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Celtic And Lennon

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Sadly Jonty that is just part of it's history.




It's un-enlightend knuckle draggers like this 'woohoo' :nutso: That gives humanity a bad name and the justification the eugenisists need to do what they do.


I wonder how many doses of aspartame and fluoride he has to wash down his genetically modified processed dinner. :itch-chin:


In the words of Alex Jones, woohoo "I bet your mama didn't breast feed you" :offtopic: sorry.


Bringing it back to football, I bet Lennon drinks plenty of Diet Coke.




Diet coke is full of aspertine, that sh*t rots ure brain doesn't it? Our esteemed last labour gov pumped r water supply full of flouride as I recall, thanks John Reid.


Another reason to vote tory.

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Sadly Jonty that is just part of it's history.




It's un-enlightend knuckle draggers like this 'woohoo' :nutso: That gives humanity a bad name and the justification the eugenisists need to do what they do.


I wonder how many doses of aspartame and fluoride he has to wash down his genetically modified processed dinner. :itch-chin:


In the words of Alex Jones, woohoo "I bet your mama didn't breast feed you" :offtopic: sorry.


Bringing it back to football, I bet Lennon drinks plenty of Diet Coke.


What on earth are you going on about?

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I believe that Rangers are by far the more loathsome half of the Old Farm.


Aberdeen and Celtic have shared heros, Nicholas and Wee Joe and as a Tim friend of mine just pointed out Neil Simpson aswell.


I was in one of the main Celtic pubs in the centre of Glasgow the day the Tims won the league and we pumped the H^ns 2-0. (Glasgow to Aberdeen was a bridge too far just having arrived from Oz) Anyway I started an Aberdeen, Aberdeen chant that made it all the way thru the pub. I be scared for my life if I tried that in a h^n bear pit.


I've picked my enemy and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. :hunbash:



Is this just based on the fact that he crocked Durant? or are you implying he played or worked for them in some capacity?


I didn't realise Simmie had anything to do with the tims.

I know he played a couple of seasons with Well but never knew of any link to them.


Oh & you can tell yer tim mate of another 'shared hero' then......Anton Rogan (what a star)

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I'm a Celtic fan so I should make a contribution here too.


Once upon a time we did get a bit of a raw deal from referees. I'd say the mid 90s saw us get a helluva lot of very crappy decisions. Not so much against smaller teams (although in the 9 in a row season it seemed like we'd get a goal disallowed every week) but in the hun games we got utterly nothing. My memory is probably making out to be worse than it was but, when combined with the Farry rubbish, we did get a pretty poor spell of decisions.


And last season we got some more rubbish from referees. Again though, this is in Old Firm games. And it's probably just us suffering from what the smaller teams get when they play Rangers and Celtic. The huns certainly weren't getting anything given against them when we played them last year. From the Maloney penalty incidents at Ibrox, to the Lafferty tackle, the Fortune disallowed goal and then the Brown red card, Celtic seemed to get the wrong end of every major decision in the OF games last year (save for the final match which was utterly meaningless).


Having said that we've not had much to complain about this year. The only game I genuinely thought the referee gave us nothing was at Tynecastle, but Hearts would have won that regardless. Celtic were very lucky in the first Old Firm game not to have Stokes sent off after a minute. And the penalty thing at Tannadice really wasn't that much of a deal during the game.


But I should also add that I hate Neil Lennon. Can't stand the man. Never minded him as a player so much (all teams have arses in them) but he should never have been made captain, let alone manager. It's simply the Celtic board appealling to the bigots amongst the support to try and protect themselves from criticism should he mess things up. If it goes wrong they can say "I don't remember too many dissenting voices when he was appointed..."


They know the uber fenians amongst the Celtic support love him because he's a Catholic from Northern Ireland. And, even better, he's not even a proper Catholic so he doesn't spout about God and go to mass and all that silly stuff like Peter Grant did. And the huns hate him, for being a kiddy-on Catholic which makes it even better amongst the IRA lovers in our support.


Lennon was a decent player but he was never close to the ability of Paul Lambert or Stan Petrov. He never kept himself in shape. He constantly acted like a ned (oh how witty was he to refer to the Aberdeen fans as "sheep shaggers" when talking at Celtic Park - the kind of thing which the neds love).


Anyway, to sum up, I agree with most of you lot. I'm fed up with Celtic and Lennon. Their bleating about refs is utter nonsense, particularly considering some of the wallopers who have reffed our games in the past. And they never have any solutions. They just like to moan. I've yet to hear a single positive idea come from Celtic Park on how to improve refereeing. Or the SPL.


Why do that when you can win brownie point off your support by whinging though.

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"Once upon a time we did get a bit of a raw deal from referees."


when I read an old firm fan saying that I can't take them seriously. absolute joke for either celtic or rangers fans to complain about refs decisions, try being a supporter of one of the 'smaller' clubs and then you'll really see what getting raw deals from the establishment is all about.

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His comments are fair enough. Every team goes through a phase where they feel decisions go against them. Whether they are or not is neither here nor there as football fans are amongst the least objective of any group.....


no they are not, they are bordering on lunacy. for a supporter of one of the two establishment clubs in this country who share about 500 league wins between them to suggest they are prejudiced against is frankly an affront to the intelligence of supporters of the clubs who really do get shafted by the establishment on a yearly basis.

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no they are not, they are bordering on lunacy. for a supporter of one of the two establishment clubs in this country who share about 500 league wins between them to suggest they are prejudiced against is frankly an affront to the intelligence of supporters of the clubs who really do get shafted by the establishment on a yearly basis.


I for one like having fans of other teams on this forum. Its healthy.


His comments aren't bordering on lunacy, they are articulate, fair and well thought out. You can disagree but he isn't a lunatic.


Rangers and celtic are far and away the most successful teams in scottish football history. It is unsurprising they have accumulated 500 wins. The vast majority of these wins will be due to them having better players, maybe a few will be down to bad ( Note: not necessarily biased) refereeing, but it really isn't a surprise given the way they have dominated.


Do you really believe aberdeen are the subject of a coordinated campaign? Even if some decisions go against us, id say the major factor in the lack of success of our team and all others that aren't rangers or Celtic.....is the fact we have inferior players.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about not replying earlier. I just wanted to add that, in Glasgow at least (although I'd imagine it's the same throughout Scotland), Rangers are the bigger club. They have more fans. Whilst it'd be convenient to go purely along religous lines (only 30% of Glasgows population is Catholic) I'd still imagine that it'd probably be a 60-40 split in favour of Rangers. My point being that, when we play them, Celtic are the smaller side. Which is probably why Celtic fans feel so hard done by so often when they play Rangers.


As I said this was more apparent several years ago (the only rough run Celtic have had in recent years was under Mowbray last year when it seemed like we'd never get a decision go in our favour ever again).


The red card in the first minute of the game at Pittodrie a few weeks ago would never have happened to a Celtic player and, this season, Celtic have had very few bad decisions go against them. The penalty against Rangers and the game at Tynecastle being the only times when I think that we could complain (which isn't bad for most of a season).


I don't neccessarily think referees are biased by the way. It's more common sense. Last year there was criticism for the ref who didn't send off Lafferty after his challenge on Hinkel. But, in the first half of an Old Firm game, are you really going to send off a Rangers player unless you are a million percent sure? Similarly the Fortune goal which was disallowed - the criticism would have been much worse if it had been allowed and TV had shown that he clearly fouled McGregor. The majority of times the refs will take the safe option which, the majority of the time, involves giving the bigger team the benefit of the doubt as the criticism if they are wrong will be a lot less.

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Jesus, I can't really remember getting any f**king decisions our way when we're down Parkhead or Ibrox way, it NEVER f**king happens.


I thought our TIm friend made a good, well thought out and articulate contribution to the conversation. I've no doubt we have decisions which go against us but I do not believe there is a conspiracy against ANY team in this league, certainly not one anybody can prove. When the evidence is there I'll believe it....until then I'll accept the conventional wisdom, which is a lot of referees get decisions wrong because it is a fast moving game, players over react and perhaps they just aren't that good......not necessarily because they are biased.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A lad put this on his facebook, I got bored half way through.


I got to half way through and thought......weirdly no other Celtic manager has had the treatment this bad, so why is that? Hmmm he brings it on himself.




Watch it, see if you can get to 1 minute 10 without thinking the same!!!!!


the attacks on him and out of order and cannot be defended BUT he should learn to behave himself and conduct himself in a better manner. He doesn't deserve the extreme treatment he gets but it is no excuse for him acting like a prick.

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the attacks on him and out of order and cannot be defended BUT he should learn to behave himself and conduct himself in a better manner. He doesn't deserve the extreme treatment he gets but it is no excuse for him acting like a prick.



sent to the stands again last night - in a friendly aganst athetico bilboa


a real trend developing here

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Being Celtic manager, having ginger hair, freckles, small man syndrome, anger management problems, and to put the tin lid on it you're a fenian b*stard fae darkest Northern Ireland, well that's a recipe for disaster from day one.


If he's nae careful he's going to end up assassinated in an eerie, modern day repetition of the fate met by his late uncle John.

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Being Celtic manager, having ginger hair, freckles, small man syndrome, anger management problems, and to put the tin lid on it you're a fenian b*stard fae darkest Northern Ireland, well that's a recipe for disaster from day one.


If he's nae careful he's going to end up assassinated in an eerie, modern day repetition of the fate met by his late uncle John.


I thought i'd logged onto Follow Follow for a minute there. Same kind of bs.

I wish we had a player like Lennon was playing for us now.



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I thought i'd logged onto Follow Follow for a minute there. Same kind of bs.

I wish we had a player like Lennon was playing for us now.


I was talking about it from a 'this is how the protestant run central Scotland think' viewpoint, these are hardly my own personal opinions.


I admire Lennon, he's making an excellent fist of management and has assembled a good team, despite ceaseless personal abuse and threats.


There are shades of Fergie in him, and he'll manage at an even higher level than Celtic fairly soon.

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I was talking about it from a 'this is how the protestant run central Scotland think' viewpoint, these are hardly my own personal opinions.


I admire Lennon, he's making an excellent fist of management and has assembled a good team, despite ceaseless personal abuse and threats.


There are shades of Fergie in him, and he'll manage at an even higher level than Celtic fairly soon.


Sorry I misunderstood your comments.



I agree with your sentiments. Lennon is a winner who wears his heart on his sleeve!

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See another device intercepted on its way to Lennon. This time a nail bomb!!



It seems everytime there is negative press about to hit, something appears in the post.



Is he putting an order into screw fix direct everytime he gets in trouble as some sort of coping mechanism?

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I guess if a player can get such a reaction from opposing fans he's doing or done something right.


Clearly, I'd love it if a player like him played for us, infact if any Rangers or Celtic 1st team or squad player came to us he would be very welcome as by far the best player in our team. However, this conversation isn't about that. It is about a lack of class from someone representing a huge international business. He doesn't deserve bombs being sent to his house and nothing excuses some of the vitriol he receives, but he needs to stop being such a ned.

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