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Why Are We So Bad?

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At the end of the day, come 3 o'clock on a Saturday surely the "Buck Stops" with the 11 clowns out on the pitch ? No ?


Milne has employed countless managers to 'rescue' the club and all have failed. The players signed have not been good enough and the performances have been horrific for more than a decade.


He also employs countless jokers to run the club from day to day. I would rather they were put under the spotlight for a change instead of Milne to see what answers they hold for getting us out this mess. Whats being done on a daily basis to improve the club ? I want to know.


Come match day though i couldnt give 2 f**ks about what c**t is sipping champagne in the directors box, i am watching the football team. 11 players out on the pitch who ultimately should be shouldering the blame for this. They are not good enough. Its only when things go wrong that the attention shifts to the directors box.

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I'd agree to a certain extent - if Scottish people spent more time and money on our own game, rather than the EPL, we'd be in a much stronger position. And of course if every second person up here wasn't a glory hunting hun or f4cking t1m.

Too many glory hunters, you just need to look at the way places like China, Japan etc jizz all over clubs like Man United! To be honest, this kind of thing happens in every corner of every media. Movie Stars, Bands, TV Shows etc. People love to follow trends and fashions, same with football clubs! Just need to look at that horrendous Rebecca Black song to see how quickly something escalates because it's "popular" to speak about it!


English Football is destroying our game as well. The amount of money thats going around in the top league is slowly seeping down into the lower leagues which means SPL clubs are unable to compete. Too many people would rather sit in a pub and watch Wolves v Bolton than Aberdeen v St Mirren (tbh...dont blame them anymore!) and there is always going to be comparisons to the top league in England and Scotland...which really isn't fair. I hate all this "Who's your English club?" I don't have a f**king English club...

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Milne, clearly, is the constant factor throughout the decline.


Are there any reasons that can't be traced back to the guy in (non-executive) charge?


I remember the year we relied on Partick being so bad we wouldn't go down, and this year it's looking like we can start counting our blessings that Hamilton is in the SPL. How is it even possible for the club we love to be so f**king terrible, year after Milne-run year?


Bad management leading to poor player decisions.

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He made most of the appointments, sackings in the 90/00.......... he appointed Miller, chose to waste money and build the new stand, driven the club into debt.


Was it not Ian Donald that chose to build the new stand?


It was also Donald who employed Miller, as Milne wasn't chairman until 98 and Miller was here in 97.


Donald is the cause of the decline at Aberdeen and McGhee kicked it on big style with surely the worst management time of any club, of all time.


Buying a goalie as a striker, FFS!


Getting rid of a full back for a crocked striker when we have 5 or so already at the club, FFS!


The list goes on and on.

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The rot has well and truly taken hold again!


I think its a combination of poor management from the likes of SM, WM etc not so much playing management as they've only been their since Jan. And players who clearly dont want to be here any more and just turn up as a formality.


There has to be drastic changes to playing staff and those running the club this summer or we will see a similar picture again this time next year?!!

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Spit it out man. Why are we so bad?

Would "We just are" suffice?


The big question is - How are we going to resolve this issue? Without throwing money at it...


I hope that the new stadium somehow magically transforms our fortunes!! It's the only thing thats keeping me going at the moment, AFC wise! Probably the only thing that is remotely exciting about our club! Until we beat Celtic and get to the Scottish Cup Final of course....

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Was it not Ian Donald that chose to build the new stand?


It was also Donald who employed Miller, as Milne wasn't chairman until 98 and Miller was here in 97.


Donald is the cause of the decline at Aberdeen and McGhee kicked it on big style with surely the worst management time of any club, of all time.


Buying a goalie as a striker, FFS!


Getting rid of a full back for a crocked striker when we have 5 or so already at the club, FFS!


The list goes on and on.


Donald did buy the new stand. Milne only got a place on the board because we couldn't afford to pay him off for the stand. You'd assume he would have got his hands on it eventually.


At the risk of repeating myself, the biggest problem we have is medicore footballers and a total inability to find decent footballers. When I see McNamee at right back I have no belief that Brown is going to change that during his tenure as that boy is piss poor, even when he is fit.

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The rot has well and truly taken hold again!


I think its a combination of poor management from the likes of SM, WM etc not so much playing management as they've only been their since Jan. And players who clearly dont want to be here any more and just turn up as a formality.


There has to be drastic changes to playing staff and those running the club this summer or we will see a similar picture again this time next year?!!


I think that player attitude is a major factor. Whether or not they want to be here, there is a complacency in far too many of them, which is exhibited in their frequent lack of urgency and desire to just coast through some games. Furthermore they don't have the necessary skills to raise their game to match an energetic and organised opposition, leading to panic and poor concentration in defence. There will be no improvement unless there is a total clear-out.

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I think that player attitude is a major factor. Whether or not they want to be here, there is a complacency in far too many of them, which is exhibited in their frequent lack of urgency and desire to just coast through some games. Furthermore they don't have the necessary skills to raise their game to match an energetic and organised opposition, leading to panic and poor concentration in defence. There will be no improvement unless there is a total clear-out.

We are in the same boat as Hibs in that respect, they have got a team who are capable of a lot more but are piss poor due to players attitudes! Are we getting our players from the same conveyor belt??

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Was it not Ian Donald that chose to build the new stand?


It was also Donald who employed Miller, as Milne wasn't chairman until 98 and Miller was here in 97.


Donald is the cause of the decline at Aberdeen and McGhee kicked it on big style with surely the worst management time of any club, of all time.


Buying a goalie as a striker, FFS!


Getting rid of a full back for a crocked striker when we have 5 or so already at the club, FFS!


The list goes on and on.


Doing what? He was manager until c. 1995 and was appointed DoF in 2004.

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Total over-reaction to meaningless defeats to Motherwell and St Mirren.


As is the Scottish mentality, if you dinna have to win it, you dinna bother.


I hope we come out like lions for the semi-final and I don't care about any of the league results from here on in, I'll happily sacrifice these non-events so our players are sharp and focussed on the day.

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Your debating cowardice in ignoring the argument and picking on specific components out of context, again, has been noted.


The missing thousands of fans have cost AFC plc half a million alone since Craig Brown took over.


The debate is - Why are we so bad? You continue to offer mitigations in support of Milne so you obviously don't agree but as I've already said, you disgust me.


Not because you support Milne but because of the sneaky, snidey way in which you pick selectively on other posts, whether about world politics or AFC.


Spit it out man. Why are we so bad?


Why do you have to resort to making sh1t points about debating you knob? "You disgust me" - what a pr1ck you are.


We are bad undoubtably, I would put this down more to a general malaise in Scottish football, which others have aluded to in this forum already.


The records of the "second tier" SPL clubs since Milne joined Aberdeen (1994 I think, may have been 1992) is; -


Aberdeen 1 trophy, Hearts 2 trophies, Hibs 1 trophy, 1 relegation, Dundee Utd 1 trophy, 1 relegation.


All much of a muchness, so as you can see its not that we are spectacularly bad, as we are not performing worse than other teams of similar standing. The problem to me is that the Old firm has sucked the money and competition out of Scottish football - the competitiion such as we are, do not now have the finances to produce consistent results. Hence season after season of mediocrity, sometimes we'll fininsh 3rd, most times top six, sometimes we'll finish in the bottom half.


Like a bufoon though you can keep blaming Milne, just like the Hearts fans blamed the Pieman, Hibs fans blame Rod Petrie and United fans are moaning about Stephen Thomson cutting "their" budget. All the while the bigger picture completely eludes you.


The question is not why are we so bad - bu what can Afc and the others do to change the status quo and get better?

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At the risk of repeating myself, the biggest problem we have is medicore footballers and a total inability to find decent footballers. When I see McNamee at right back I have no belief that Brown is going to change that during his tenure as that boy is piss poor, even when he is fit.


January was not the time to bring in players long term (too expensive a month for transfers). It was to get enough players on board who were available, not too quality and could get us out of the relegation battle we were in.


The only time I'd judge Brown on signings is when the summer is over and next season starts.

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At the end of the day, come 3 o'clock on a Saturday surely the "Buck Stops" with the 11 clowns out on the pitch ? No ?


No, not to my mind.


The 11 hopeless articles we have on the pitch at any one time, if we can manage a game without a sending off, are what they are. They're 3rd rate, not particularly good, not particularly motivated, not particularly imbued with the attributes that winners have.


That's not their fault, in the same way someone born Chinese is to blame for being born Chinese.


Our players are largely worthless shirt fillers, with a few exceptions, bought because they can fill a position regardless of whether they can fill that position with any kind of skill. Young is a perfect example. He's not very good, he was dumped by a lower league Partick Thistle, and brought into the Aberdeen team because he fills an empty shirt and he's very, very cheap.


Is it Young's fault that he was brought in?


Hardly. He wasn't good enough for Partick Thistle... so the club knew what they were getting. When the club fields him it's with the full knowledge that here's a guy who couldn't even cut it in the lower leagues.


When the club repeats this process, making 'Cheap' the main criteria for bringing in players, with 'Skill' being a mere minor consideration, you end up with a team struggling to stave off relegation.


This is NOT the fault of the 3rd rate players on the pitch, they're merely playing to their standard. The fault lies with those who have taken AFC to the place where scraping the bottom of the barrel for 3rd rate, talentless shirt-fillers is the market in which we shop for freebies.


And who took us to this place?


Not the players, but the guys who run the club, The guys who have FAILED to employ a capable manager. The guys who have PISSED AWAY millions. The guys who have FAILED to bring in investment. The guys who have run up a debt so large that we have to sell our only real asset and hope that the Football Stadium Fairy just gives the club 30 million quid to buy a new ground.


Those guys are the one constant throughout our years of decline, overseen spiraling debt, sanctioned (in fact, demanded) progressively substandard playing staff, declining crowds and public relations so appalling that the fans feel like they're actually the club's enemies.


Those guys are the board, and non-executive-monkey-in-command, Stewart Milne.


The players are the least to blame, next to the fans.


The players are sh*t... but the club bought them.


Don't buy bring in Jerel Ifil and get angry because he can't play football... that's nonsensical.

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If Milne truly had AFC's best interests at heart, he wouldn't have been agitating for a move to Kingswells before the paint was dry on the RDS.


If Milne truly had AFC's best interests at heart, he wouldn't have neglected basic maintenance of Pittodrie for the last dozen years.


If Milne truly had AFC's best interests at heart, he wouldn't have run up the debt to such a level that we have no option but to sell our only asset.


If Milne truly had AFC's best interests at heart, he wouldn't have tolerated what we've all had to put up with on the pitch for over a decade and a half.


If Milne truly had AFC's best interests at heart, he would have done something about it long before now, something positive for the club.





So are you suggesting that he only ever wanted Pittodrie for the fact he could build hooses if/when we move and make a few quid? If so and he's as bad as you suggest and doesn't care he could have closed the doors,stripped the assets and built the hooses years ago.Next you'll be suggesting that the RDS has secret architecture built in by SM in his original plans so that it can be converted into a beachside version of Kepplestone Towers on the cheap.


I'm not saying he's the perfect Chairman RS but think your hints at a major conspriracy from day one are wide of the mark - next you'll be saying he was on the grassy knoll when JFK got shot.

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Milne may be a c**t but I'd like those who want him gone to say who is going to take over.....as far as i can see there is nobody who wants the job.



I don't follow the logic there, MJM.


How does pointing out his failings and ineptitude necessitate the presentation of a successor?


What I will do is further point out that no-one wants to take over a club that is now in massive debt, has a shrinking and alienated fanbase, and is on the verge of being homeless, as a direct result of his, and his board's, ineptitude.


So if there's no obvious successor that's going to be another thing that we can attribute to Milne's incompetence.

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I don't follow the logic there, MJM.


How does pointing out his failings and ineptitude necessitate the presentation of a successor?


What I will do is further point out that no-one wants to take over a club that is now in massive debt, has a shrinking and alienated fanbase, and is on the verge of being homeless, as a direct result of his, and his board's, ineptitude.


So if there's no obvious successor that's going to be another thing that we can attribute to Milne's incompetence.


I understand where you are calling from. I just don't see what good losing Milne would do. I'm looking for a positive in hie reign and i'm struggling. I suppose the fact we haven't gone into administration is an achievement.

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I'm not saying he's the perfect Chairman RS but think your hints at a major conspriracy from day one are wide of the mark - next you'll be saying he was on the grassy knoll when JFK got shot.


Correct - he'll look for a conspiracy in any situation, juvenile stuff that bears no relation to reality.

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I understand where you are calling from. I just don't see what good losing Milne would do. I'm looking for a positive in hie reign and i'm struggling. I suppose the fact we haven't gone into administration is an achievement.


Losing him could be disastrous, if he's securing the debt as alleged. However I'd be interested to know the actual ramifications of that.


I mean, if he's securing the debt then surely, if he walks away, he's the one the bank will go after rather than the club?


I don't know, finance isn't my thing... I pay someone to deal with all that sort of stuff for me. Because if left to my own devices, regardless of how much I earned, I'd be living on the streets in a month :)


So maybe someone can explain to me how this whole 'Securing Aberdeen's Debt' works in the event of Milne's sudden departure, because I genuinely haven't a scooby.

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Losing him could be disastrous, if he's securing the debt as alleged. However I'd be interested to know the actual ramifications of that.


I mean, if he's securing the debt then surely, if he walks away, he's the one the bank will go after rather than the club?


I don't know, finance isn't my thing... I pay someone to deal with all that sort of stuff for me. Because if left to my own devices, regardless of how much I earned, I'd be living on the streets in a month :)


So maybe someone can explain to me how this whole 'Securing Aberdeen's Debt' works in the event of Milne's sudden departure, because I genuinely haven't a scooby.


Me too. I think K9 is the expert on this. Isn't all the debt in a separate company or something and its secured against Pittodrie? i don't now - i 'll let them deal with it.

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Milne doesn't go out and buy these players himself, he isn't that Meglomaniac with the diet huns. You just need to look at clubs like Killie, Motherwell and Dundee United to see how well they have done with smaller or similar pay packets (I say well.....better than us recently!). Milne doesn't go "he looks sh*t and cheap, sign him" Certain managers have wasted the wages in giving guys like Diamond, Langfield, Ifil etc high wages and then being left with peanuts to fill other positions. The players have to take a huge amount of responsibility....we KNOW these guys can play better and we've all seen them play better, but they just don't apply themselves. They just don't give a f**k.


Has every manager we've had since Smith been that bad? Probably. But we've brought in some managers who have been successfull with other clubs, McGhee has reasonable success, calderwood did well with Dunfermline (and I don't care what anyone says, he did fairly well with us getting us to 3rd in the league from relegation fodder shouldn';t be dismissed), Alex Miller was doing alright with hibs before he took over and nearly destroyed our club!!


Is Craig Brown a bad manager?

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In my opionion some of the players and (non playing) management team are the problem. Theres an apathy about the club. Certain players couldnt give a flying f**k about AFC and i hope CB and AK have identified them and have no plans to retain them for next season.


CB and AK deserve a chance next season and the only way to give them the best chance is a clear out of players not interested and signing others who are offered better incentives to win and feel proud about the club they're playing for. I really get the impression that none of our players feel part of the club and that is the fault of WM, SM and other non playing staff!!

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