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Super Injunctions


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i have to say i'm totally in support of whoever he is.


imogen thomas is a nobody, reality t.v. 'star' and porn-mag regular pin-up, serial dater of footballers who is now milking every moment in the spotlight she can get. oh yeah, and she's carrying on with someone elses man. clasy burd.


something doesnae add up here. who knows what really went on.


Giggs shagged a media whore behind his wifes back and its coming back to haunt him.

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are they affair allegations actually true

and who know what actually happned. just cause some tart says she had an affiar doesnt tell the whole story


If they weren't true, he would outright deny them and sue the papers Sheridan style.


But since instead of denying it, he has stopped it from being printed. That's a confession of guilt in itself.

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If they weren't true, he would outright deny them and sue the papers Sheridan style.


But since instead of denying it, he has stopped it from being printed. That's a confession of guilt in itself.


it certainly looks that way. but as neither of us are privvy to the facts, we dont know.


but if they are lies, you would still do your best to keep them out of the media.

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I'm in support of no one. Ryan Giggs is a dick for cheating on his wife and family and trying to cover up this fact by gaining a super injunction. Imogen from Big Brother is a home wrecker and media whore.


This is far bigger than just a footballer cheating on his wife with a wannabe, this is about democracy and freedom of speech being flouted by the rich and famous.

Amen to that.


An appreciation of the bigger picture and the wider implications of this sort of nonsense is asking too much from most though.

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Giggs is a clown.


Fowk were starting tae forget thon super-injunction stuff, and he has tae be an erse and sue twatter. If eh was Hugo Cholmondley-Warner and the others in the injunction thingy eh'd be raging that he's brought attention back on them.



maybe cause the alegations are not true?

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So all the folk calling Ryan Giggs a dick etc have never cheated on anyone then? Your moral standing in the community must be exceptional. The difference between normal folk cheating and Ryan Giggs cheating is one thing. The press don't give a flying f**k about you but they do about giggs. His super injuction is basically the same as you telling porkies to a partner to try and save your relationship.

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So all the folk calling Ryan Giggs a dick etc have never cheated on anyone then? Your moral standing in the community must be exceptional. The difference between normal folk cheating and Ryan Giggs cheating is one thing. The press don't give a flying f**k about you but they do about giggs. His super injuction is basically the same as you telling porkies to a partner to try and save your relationship.


Call me old-fashioned, but eh can honestly say eh've never sued Twitter tae try and save a relationship.

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Call me old-fashioned, but eh can honestly say eh've never sued Twitter tae try and save a relationship.

Thats not what i am getting at. I'm getting at the utter hypocrisy shown by some on here. I will put a 10000000000000000 pounds on that at least one of these f**king idiots calling giggs a dick and thon welsh bit of fluff a homewrecker or a slag have cheated on someone and then lied through their teeth about it to try and save their relationship for whatever reason.


he fact he is suing twitter to try and uphold a court order is not really my concern but why should he not? Is the rule of law no longer a worry in this country? Yes it may infringe on freedom of speech etc but I would worry more about the way various anti terror laws have done that than a super injuction. Still eh whats more important actual civil liberties being eroded or a bit of juicy gossip we can all chjat about at work and down the pub.

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Thats not what i am getting at. I'm getting at the utter hypocrisy shown by some on here. I will put a 10000000000000000 pounds on that at least one of these f**king idiots calling giggs a dick and thon welsh bit of fluff a homewrecker or a slag have cheated on someone and then lied through their teeth about it to try and save their relationship for whatever reason.


he fact he is suing twitter to try and uphold a court order is not really my concern but why should he not? Is the rule of law no longer a worry in this country? Yes it may infringe on freedom of speech etc but I would worry more about the way various anti terror laws have done that than a super injuction. Still eh whats more important actual civil liberties being eroded or a bit of juicy gossip we can all chjat about at work and down the pub.



All he has done is dig an even bigger hole for himself. Maybe because it'll be the only hole he's getting at the moment.

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Murdoch's ancestors were obviously Scottish deported criminals.


Weegies to be more specific.


The c**t should be hauled before the monopolies commission.


However, he may yet face jail over the phone tapping scandal. Depends how high it goes. I would be ecstatic were he to be put in a Sky television less slammer.



I'm surprised at you tup , your general knowledge is normally 'spot on' ! :)



Murdoch's antecedents , like Presley's , are from right here in the North-East !.


It is then incumbent upon us to ask 'where did they come from before this?'. No point in seeing a single frame when the whole video needs examined.



Greed and megalomania are universal , it is more genetic than racial.

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All he has done is dig an even bigger hole for himself. Maybe because it'll be the only hole he's getting at the moment.


the pics i saw of hima nd his missus at the recent awards ceremony look no different to any other couple.


perhaps there is more to this story than meets the eye.

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So all the folk calling Ryan Giggs a dick etc have never cheated on anyone then? Your moral standing in the community must be exceptional. The difference between normal folk cheating and Ryan Giggs cheating is one thing. The press don't give a flying f**k about you but they do about giggs. His super injuction is basically the same as you telling porkies to a partner to try and save your relationship.


It's not the same though.


Telling lies and outright denials for a normal person isn't the same as paying £50k to keep your partner from even knowing.


"Basically the same" would be bribing or threatening everyone that knows to keep the affair secret.

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I'm surprised at you tup , your general knowledge is normally 'spot on' ! :)



Murdoch's antecedents , like Presley's , are from right here in the North-East !.


It is then incumbent upon us to ask 'where did they come from before this?'. No point in seeing a single frame when the whole video needs examined.



Greed and megalomania are universal , it is more genetic than racial.


Ah right, he's the antipodean Stewart Milne

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I'm in support of no one. Ryan Giggs is a dick for cheating on his wife and family and trying to cover up this fact by gaining a super injunction. Imogen from Big Brother is a home wrecker and media whore.


This is far bigger than just a footballer cheating on his wife with a wannabe, this is about democracy and freedom of speech being flouted by the rich and famous.


Amen to that.


An appreciation of the bigger picture and the wider implications of this sort of nonsense is asking too much from most though.


I dont think it is


Each case has to prove that it has nothing to do with public interest before an injunction is given. Because of that any story deemed to be in the public interest wont be granted an injunction. This one has because it has no relevance to anything... How would any of you like it if an affair you had was plastered all over the papers etc? Yeh we can all pretend to take a moral high ground but a lot of people stick their dicks where they shouldnt and their infidelity isnt highlighted. No different Giggs nailing Imogen than my boss nailing his secretary. Both have made the same promises to people, only one though is in the public eye and for what, kicking a bit of pig skin round a field.


I havent seen any promotional material from Giggs or his sponsors claiming he's a clean cut, clean living, family orientated man who would never cheat. I've seen him shaving, thats about it... Oh and taking a picture on a funcy camera. The papers though and of course some money hungry, fame grabbing pseudo-celeb dying to sell her

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LAWYERS have been forced to cut the price of super-injunctions by up to 75 per cent after it emerged they do not really work.




The Super Injunction is now the Rover 200 of elaborate cover-up devicesA host of actors and premier league footballers, including Ryan Giggs obviously, have taken their super-injuction back to the lawmongers where they bought it and asked for a refund.


With the market in the doldrums Britain's lawyers are now offering Super Injunction Lite, which lasts for about 20 minutes but costs just

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I'm all for no censorship and freedom of speech, whether you're a racist, bigot or a f**king idiot - that doesn't mean it's acceptable.


We all know "CTB" has kids etc, and maybe he did or didn't shag her, maybe he wants to keep his kids out of the press, who we all know are just in this to sell some papers and make money.


But whoever's advising Mr CTB is clearly an idiot - best to come clean if you did it or deny it Clinton style - but don't fuel the fire. Suing Twitter is just idiotic, and yesterday's Sunday Herald article just reinforced how you if you try and stifle the press they will just find a way around you - it's like a game to them. I commend the Sunday Herald for printing the article, and not writing a soap opera, sensationalist tabloid scoop. I think ultimately they didn't really give a f**k about the sordid details of whether CTB and Imogen Thomas were nobbing each other - the tabloids will though, and you can bet one or the other will be making some money out of it.


It's the wife and kids I feel sorry for...


PS What's the link to the Imogen Thomas sordidness !?

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