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Bobby Connor

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I saw Yeti walking down Princes street a couple years back, was going to run up to him and ask for a pic but the other half wasn't keen on the idea and said it was probably a lookalike, have always regretted not getting it, would have been a brilliant facebook profile pic.


I googled it when I got home and it turned out he was in a play in Edinburgh that week.


that wouldve been ace. old school movie with old school mentalism in it.


oboe was my favourite.


last time i battered someone, the last thing i said to him was ywant your spankin now?

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Dayts and Bluto.

There's nothing different about me. I'm just another bored male, approaching past 30, in a dead-end job, who lives for the weekend. Casual sex, watered-down lager, heavily cut drugs. And occasionally kicking fuck out of someone.




I'm going to stock up on beer, clear the room and watch it tonight!

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DAYTS: Let's get out of here Bill, there's six Stoke fans staring right at us.

BLUTO: Right, which one's staring at me.

DAYTS: The one with the hat on. Please don't start Bill.

BLUTO: [pointing at fan] Right see you you cunt, I'll cut you first.


Ha ha! Can def imagine Bluto is Billy Bright :)

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ID was great but Bluto is correct, The Firm was the best, Bexy and Yeti were the business!


The firm is good as it is the 'original' film in the genre, but still I.D wins for me. What did you think of the remake of the Firm? I thought it was alright.


Anyone seen Arrivederci Millwall? Keep meaning to try and get hold of a copy.

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aye, mi ma's TV packed in a couple of months ago. was only 8 months old but discontinued. She was given a LED replacement, loves the pic but doesnt like the shape of the TV at all. It sits lower on the unit that she's used to so... I have a wee sticker on it, she'll by herself a new one and I'll have an almost new 50" LED


Porn that big and clear will look like a live sex show in the living room :spunk:


Haha!! :laughing:

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