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Amy Winehouse Poll

Big Man

Musical Genius - Yes or No?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. To What Extent Do You Believe That Amy Winehouse Was A Musical Genius?

    • Not At All
    • To Some Extent
    • Very Much So
    • Don't Know

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She wasn't a genius, and definitely won't be now.


Just a smackhead.


decent voice.


Nah, just another example of the cliched hyperbole that folk in this country come out with when so called celebrities die.

Terrible for her family all the same. A daughter, sister, niece etc.

It's them I feel sorry for, not some junkie who had the intelligence to know better.

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Agree with the above. Talent YES, Genius....no.


Did she even write her own songs? I know she wrote the lyrics, but not sure about the music.


I'm not sure, although Morrissey hasn't written a note of music in his life and is often credited with being a genius.


For the record I put 'To Some Extent' since there wasn't an option for 'Talented but not a Genius'.

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Agree with the above. Talent YES, Genius....no.


Did she even write her own songs? I know she wrote the lyrics, but not sure about the music.


Finally someone is talkin sense: talented = yes, genius = no. Couldn't agree more.


She wrote rehab 100% all by herself, some of her music was co-wrote with others, but its like someone said last night an awful lot of it was written for her.


Its like tutan sais though, morrissey....

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in the age of woman dancing about half naked in every video I see, she had a different, kind of "one of the boys" about her image, music and lifestyle.


I loved back to black and liked her style.


talent yes, genius no, but she knew her own style and lived the way she wanted to, Id imagine it wasnt suicide, probably an OD, shame really, but ho hum.

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No disputing that she was a talent. The word "Genius" gets thrown about too loosely these days, especially when it comes to obituaries.


I hope her boyfriend is hurting because of this, if she had a sensible normal boyfriend I think she would have flourished and probably created another couple of very good albums.


Part of me is thinking "Could she have gotten better care and attention from her family and management team to sort the sh*t out" but they probably tried getting her into rehab in the first place, therefore it was up to her to climb out of that dark hole she ended up in.


Waste of a decent talent, but I think she's had enough chances and blow it. And because of that....i'm out.

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Share your thoughts on the tragedy element?


It is a tragedy for family and friends, saddening for fans and those who respect her work and a junkie dying to everyone else, I'd have thunk.


The Somalian famine is a tragedy. The Norwegian shootings are a tragedy. This is not and is indicative of the celebrity culture we have.

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It is a tragedy for family and friends, saddening for fans and those who respect her work and a junkie dying to everyone else, I'd have thunk.


The Somalian famine is a tragedy. The Norwegian shootings are a tragedy. This is not and is indicative of the celebrity culture we have.


Wholeheartedly agree with that. Unfortunate yes, tragic no. Find it hard to be sympathetic when you see the amount of opportunities that she's had to sort herself out


And agree that she was talented but no genius. Not yet anyway. Good voice, but singing in a style wholly indebted to Billie Holiday (another 'tragic' smackhead, whom Amy Winehouse idolised... although in fairness there was a huge amount of tragedy about her). Nothing really different about her music either, a more modernised take on stuff that had gone before, more succesful as a result of her collaborators. Her lyrics were what set her apart, but sometimes as stupid as they were brilliant

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It is a tragedy for family and friends, saddening for fans and those who respect her work and a junkie dying to everyone else, I'd have thunk.


The Somalian famine is a tragedy. The Norwegian shootings are a tragedy. This is not and is indicative of the celebrity culture we have.




This mornings TV programs were full of this junkies death. However there are hundreds of thousands around the horn of Africa on the brink of starvation and some nutter has just walked round and killed almost 100 people in a country that has a handful of murders every year. They however dont merit a mention while Murdoch is tapping phones and over paid, over hyped, talentless animals are sticking needles into themselves.

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This mornings TV programs were full of this junkies death. However there are hundreds of thousands around the horn of Africa on the brink of starvation and some nutter has just walked round and killed almost 100 people in a country that has a handful of murders every year. They however dont merit a mention while Murdoch is tapping phones and over paid, over hyped, talentless animals are sticking needles into themselves.



I find the story of winehouse more interesting than the yearly bleeting about Africa.

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Wholeheartedly agree with that. Unfortunate yes, tragic no. Find it hard to be sympathetic when you see the amount of opportunities that she's had to sort herself out


And agree that she was talented but no genius. Not yet anyway. Good voice, but singing in a style wholly indebted to Billie Holiday (another 'tragic' smackhead, whom Amy Winehouse idolised... although in fairness there was a huge amount of tragedy about her). Nothing really different about her music either, a more modernised take on stuff that had gone before, more succesful as a result of her collaborators. Her lyrics were what set her apart, but sometimes as stupid as they were brilliant


I dont even credit her with good lyrics. Jim Morrison wrote good lyrics, twists, double and triple meanings, you can feel exactly what he felt at the time of writing because they are so expressive. Hendrix wrote lyrics that were meaningful and deep, they had real soul behind them as did his voice. Beastie Boys, De La Soul and Public Enemy right good lyrics, imaginative, challenging and rhythmic. Sean Ryder's lyrics from 24 hour party people and bummed are raw and a lot of muso's say that he was also a genius at that time, maybe slightly over the top but his lyrics were still good and were about things that songs just shouldnt be about.


However Winehouse wrote little nursery rhyme style sh*te finished off with a no no no. Her voice was different, sure but only because of what else was around at the time she came out. There's thousands out there with distinctive voices, Susan Boyle being one, is she geniuses as well?

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I find the story of winehouse more interesting than the yearly bleeting about Africa.


If the reasons behind the latest famine in Africa, the IMF embargoes, UN slow to act, World Bank putting pressure on governments to pay back loans by selling its wheat stock rather than stock pilling for this non-rainy days, bankers making money out of misery etc were covered as much as this junkies death then there is a good chance there wouldnt be famine in Africa in the next 3-5 years.

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It is a tragedy for family and friends, saddening for fans and those who respect her work and a junkie dying to everyone else, I'd have thunk.


The Somalian famine is a tragedy. The Norwegian shootings are a tragedy. This is not and is indicative of the celebrity culture we have.


I can't disagree with that you're 100% right, but im of the firm believe that the loss of any young life (in whatever circumstance) is always tragic.

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If the reasons behind the latest famine in Africa, the IMF embargoes, UN slow to act, World Bank putting pressure on governments to pay back loans by selling its wheat stock rather than stock pilling for this non-rainy days, bankers making money out of misery etc were covered as much as this junkies death then there is a good chance there wouldnt be famine in Africa in the next 3-5 years.


I would say the coverage of her death has been limited, and though not the most important thing happening right now, due to her background and "fame" it deserves some air-time...what have you witnessed on the box to think she's getting to much airtime?

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I would say the coverage of her death has been limited, and though not the most important thing happening right now, due to her background and "fame" it deserves some air-time...what have you witnessed on the box to think she's getting to much airtime?


on hols as from today. Got up, put on the beeb breakfast, Winehouse coverage for a good 20 minutes. Got sick of it, moved over to Christine and co on ITV and it was a full hour of it. The the bint standing in for Lorraine spent her hour going on and on and on about it as well.


Both had celeb experts, passing blame onto her friends, family, discussing how wrong it is for people to leave fags and vod as tributes. Blaming the hubby, blaming society, blaming everyone. Doctors speaking about her addiction, not addiction in general but hers.


Yesterday on Sky news, all day. reporters speaking to freaks outside her house 'paying tribute'. Paying tribute my arse, car crash surfers...

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Talented, very much so. Singer/songwriters making it in todays 'X Factor' age must be talented. But she was not called a genius by anyone before she died, and she still is not a genius.

Is what i would say. She was pushed by the same mob that pop idol though as an alternative to the processed pop pish that they themselves had made so prevelent.

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on hols as from today. Got up, put on the beeb breakfast, Winehouse coverage for a good 20 minutes. Got sick of it, moved over to Christine and co on ITV and it was a full hour of it. The the bint standing in for Lorraine spent her hour going on and on and on about it as well.


Both had celeb experts, passing blame onto her friends, family, discussing how wrong it is for people to leave fags and vod as tributes. Blaming the hubby, blaming society, blaming everyone. Doctors speaking about her addiction, not addiction in general but hers.


Yesterday on Sky news, all day. reporters speaking to freaks outside her house 'paying tribute'. Paying tribute my arse, car crash surfers...


you seemed to spend a lot of time watching it, I dont understand yer problem, young british artist is found deed, millions of fans.....think your more of a drama queen than jeremy kyle.

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you seemed to spend a lot of time watching it, I dont understand yer problem, young british artist is found deed, millions of fans.....think your more of a drama queen than jeremy kyle.


its either breaky tv or ads for paint brushes that aint brushes or ab trimmers. Background noises for footy manager...


You asked a question, I gave an answer. Not exactly drama queen material.


Millions of fans? Aye, right enough.

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Talented I agree with, genius is a word which is often used incorrectly.


Geniuses in my book


1. George Best

2. John Lennon

3. Lionel Messi

4. Elvis

5. Johnny Cash

6. Ian Brown

7. Ryan Giggs

8. Jim Baxter

9. Stephen Hawking

10. That boy that cracked the enigma code during the war


Just my opinion Amy Winehouse didnt really make a difference I dont think, sad all the same like but she had mair of a chance to sort hersel oot with her money than some poor c##t wi f##k all.

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