than any Aberdeen based fans.



Having read all that i can now confirm your status as an honorary Aberdonian-well done :thumbup1:

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Not a plane load EVERY home game, but near enough.


All very wealthy, influential Aberdonian buisness men, just the type who AFC plc have failed to court or woo over the last decade or 2.



The plane is normally used by corporate's entertaining guests but there are people there who go most weeks and fork out the

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No. Not sure if I am friends with him as I'm nae sure who you mean. I do know a puckle o' Mike C's though.



You're right Tommy, you are of course sometimes wrong. As we all are.


This time yer nae though ;)


Got you now, i know Mike W also from his time at the football many many moons ago :thumbs:


The other Mike C i speak of is a die hard Liverpool fan and often goes down to see them.

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