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If The Worst Were To Happen And Aberdeen Fc Didn't Exist Anymore, Who Would You Support?

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Fitba is dying a slow death in this country so will prob give up on the game altogether. Unless radical changes are made from grass roots level concerning coaching, facilities, attitude nothing will change. AFC suffer from this prob too so they know what they need to do so its a question of whether they can be arsed?

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I'd simply moan like a fishwife on AFC forums for ages along the theme of the end of the world is nigh, we're all doomed etc.


The plight of AFC is more important than mere real life. Obviously. Anyone who argues would get their head kicked in.


I'd be in no mood for jokes.


Then I'd kill myself.

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Whereas you spend so much on the Dons you canna even afford insurance for your motorbike?


So what you're saying is you've nothing else in your life apart from Aberdeen FC?


If the Dons went out of existence I would not give two fucks.

Oh i could afford it, i just kept procrastinating paying it.


You couldnt care yet who spend your whole life trolling an Aberdeen Football Club messageboard. :itch-chin:

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You couldnt care yet who spend your whole life trolling an Aberdeen Football Club messageboard. :itch-chin:


Aye that's right I'm on here my whole life. I'm consumed by the compulsion to post. I have no spare time, and nothing else to occupy me as I sit with the curtains drawn in my mither's bedroom.


I'm not trolling, I'm attempting to educate.


I can see I'm hitting a brick wall here though.

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Aye that's right I'm on here my whole life. I'm consumed by the compulsion to post. I have no spare time, and nothing else to occupy me as I sit with the curtains drawn in my mither's bedroom.


I'm not trolling, I'm attempting to educate.


I can see I'm hitting a brick wall here though.

That much is obvious.

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There is more to life than football, most of you dinna give a fuck about it anyway and just want to take rakes of drink and get away fae your torn faced wives, the thought of having to spend some time with your families is obviously beyond the pale, hence you'd need to latch on to anither team to keep up the cycle of incessant drinking and pissing off of your partners.


Sad bunch of cunts you all are.


If Aberdeen FC ceased to exist I'd simply stop supporting any team, no way would I stand like a big fucking gooseberry at some other shitty arsed team's games, trying to fit in, like a desperate arsed leech.

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aberdeen will always exist in some form or other.


if the current shambles went out of business, there would be enough people willing to support a replacement version - which to be quite honest would likely be better than the gash that we currently have.


so if Aberdeen FC didn't exist anymore i'd support Aberdeen FC 2

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What if there was a massive ice-age as predicted in scientific journals?


It might not then, it might be frozen to pulp, never thought of that did you, eh, eh?


no, kari arnason would use his icelandic skills and tunnel through the ice to create the world's first fully covered ice-stadium and we'd win the league beating the wooly mammoths (no, not Rangers, actual wooly mammoths) 3-0 to win the title on the last day of the season.

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no, kari arnason would use his icelandic skills and tunnel through the ice to create the world's first fully covered ice-stadium and we'd win the league beating the wooly mammoths (no, not Rangers, actual wooly mammoths) 3-0 to win the title on the last day of the season.


There were certainly a few mammoths working behind the till in Woolies back in the day, they are also extinct, Woolies that is, not the fat hairy wifies behind the counter and the ones stalking the pick n mix for thieving little shits to collar.

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Strangely enough I didn't really pay much attention to Aberdeen when younger, when I was about 11 I supported Arsenal (not sure why) but soon realised I should support Middlesbrough since that's where most of family are from. It was when I left for uni in Stirling in September 2002 when I properly started supporting Aberdeen, maybe it was just the usual university thing of trying to be individual and different.


Come to think of it Aberdeen have been pretty pish the entire time I have actually supported them, except for those European matches and some wins against Rangers and Celtic.

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