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Youth Culture

Betty Swallicks

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Hey Betty ! Thanks for askin'.....I lost track of this thread and just came across it again( I get easily lost :nutter: )






I would have to admit to being wary about being pigeon-holed or joining any movement. Found myself impressed as an early teenager by the Beats but by the time I had grown older it was the hippy era( these movements are over before we know it )....certainly grew long hair and was immediately branded a hippy. Always thought that peace , love and understanding were decent ways to conduct ourselves thro' life but easier said than done when we get stressed out and fatigued by life's trials and tribulations. I liked a lot of mod music( the Who and the Soul Agents were adopted by the mods , amongst others ) but liked the rockers too.


I reckoned we should enjoy as much as life has to offer but not get compromised by any one movement by answering the two basic questions of the self:


1 Do I or do I not like this?


2 Is this true or is this false?


Answering honestly keeps it real.

Abuddy's different and will come up with different answers.....vive la difference and stand free.



Your a wise auld duck min!



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shame im not reading anything from you anymore, cos i cant reply


You're not reading anything from me anymore because you can't reply?


How does your inability to reply prevent you from reading my posts?


Inquiring minds, and all that...

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im going to use my perceptive skills to hazard an educated guess at what you might come back with




if i cant reply, i dont want to know about it


Perceptual skills.


Looks like they failed you into the bargain.


You ever do something and think... f**k... the law of diminishing returns strikes again?


That is to say you find yourself putting in more than you're getting out?


Like, just say you REALLY like taking your shirt off and posting pictures of yourself on the internet... I'm just using this as an example... but you find that the response didn't even cover the effort it took to unbutton your shirt. Again, I'm just making up an example here, not basing it on any kind of an actual event, but that kind of thing, you know?


That's kind of how I'm feeling now.

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You fae Boxy?

Fit part? Clovie, Hillocks, Steenywid?


I kint a fair few folk fae Boxy. Mind "The Lads"?

Poor gang name but decent c**ts.

Went a few times to The Beacon Centre think it was called "the drop in" or something.



I mind Boxy used to scrap wi Byron on the golfie every summer.

Wouldn't get that now, half the folk would be junkies.


Clovie! used to be a big four mile regular.


Used to go to most games with my brother, am a bit older than the lads, most of them got fecked by H as they got older.


Spent many a summers evening on the golf course, took my air rifle with telescopic sight a few times, good days.

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Clovie! used to be a big four mile regular.


Used to go to most games with my brother, am a bit older than the lads, most of them got fecked by H as they got older.


Spent many a summers evening on the golf course, took my air rifle with telescopic sight a few times, good days.


I was in The Cloverleaf a few weeks ago, the sausage rolls were quite nice.

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tum tee tum...


you know what???


f**k it


my SKILLS themselves are perceptive, so no, i stand by my first use language - it was correct


Can a skill be perceptive?


I suppose it could be... in the same way a skill could be a good singer. "Hey, check out my skill at fixing an engine... it sings Step On by the popular Baggy band, the Happy Mondays. It's also good at interpreting certain things it reads on an internet forum. Go for it, mechanic skill, tell the man what you think of that post and how you interpret it.


so yeah, I guess in that respect you're absolutely correct.


Incredulous but true.

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Clovie! used to be a big four mile regular.


Used to go to most games with my brother, am a bit older than the lads, most of them got fecked by H as they got older.


Spent many a summers evening on the golf course, took my air rifle with telescopic sight a few times, good days.



Aye went to that park In Boxy a few times and air rifles, catties, firing golf ba's with a 7 iron over the Howes Road and 30/30 scrapping on the golf course used to be a normal way to spend a July evening.


Kids noo play "Grand Theft Auto" instead.


Get oot on the golfie and get some fresh air ye c**ts!

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Aye went to that park In Boxy a few times and air rifles, catties, firing golf ba's with a 7 iron over the Howes Road and 30/30 scrapping on the golf course used to be a normal way to spend a July evening.


Kids noo play "Grand Theft Auto" instead.


Get oot on the golfie and get some fresh air ye c**ts!


Ah Crooky Park


Last time I was in about that park and the golf course there was some guy going mental with a bicycle chain.

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I suppose going to see the mondays on the yes please tour kicked off my yoof. still rocked the baggy look when i got into metal and punk later on. didn't really go for the rocker clothes, the nearest i got were cut down urban camys and a slayer t shirt.


still have a few chipie duds kicking about.

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