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Amy Winehouse Poll

Big Man

Musical Genius - Yes or No?  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. To What Extent Do You Believe That Amy Winehouse Was A Musical Genius?

    • Not At All
    • To Some Extent
    • Very Much So
    • Don't Know

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Amy Winehouse contributed a few songs to society, big deal. she hardly found the cure for cancer or discovered renewable fuel, or a self sufficient battery!


Shame she lost her live at such a young age, but no matter what way you look at it, it was self inflicted. She was a poor role model, she lined the pockets of some dealers and ruined what was a very promising career.

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well i think her legions of fans and critics may disagree.


so. please tell us how you have contributed.


Why should I?


I have no desire to publicise my achievements but have the internal satisfaction of knowing I have done something worthwhile with my time, which Winehouse evidently did not.

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amy winehouse had the potential to be one of the all time greats, unfortunately drugs found her and she was hooked, the media in this country hounded her/camped outside her house just waiting for snaps to print of her making a tit of herself...

shame as if she had stayed sober she would have been massive across the globe!!


'to some extent'

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I assume you have the answer to what it is she has contributed to society Bluto so please tell us.


i'm nae being criptic v.d.a.


she's released critically acclaimed and commercially succesful albums which is more than the people, like tup, who pour scorn over her have done .

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i'm nae being criptic v.d.a.


she's released critically acclaimed and commercially succesful albums which is more than the people, like tup, who pour scorn over her have done .



Maybe not everyones cup of tea but I can admit she had a good voice.

She was only a singer though.

She hasn't cured a disease, fed the Africans or won the Dons the cup.


There are many many singers out there. She had a few number 1's, and released 2 albums.


She dies. Boom, legend.


Nae really though.

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Maybe not everyones cup of tea but I can admit she had a good voice.

She was only a singer though.

She hasn't cured a disease, fed the Africans or won the Dons the cup.


There are many many singers out there. She had a few number 1's, and released 2 albums.


She dies. Boom, legend.


Nae really though.

People will always big up the dead. Everyone who dies in the North East was "popular and friendly"

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What does this mean exactly?


Respond with some meaningful words and I'll argue with you.


Winehouse and her ilk are promoted by their friends in the media, because they all come from the same rich part of London to put it simply for you, as you appear to be a total imbecile. She's no more talented than thousands of people countrywide at singing. However, PR was not an issue, hence the skanky bitch was in our faces constantly for doing nothing much at all.

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Maybe not everyones cup of tea but I can admit she had a good voice.

She was only a singer though.

She hasn't cured a disease, fed the Africans or won the Dons the cup.


There are many many singers out there. She had a few number 1's, and released 2 albums.


She dies. Boom, legend.


Nae really though.



dyn, i'm nae bigging her up just saying that people like her - credible artists - contribute to the arts and therefor society more than average joes like tup.


tastes aside, alive or dead, the same applies for ian brown, hendrix, oscar wilde, oliver reed or anyother filmstar, poet, writer or singer.

they are in elevated positions which the common man can only aspire to.

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Best career move yet was her dying as she was never going to live up to the hype of her last album.

Like most artists today you only have to fart in tune to be called a ledgend.

Her music was nothing new the only thing interesting was her battles against the booze & drink if it wasn't for that she would dissappear in a few years.

Disrespected her fans by turning up out of her face and danced as though she was burstin for a pish

If she wasn't loaded she would be squeezing through your grannies window and stealing her pension book.

I'm afraid it's a no from me!!!

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dyn, i'm nae bigging her up just saying that people like her - credible artists - contribute to the arts and therefor society more than average joes like tup.


tastes aside, alive or dead, the same applies for ian brown, hendrix, oscar wilde, oliver reed or anyother filmstar, poet, writer or singer.

they are in elevated positions which the common man can only aspire to.


These people are as common as we are, and do not deserve their efforts to be elevated above ours.

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What does this mean exactly?


Respond with some meaningful words and I'll argue with you.



your ''i'm not going to divulge my blah blah '' rubbish.


you arent mysterious tup.

give it up.

your an average punter living a bland existance. not even in suburbia but in the arsehole of nowhere.

you drive a volvo. a beige one.

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These people are as common as we are, and do not deserve their efforts to be elevated above ours.



so how do you explaine her grammy awards, mercury music prizes, platinum album sales and millions of fans?


yet you have a paltry 3 mates on facebook. one of who is yer mum.

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no its not tup.

here is your exact quote,


''I have no desire to publicise my achievements but have the internal satisfaction of knowing I have done something worthwhile with my time, which Winehouse evidently did not.''


i find it all funny, but especially teh bit in bold.

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I'd wager they've won a sh*t load more awards than Winehouse so I'd say that'd make them critically acclaimed.


Doesn't stop them from being sh*te though.


brit awards and smash hit poll winner awards do not amount to critical accliam.


bobo, as i have said i am indifferent to her music so i'm nae really bothered. just saying she isnt a teeny bopper britney spears type artist.

many more informed music fans than i take her work serioulsy.

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brit awards and smash hit poll winner awards do not amount to critical accliam.


bobo, as i have said i am indifferent to her music so i'm nae really bothered. just saying she isnt a teeny bopper britney spears type artist.

many more informed music fans than i take her work serioulsy.

What's constitutes a more informed music fan though Bluto?


If the same people who say her music is great told the Ketchup Song is an inspiring up beat jig would you use their opinion to form your own?


Good music is all about opinion, no matter who the artist is.

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brit awards and smash hit poll winner awards do not amount to critical accliam.


bobo, as i have said i am indifferent to her music so i'm nae really bothered. just saying she isnt a teeny bopper britney spears type artist.

many more informed music fans than i take her work serioulsy.

Sounds to me like someones got a crush on newly deceased Winehouse. :wub:


Mercury Music Prize award isn't as prestigious as your led to believe.....ffs one name ---> Dizzy Rascal.

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I'm not even sure that the Beatles were genius and that makes Amy Winehouse a no no as far as I can see.


Can entertainers be geniuses? You decide.


I tend to reserve the appelation for almighty talents and mostly , but not always , from the field of scientific endeavour - Newton , Einstein , Dirac and Everett to name a few.




Kerouac ?


Burns ?


It's personal , maaan.



The 'Genius' tag gets thrown around way too easily.... you see mediocre talent like Winehouse elevated to the rank of genius simply because she does a bunch of drugs, has a couple of hits, and then offs herself in a particularly lurid manner.


Personally I found her particular brand of knock-off blues, a genre she didn't invent or even particularly add to in a significant way, to be at best second rate. As mentioned before, her substance abuse is neither here nor there... Shane MacGowan has penned dozens of songs, helped invent a genre, has a body of work spanning decades, and has done so while permanently, and I do mean permanently, sh*t-faced. I would also imagine he's pumped more poison into his body than ten Amy Winehouses, and I'd consider him far closer to the mantle of 'tortured genius' than Winehouse ever was.


I don't just see genius as being the result of scientific or 'technical' disciplines, though. History is chock-full of guys who were operating on a level entirely above that of anyone else in areas of invention, the arts and in particular, militarily.


Was it Ian Dury who said, "There ain't half been some clever b*stards"?


Speaking of which, i bought an audio book the other day by Leonard Susskind.... 'The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics'


Listening to it, you can tell it's being dumbed down so that people can understand what's being discussed....but I felt like a chimp trying to understand the owner's manual for a Space Shuttle. Not a fricken clue what in the hell they were talking about.


There are definitely geniuses out there, people who can make ordinary folks feel like Astro-chimps.... but Amy Winehouse wasn't one of them.

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What's constitutes a more informed music fan though Bluto?


If the same people who say her music is great told the Ketchup Song is an inspiring up beat jig would you use their opinion to form your own?


Good music is all about opinion, no matter who the artist is.


That is why I don't get the whole ongoing debate about whether she is a genius or not. When discssing art and creativity, surely it all comes down to how you interperet their works, not how some music snobs interperet it.

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