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Why Are We So Bad?

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please stop following me about the web-site VDA and just shouting off in the opposite direction to me, its making yourself look a bit silly.


it all boils down to what bripod has been saying for weeks...


we arent even remotely performing to our own potential, while 8/9 other teams are, thats our problem, not the fact that we werent getting as much money as we'd like.


how about we just spend what we do have a bit better, eh?


point missed again MT

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there you go again


seriously, if you keep sniffing about me like this im going to be forced to get you a leash


you are too predictable, you cannot handle being questioned.


as soon as there the hint of agreement from someone like bripod you are desperate to make sure everyone knows it.


keep it up MT you are at least providing the board with some comedy value, each day you get torn a new arsehole in the football section.

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damn right i am.


i have absolutely no doubt that most of the "lurkers" on here agree with me, its the same faces over and over again who voice dissaproval.


bripod has raised his head above the parapet and dared to actually voice support for my views, because he forgets all the crap and looks at my points


see if you blank out who is posting and just read my threads indiscriminitely...you'd realise im a frickin font


there are some diamonds in amongst the dung, unfortunately there is too much dung

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I think the main problem with Milne and AFC is that AFC is not his number 1 priority. His business will always come 1st and AFC suffer because of it. We need someone who has AFC as the No1 priority. If Milne cant do it he should get someone in who can.


Off course AFC should be number 1 priority but for any active businessman who also runs a fitba club their priority will always be the business that makes money and unfortunately that doesnt include AFC. Running fitba clubs are renowned as a money pit. I dont think there is a single fitba club in the UK making a profit...............please correct me if i am wrong?


Whether its Milne or Martin Gilbert or best of all Ian Wood who runs AFC none of them would pump money into a venture that loses money hand over fist.


As i've said on many occasions the only way AFC can survive is by implementing an unrivalled youth policy with state of the art training facilities and make money developing players and selling them on for profit. Yes TV money, getting bums on seats and selling shirts are also important but we will never compete with the likes of the OF for tv revenue so lets try and make a profit elsewhere i.e. develop youth like Auxerre in France.

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Off course AFC should be number 1 priority but for any active businessman who also runs a fitba club their priority will always be the business that makes money and unfortunately that doesnt include AFC. Running fitba clubs are renowned as a money pit. I dont think there is a single fitba club in the UK making a profit...............please correct me if i am wrong?


Whether its Milne or Martin Gilbert or best of all Ian Wood who runs AFC none of them would pump money into a venture that loses money hand over fist.


As i've said on many occasions the only way AFC can survive is by implementing an unrivalled youth policy with state of the art training facilities and make money developing players and selling them on for profit. Yes TV money, getting bums on seats and selling shirts are also important but we will never compete with the likes of the OF for tv revenue so lets try and make a profit elsewhere i.e. develop youth like Auxerre in France.


Auxerre have shown that business model doesn't work though?

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One of the problems with a sound youth policy is that a club can spend years training a genuine talent, and just as that talent seems to be breaking into the first team with a real capability to be an exciting talent, a bigger team will sign that player for next to f**k all.


Pre-Bosman the club developing the talent would have been able to count on a significant transfer fee, now it's a derisory 'development' fee, probably a quarter of what a player is worth and an insignificant amount compared to what that player may one day be worth.


We used to be known for developing our own talent, but that, like so much else at the club, was neglected under the current regime, so for years all we developed were guys fit for Peterhead.


Another problem is that our club can't spot a genuine talent if it had a neon sign over it bearing the glowing legend, "Talent Right Here!" So we end up with players like Tommy Wright and Leon Mike.


Youth policy is a good idea, unfortunately you need to be able to spot talent... and we can't. It might work at a competent club, though.


And we shouldn't expect to make any significant amounts of money developing youth, because you need to be smart enough to put those players on long contracts and then sell at the right time... and we haven't shown ourselves competent enough to do that either.


So while I agree youth is a great idea, I think you need to implement that at a club where the people in charge have some kind of a clue.

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*sigh* Lord knows how many times this keeps coming up... and it depresses the f**k out of me too... Somewhat (un)satisfactorily my apathy now seems to be equal with Milne and co's now...


I'm no fan of Milne, if he wasn't financially guaranteeing the club essentially, I'd hold a street party when he left... I can only hope that when we move to the new ground the legacy of Pittawdry, will be left behind... Have we consistently hired truly terrible managers and players over the years ? If you do think that there are only two people at fault, Milne & Miller...


But I mostly blame Milne for taking something I loved and presiding over it's worst ever tenure in my lifetime.

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The problems at AFC are so many that it hurts my head just thinking of putting them into words.


Milne is and has been a complete and utter disaster for AFC whatever way you look at it. Horrendous managerial appointments, poor transfer market dealings, up until recently an utter failure to sort out proper training facilities all culminating in the complete inability of the club to challenge for any kind of silverware for 16 years, in which time such massive clubs as Dunfermline, Gretna, QoS and Livingston have made more impact in the cups than us.


Willie Miller, a completely arrogant waste of a wage. Utter ineptitude in the transfer market and player contracts. Complete inability to attract new investment to the club, decision making that defies belief when it comes to some contract negotiations costing the club 100s of thousands. At a basic level, a failed businessman running a failing business into the ground.


The players. Over the years we have had to put up with an almost endless line of overpaid underachieving garbage. It would be almost impossible to choose the worst player to play for AFC over the past 15 years although there are so many candidates, Jaffo, Leon Mike, Tommy Wright, Derek Young, Nigel Pepper, Gary McDonald, Mark Kerr, Bertrand Bossu...and on and on. A number of Dons fans seem to have accepted that 'working hard' is an acceptable level of performance and end up defending the likes of Derek Young. He is sh!te and so are most of the rest of them. Working hard is a MINIMUM level of performance. The core of the current squad in Mackie, Foster, Young, Diamond, Langfield, Aluko, Maguire have been around for a number of years and proved only one thing, they are not up to the standard required to take the club forward. To be running about chasing them for new contracts or be WORRIED that Rangers might do us a favour and actually pay us money for one of them is an embarrassment.


I only hope that the move to a new stadium hastens the departure of Milne and Miller, attracts new investment and allows the club to move on from this woeful depressing era.

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Players have mental problems and can't focus.


The initial boost that having Brown and Knox coming in has gone and the players have reverted back to there old habits.

No doubt this will be noted by the management duo and fingers crossed a full scale cull is on the cards.


Get a big f**k off bottle of Dettol and eradicate these germs infesting or club.


Had enough, really just had enough.

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No, not to my mind.


The 11 hopeless articles we have on the pitch at any one time, if we can manage a game without a sending off, are what they are. They're 3rd rate, not particularly good, not particularly motivated, not particularly imbued with the attributes that winners have.


That's not their fault, in the same way someone born Chinese is to blame for being born Chinese.


Our players are largely worthless shirt fillers, with a few exceptions, bought because they can fill a position regardless of whether they can fill that position with any kind of skill. Young is a perfect example. He's not very good, he was dumped by a lower league Partick Thistle, and brought into the Aberdeen team because he fills an empty shirt and he's very, very cheap.


Is it Young's fault that he was brought in?


Hardly. He wasn't good enough for Partick Thistle... so the club knew what they were getting. When the club fields him it's with the full knowledge that here's a guy who couldn't even cut it in the lower leagues.


When the club repeats this process, making 'Cheap' the main criteria for bringing in players, with 'Skill' being a mere minor consideration, you end up with a team struggling to stave off relegation.


This is NOT the fault of the 3rd rate players on the pitch, they're merely playing to their standard. The fault lies with those who have taken AFC to the place where scraping the bottom of the barrel for 3rd rate, talentless shirt-fillers is the market in which we shop for freebies.


And who took us to this place?


Not the players, but the guys who run the club, The guys who have FAILED to employ a capable manager. The guys who have PISSED AWAY millions. The guys who have FAILED to bring in investment. The guys who have run up a debt so large that we have to sell our only real asset and hope that the Football Stadium Fairy just gives the club 30 million quid to buy a new ground.


Those guys are the one constant throughout our years of decline, overseen spiraling debt, sanctioned (in fact, demanded) progressively substandard playing staff, declining crowds and public relations so appalling that the fans feel like they're actually the club's enemies.


Those guys are the board, and non-executive-monkey-in-command, Stewart Milne.


The players are the least to blame, next to the fans.


The players are sh*t... but the club bought them.


Don't buy bring in Jerel Ifil and get angry because he can't play football... that's nonsensical.

Tremendous post Kelt, lot of food for thought when you put it like that.

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The problems at AFC are so many that it hurts my head just thinking of putting them into words.


Milne is and has been a complete and utter disaster for AFC whatever way you look at it. Horrendous managerial appointments, poor transfer market dealings, up until recently an utter failure to sort out proper training facilities all culminating in the complete inability of the club to challenge for any kind of silverware for 16 years, in which time such massive clubs as Dunfermline, Gretna, QoS and Livingston have made more impact in the cups than us.


Willie Miller, a completely arrogant waste of a wage. Utter ineptitude in the transfer market and player contracts. Complete inability to attract new investment to the club, decision making that defies belief when it comes to some contract negotiations costing the club 100s of thousands. At a basic level, a failed businessman running a failing business into the ground.


The players. Over the years we have had to put up with an almost endless line of overpaid underachieving garbage. It would be almost impossible to choose the worst player to play for AFC over the past 15 years although there are so many candidates, Jaffo, Leon Mike, Tommy Wright, Derek Young, Nigel Pepper, Gary McDonald, Mark Kerr, Bertrand Bossu...and on and on. A number of Dons fans seem to have accepted that 'working hard' is an acceptable level of performance and end up defending the likes of Derek Young. He is sh!te and so are most of the rest of them. Working hard is a MINIMUM level of performance. The core of the current squad in Mackie, Foster, Young, Diamond, Langfield, Aluko, Maguire have been around for a number of years and proved only one thing, they are not up to the standard required to take the club forward. To be running about chasing them for new contracts or be WORRIED that Rangers might do us a favour and actually pay us money for one of them is an embarrassment.


I only hope that the move to a new stadium hastens the departure of Milne and Miller, attracts new investment and allows the club to move on from this woeful depressing era.

Good post.

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for me the decline started the day we sacked Alex Smith, but no point arguing that now/

The OAF was responsible for much that is wrong in my opinion HE encouraged cliques to form, HE encouraged a drinking culture within the playing staff,


So waht do you expect from a shower of lazy. unprofessional c**ts that he left us withy , while MM reign was damned near indefensible, HE DID try to turn around that malaisem, he may have gone about it by bringing in poor players, alienating the players, failing to accept criticism, BUT he did bring inn Vernon, Folly, McArdle and Hartley so he was'nt all bad he had to follow on from the fat fool that was WM appointment, and he should have gone when his man went.

Give CB and AK time, make no mistake MM will have briefed Knox on who was a c**t and who was'n t a c**t hwen they moved there and the players are so stupid they may think they have fooled the manager maybe they look at Brown past as Scotland boss he was often accused of being to loyal to players. this summer i expect som real arse kickings and others like Milsom, and Smith being recruited

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for me the decline started the day we sacked Alex Smith, but no point arguing that now/

The OAF was responsible for much that is wrong in my opinion HE encouraged cliques to form, HE encouraged a drinking culture within the playing staff,


So waht do you expect from a shower of lazy. unprofessional c**ts that he left us withy , while MM reign was damned near indefensible, HE DID try to turn around that malaisem, he may have gone about it by bringing in poor players, alienating the players, failing to accept criticism, BUT he did bring inn Vernon, Folly, McArdle and Hartley so he was'nt all bad he had to follow on from the fat fool that was WM appointment, and he should have gone when his man went.

Give CB and AK time, make no mistake MM will have briefed Knox on who was a c**t and who was'n t a c**t hwen they moved there and the players are so stupid they may think they have fooled the manager maybe they look at Brown past as Scotland boss he was often accused of being to loyal to players. this summer i expect som real arse kickings and others like Milsom, and Smith being recruited


No I'm not letting you away with that.


We should have handed the manager's job to Jocky Scott before he left and still binned Smith.

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