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Is it likely even this early in the season?


They are looking rather good at the moment, of course the big games are against City, Utd and Chelski but teams like Bolton usually don't completely crumble like they have tonight, totally out-played and even out-muscled. I actually think the team are playing a lot better without Gerrard, but we know that once he's fit he'll be straight back into the team but the question is who drops out to accommodate him?


Suarez really pisses me off though with his antics cause the skill is clearly evident. If he cut that out he'd be the perfect forward but he's making himself a hated man and an easy target. Always does the waving of the imaginary card too and yes he's not the only one. Really unprofessional, just get on with the game FFS.

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I think you're being generous on Bolton. Going to Anfield they're never seriously going to get a sniff of 3 points, they'll maybe get a draw every few seasons.


Saw them against Arsenal last week and they did well to get the win but without Frimpong getting a red think it'd would've ended a draw.


Can't see past City/United for the league. Liverpool 3rd or 4th.

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Is it likely even this early in the season?


They are looking rather good at the moment, of course the big games are against City, Utd and Chelski but teams like Bolton usually don't completely crumble like they have tonight, totally out-played and even out-muscled. I actually think the team are playing a lot better without Gerrard, but we know that once he's fit he'll be straight back into the team but the question is who drops out to accommodate him?


Suarez really pisses me off though with his antics cause the skill is clearly evident. If he cut that out he'd be the perfect forward but he's making himself a hated man and an easy target. Always does the waving of the imaginary card too and yes he's not the only one. Really unprofessional, just get on with the game FFS.


Early stages, but they do seem to have bought well, Carroll needs to improve as Suarez will miss games / not be so influential.


They obviously know what they need as in a CB and an extra striker, Coates and Bellamy added to that squad and they will certainly be strong, as mentioned during the game, them not being in Europe should benefit them.


Who gets dropped when the captain returns ? Lucas ? as I thought Adam was excellent again today.

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Early stages, but they do seem to have bought well, Carroll needs to improve as Suarez will miss games / not be so influential.


They obviously know what they need as in a CB and an extra striker, Coates and Bellamy added to that squad and they will certainly be strong, as mentioned during the game, them not being in Europe should benefit them.


Who gets dropped when the captain returns ? Lucas ? as I thought Adam was excellent again today.

Better steer clear of Roberto then with that comment :laughing:

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Carroll does seem to be the odd man out and seems to be struggling for form at the moment.


I kind of disagree with OJ about Suarez. He's just a niggly wee player who's skill causes people to put heavy challenges in on him. Fantastic skill in his locker.


Charlie Adam was outstanding and he seems to be rising to the occasion for playing for Liverpool.

Henderson will get better too.

Liverpool are strong this season and will be top 4.

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Suarez is an immense player, and as Jamie Rentboyknapp pointed out Madrid, Barca will be all over him by Jan / end season.


Henderson will make way for Gerrard when he returns to the team, Lucas is solid at the moment.


Downing and Enrique are the unsung story of Dalglish signings, Liverpool looking totally different from the defeated mess at the tail end of last season.


Top 4 is well within reach this season.

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Suarez is an immense player, and as Jamie Rentboyknapp pointed out Madrid, Barca will be all over him by Jan / end season.


Henderson will make way for Gerrard when he returns to the team, Lucas is solid at the moment.


Downing and Enrique are the unsung story of Dalglish signings, Liverpool looking totally different from the defeated mess at the tail end of last season.


Top 4 is well within reach this season.

I've said for a while now that i think Downing is majorly overrated and i still stand by that however he's looking good for them at the moment and might just finally find the consistent form he's been looking for since his Boro days.

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Depends on whether Dalglish can keep a happy and united (pardon the pun) dressing room. With so many "star" signings coming in and quite a few "star" names not going to be playing all the time the dressing room can become a fragmented and ultimately unhappy place. If KD can keep all the players happy then maybe just maybe.

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Suarez is an immense player, and as Jamie Rentboyknapp pointed out Madrid, Barca will be all over him by Jan /


Usual hype...


Why would they not have gone for him before at a fraction of the price they would have to pay liverpool? He had already proven to be a very good player before at Ajax and international level. He didnt slip under their radar before, they just didn't want him.


As for Liverpool, they will be better this year, but I don't think KK is the man to take them where they want to get to. He sold an uninterested and unmotivated player for

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I've said for a while now that i think Downing is majorly overrated and i still stand by that however he's looking good for them at the moment and might just finally find the consistent form he's been looking for since his Boro days.


Don't understand that comment at all - infact I find it completely bizarre! His consistency was a feature of Villas season last year!!! This is something he's improved upon since Boro days, where IMHO he was often very hit or miss. The lad cleaned up at Villas POTY ceremony last season!


Henderson will probably be the one to drop out for Gerrard - he seems to be the guys who's occupying the withdrawn forward role at the moment.

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Don't understand that comment at all - infact I find it completely bizarre! His consistency was a feature of Villas season last year!!! This is something he's improved upon since Boro days, where IMHO he was often very hit or miss. The lad cleaned up at Villas POTY ceremony last season!


Henderson will probably be the one to drop out for Gerrard - he seems to be the guys who's occupying the withdrawn forward role at the moment.


Agree with the Downing comment, he was excellent for Villa last season.


On Liverpool, even if Henderson drops out completely, there is still a question mark over whether Charlie Adam will get a game once Gerrard comes back.


Assuming no injuries and they play 4 at the back with Carrol & Suarez up front, this leaves Downing on the left, Kuyt on the right with 2 center mid positions.


Gerrard would take 1 of these with the other being between Adam and Lucas. I would imagine, Lucas would be ahead of Charlie Adam tbh.


Plus, there's also Meireles & Maxi to throw into the mix. For a team that are not in Europe, I think they have too many midfielders and a lack of strikers.


Agree with earlier comment, I can't see past the 2 Manchester teams for the title this season.

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id put liverpool as fourth this season, but challenging in two years time. after succesive managers have failed miserably itll take time to rebuild the team/club. and that cannot be done in six months, bit like ourselves really, high expectations but need time to get it together

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No chance liverpool will be top 4 imo


How far did they finish behind Man City last season?

Just checked.

13 points.


Going by what I'm watching from White Hart Lane just now, I'd put money on that gap increasing never min being overturned.

Then of course there is the usual suspects over the last heap of seasons to overcome also.


Hey, definitely wouldn't rule out a serious challenge from them...but I really can't see it.

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If suarez gets injured they are pish up front. The pony tailed ned is nowhere near the finished article And to beat bolton 3-1isnt really that special. Beating the worst arse team i can recall under wenger, and struggling to do so until a fortunte own goal, isnt special either. In no way shape or form are they contenders. At best top 4 and thats only becuase wenger has had a complete cranial meltdown.

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I reckon Gerrard may well be phased back in, depending on how Liverpool's results keep up.


When everyone is fit I'd imagine that Gerrard will play behind Suarez and Adam and Lucas as the midfield two.

Merelies and Henderson as back up.

If Adam maintains his form he'll play most weeks. Did you see some of the passing he was coming away with against Bolton? Pinpoint.

I hope he seizes his oppertunity. We need scottish players playing in big teams.

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whats the thoughts of our Liverpool fans on Gerrard?


should he walk straight back in for Adam? Will he?


Is it just coincidence that since they stopped relying so heavily on him that they have improved and now play as a team?



i think gerrard is a dog that has had its day.


him (and a few other of the big name england players like lampard, terry, rio) are no longer the playetrs they were 5 years ago with age and injuries creeping up on them.


would think that gerrard is probably still liverpools biggest midfielder but if he doesnt play its nolonger a big deal for them

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we bare looking good no doubt about that, i still think we need two more centre halves though, the rest of the team looks fine to me, winning our 19th title will be a fair task but i feel top 3 is well within our capabilities, especially after the Wengerboys capitulation, against "them".

Stevie G is one that interests me before KD came in i would have said Lucas nailed on to be dropped when Rafa signed him he was like a poor mans Igor Biscan, but he has been excellent since the change in management, i don't know where SG fits in will be interesting to see.

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My dad, who has supported Man United for years admitted this evening when I was at his, Man U aren't as good as last season.


He also said, the media make Man U sound better than they actually are.


2 statements I NEVER thought I'd hear from a Man U fan. I was taken aback.

Your auld man is wrong then.


They're every bit as good as last season

Whether they surpass that remains to be seen. But there seems to be a freshness about the team, no doubt to the fact that the average age has been drastically lowered. I think they can get better. Jones, Smalling, Welbeck and Cleverley all look impressive so far.

The only weaker part I would say is the goalkeeper. It's going to be a hard season for him I think.


Agree about the media down south though. They sensationalize everything beyond belief.

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My dad, who has supported Man United for years admitted this evening when I was at his, Man U aren't as good as last season.


He also said, the media make Man U sound better than they actually are.


2 statements I NEVER thought I'd hear from a Man U fan. I was taken aback.

When is it you're away to Turkey pal? My mate posted on Facebook that our other mate got his suitcase picked up by the wrong guy at the airport and hasn't got it back yet :o

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