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Things That Make Your Blood Boil...

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Well pigs then, pedantic cunt, they love nothing better than 'hamming' it up, bunch of fucking gaylords all of them is what I'm saying and damned fine you know it.




What have pigs got to do with anything in all of this?


Artists certainly don't ham it up. That would be thesps that do that. Have you got all confused again?


It's artists you were having a pop at. You just accidently called them thesps.


Count to 10 and then reply.


Add bumbling ranting lunatics to my list while you're at it.

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Well they certainly love fucking drama anyway which makes me think you act in your spare time you faggot


They are the same thing is what I'm saying for the 3rd fucking time.




Cunts who make you repeat yourself, because they didna listen the first time.


Where in all of this does it say that thespians "cut a coo in half and stick it in a massive over-sized pickled egg jar that he's somehow laid his hands on with the £80m grant he's been handed."


Do you know what an artist actually is compared with someone who performs on the theatre stage?


Do artists do drama, singing or dancing?


An artist who would "cut a coo in half and stick it in a massive over-sized pickled egg jar that he's somehow laid his hands on with the £80m grant he's been handed." has no relationship whatsoever to a thespian.


Nothing at all.

Boofon: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there. Eating a bitch out and giving a bitch a foot massage treading the boards and being an artist up his own arse ain't even the same fucking thing.


Tup: It's not, it's the same ballpark.


Boofon: Ain't no fucking ballpark neither. Now, look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but you know touching his wife's feet and sticking your tongue in the holiest of holies starring in a Broadway Musical and shoving a dead coo in a tank ain't the same fucking ball park. It ain't the same league. It ain't even the same fucking sport.


Is that understood?

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Oh dinna get me started on 'movies', let's chuck $100m at making a massive dinosaur out of rubber and plastic and get it to crush paper mache skyscrapers and stuff, and then get some 'hero' to nail it late on in laboriously predictable strung out fashion, to get thick folk along to the cinema to watch this drivel, great idea, worked too.



I'm saying anyone involved in the 'arts' which includes drama and acting is a faggot.


However I'm sure you'll know that from your experiences of backstage as you are getting your tutu fitted for your role in Cinderella you obstinate sausage jockey.

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School Kids at lunchtimes - Loud, annoying and they take up every inch of every fecking pavement! I had this kid walk straight into me as he wasn'tr paying attention where he was going. He bounced right off mind you, but still! They should be staggered so they aren't all coming out at the same time, especially in town where there is 3 different schools all coming out for lunch at the same time (obviously!). Then you nip into a sandwich shop and there is a queue of about 20 of them!


Apart from some of the senior girls!


Some of them walk aboot with skirts that would fit through the belt loops in my jeans!


I know it's not right to look but some of them are stunning. :wub:

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Dayts oggling senior girls at school is wrong on so many levels. It's not illegal but it's not cricket. Not for a man in his 40's like you anyway.



hhhhmmm let us see.


days is a self confessed soccer mentalist with a penchant for goggle jackets and eye-ing up school girls who are less than half his age.


youre some boys dayts.

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Apart from some of the senior girls!


Some of them walk aboot with skirts that would fit through the belt loops in my jeans!


I know it's not right to look but some of them are stunning. :wub:

The problem is, it's not just the "older" girls that are wearing these skirts, it's the 13-15y/os that are also dressing like naughty schoolgirls and most of the time they look 17+! It's best just to pretend you don't notice! Some of them do have very long legs though, so I can see exactly where you are coming from. Most of the skirts wouldn't be out of place in a nightclub.

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When your in the gym on a weights machine and someone asks how long your gonna be, and then "hovers" beside ye waiting for their turn. I dinna mind it so much if the place is busy, but when it's quiet, it's fucking annoying.

Gossiping cunts at work fa like nothing more than to make up malicious stories about folk, and ostracize ye after ye tell them that fit yer doin is bang out of order. And guess fit, stories are being made up about yours truly, the cunts.

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You come into work on a Monday morning and the football chat goes in this order:


1) Discussion on the controversy and/or "thrilling" game in the premiership

2) How the big clubs (English) got on at the weekend

3) Discussion on how well the Manchester United players did and how well the "new boy" got on as a sub.

4) Discuss post match interviews

5) "I hear Aberdeen were rubbish this weekend" then back to work.

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