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Think we played well in spells, played some neat football, but never got in a position to really threaten on goal. We should never have sat back after the goal. We invited Celtic onto us, and they were always going to score. Should have kept up the same pressure, if we conceded then well fair enough, at least it was done trying to win the game.


Unsure about the sending off. Jack has just scored a wonder goal, away at Parkhead, of course he is going to go celebrate with the fans, its adrenaline, but going by the letter of the law, its a booking. Notice also that Mulgrew was booked after his celebration at the 2nd, didnt actually think he went near the crowd. It is one of the worst rules in football, and now means we have an in-form player missing against rangers next week due to it. His tackle for the second yellow was rash, but the ref could of easily gave him a warning and told him no more, but as per the moaning little cunts of Hooper and kayal do everything they can to get another player booked. Actually say kayal asking the ref to book one of our players in the first half, which is a disgrace and in my opinion a booking itself, but there was no chance of that.


All in all it was a decent performance, sitting back after the goal was a disaster, and the red card killed the game. 3 points against Rangers will make up for it though.

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You know where I'm coming from Stoneybloke...Rome wasen't built in a day...I've been pretty scathing in my attacks on Broon in the past..but going into the game with two strikers was a move I didn't think he had in him...zero points is zero points but we must take some encouragment from the result...yes/no??


Hmmm....... I agree it's progress since last year. Two strikers is better, but one of them was Vernon who always struggles in these games. I don't know how long it took to build Rome, but I hope we can get into a top six place at least before then. Do I see any light at the end of the tunnel yet........just a dim flickering chink, I'm afraid

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Hmmm....... I agree it's progress since last year. Two strikers is better, but one of them was Vernon who always struggles in these games. I don't know how long it took to build Rome, but I hope we can get into a top six place at least before then. Do I see any light at the end of the tunnel yet........just a dim flickering chink, I'm afraid


Just as long as "The light at the end of the tunnel is not the oncoming train of impending disaster"......I'll be happy mate ;)

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Forrest would not have gone off for the same misdemeanours, we need to get these refs sacked and go with the foreigners every week and just take the cost of that from the league money, these guys are biased to the core and cannot apply fairness.

Tbh your probably right, it seems the only way to get rid of the bias(ness?)


Today was a joke, every time Obsbourne touched Kayal he was down on the ground. Fallon had a couple for supposed climbing but no such luck at the other end.


It will go unheard yet again though, no point in complaining. Just get on with it. For the duration we did. But if you think its frustrating being a fan just imagine how the players fealt.


Fucking facist cunts.

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Having not been to as many games as most people on here, the last few I've watched - Rangers at Ibrox, Dunfermline and United at home, and the match today (allbeit online) I think we are playing well and can see us being in the top 6 comfortably come the split, and confident about a win against R*ngers on Saturday! COYR!!

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I'm disappointed that we didn't keep it up when we scored and started taking everybody back for corners,


We did that in the first half to. I'm not sure if we failed to keep it up, or they raised the game, it was certainly a very different game after our equaliser, from the first half which had a pre-season friendly feel about it at times.


I'm disappointed we didn't get a result, but I thought we did well today, I don't think anyone is delighted at a defeat, but we have to remember how bleak last season was, and the start of this, I think everyone is encouraged as its clear the team is giving its all, we have a very decent midfield, and can play some very good football at times.


Great bounce when we scored today, and whilst Osbourne was excellent, I thought Milsom was our best player, with Foster and Considine having good games to.


Did anyone see what happened on the way out the ground when the mounted police all rushed in and grabbed someone?

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When u have so many players booked, they start standing off the ball more and allowing the opposition to play and against a better side that's usually fatal.


Once again a ref has robbed us of any chance against Celtic, it's blatant fucking bias or cheating no matter how you look at it and we've seen it so many times now it's not just coincidence. It was a must win game for Celtic and thanks to the ref they got their win.


Sick to death of the ref's in this country; bin the fucking lot of em.

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When u have so many players booked, they start standing off the ball more and allowing the opposition to play and against a better side that's usually fatal.


Once again a ref has robbed us of any chance against Celtic, it's blatant fucking bias or cheating no matter how you look at it and we've seen it so many times now it's not just coincidence. It was a must win game for Celtic and thanks to the ref they got their win.


Sick to death of the ref's in this country; bin the fucking lot of em.


Craig Brown just brought up a great point on Sportscene on how Mulgrew does practically the same thing as Jack, running up to the corner celebrating beside the fans, yet Jack is the only one who got booked!! Why am i not surprised?


And how is it a booking anyway? All Jack does is celebrate beside the fans. It's not as though he jumps into the stand! Bloody farcical booking!

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Craig Brown just brought up a great point on Sportscene on how Mulgrew does practically the same thing as Jack, running up to the corner celebrating beside the fans, yet Jack is the only one who got booked!! Why am i not surprised?


And how is it a booking anyway? All Jack does is celebrate beside the fans. It's not as though he jumps into the stand! Bloody farcical booking!


I'm sure he did get booked? Looked like that on my stream anyway :dontknow:


Edit: checked stats and says he wasn't booked. Stand corrected

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Actually say kayal asking the ref to book one of our players in the first half, which is a disgrace and in my opinion a booking itself, but there was no chance of that.


Given the booking for celebrating is for "unsporting conduct" you've got to wonder how the hell telling the ref to book a player ISN'T.

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Craig Brown just brought up a great point on Sportscene on how Mulgrew does practically the same thing as Jack, running up to the corner celebrating beside the fans, yet Jack is the only one who got booked!! Why am i not surprised?


And how is it a booking anyway? All Jack does is celebrate beside the fans. It's not as though he jumps into the stand! Bloody farcical booking!

Mulgrew got booked aswell.





When u have so many players booked, they start standing off the ball more and allowing the opposition to play and against a better side that's usually fatal.


Once again a ref has robbed us of any chance against Celtic, it's blatant fucking bias or cheating no matter how you look at it and we've seen it so many times now it's not just coincidence. It was a must win game for Celtic and thanks to the ref they got their win.


Sick to death of the ref's in this country; bin the fucking lot of em.

Which bookings were unfair and biased against us?


Foster sythed through back of player and Fallon took Mlgrew right out in the first half.


Jack was booked for jumping into crowd which happens all the time. Can't remember the Osbourne one. Arnason got deservedly booked late on and was lucky not to get booked in first half for sything into the wee poof Kayal.


Just don't get all this consipracy stuff today. In past we have been fucked over in Glasgow by refs but not today.

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Mulgrew got booked aswell.






Which bookings were unfair and biased against us?


Foster sythed through back of player and Fallon took Mlgrew right out in the first half.


Jack was booked for jumping into crowd which happens all the time. Can't remember the Osbourne one. Arnason got deservedly booked late on and was lucky not to get booked in first half for sything into the wee poof Kayal.


Just don't get all this consipracy stuff today. In past we have been fucked over in Glasgow by refs but not today.


My point is, as far as i remember, no celtic players were booked and they done enough to justify a few yellows as well. Ref's are card happy when it comes to sending our players off against Celtic and they often turn a blind eye when Rangers are kicking our players all over the park.


Plus there's no doubt Scottish ref's are pish. I've seen way too many dodgy decisions over the years to believe it's all just down to bad refereeing.

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the SPLs own site shows Celtic didn't get any yellow cards yesterday, if the ref didn't book Mulgrew then he should have to explain how in his opinion Jacks celebrations merited a yellow while Mulgrews didn't.


I'll explain it for him.


He's a biased cunt who bent over backwards to help Celtic and hinder Aberdeen and influence the result as much as was humanly possible, in line with all the other biased cunts who handle Old Firm games against teams who have no right to expect any decisions whatsoever.


I'm going to complain on Aberdeen FC's behalf this morning.

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It was a stonewall yellow. Are you suggesting it should have been a straight red?

It should have been his first booking of the day, that 1st yellow was a disgrace.

Everyone and I mean everyone in football knows that the rule is in place (whether they agree with it or think it is ridiculous) and know that if a player does it he will get a yellow card. Not a disgrace at all. A stupid booking certainly although bit understandable in circumstances. But on a yellow to take out a player like Jack did was sheer stupidity and only ever going to be one outcome.

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Everyone and I mean everyone in football knows that the rule is in place (whether they agree with it or think it is ridiculous) and know that if a player does it he will get a yellow card. Not a disgrace at all. A stupid booking certainly although bit understandable in circumstances. But on a yellow to take out a player like Jack did was sheer stupidity and only ever going to be one outcome.



Not arguing with you on that score. He should have known better, but the rule is a complete and utter joke and puts players on a tightrope in games.


One day the players of the game will follow suit and become emotionless drones like the referee's and the people who run our game.


I used to referee for a couple of years and have been to the local meetings, so I understand that rf's have to apply the letter of the law, but it's still a joke.

Glad I'm out of it.

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Tup, yes Reilly had a stinker although your sounding very much like a paranoid Tim.


Just becasue he has an Irish surname doesn't mean he is a Celtic fan.......its actually quite embarrassing.


Aye OK he was the embodiment of fair play if you say so min, just my paranoia that seems to hand Celtic penalties and Aberdeen multiple red cards every single game against them.


It's not paranoia, it's real, and it happens every fucking time we play them.


Willie Collum is a catholic teacher from Glasgow. True, not paranoia.


I cast iron guarantee every member of this guy's family are Celtic supporters.

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its strange that K-9's pic shows a booking but its not registered on any site

Press association will have missed it and all sites use their stats.


Bit like trying to find to this day Foster being on bench at Alloa last season cup tie-ing him for Huns later on and all sites still have Pawlett as sub even though was replaced last minute.


Or the Scotland goal a couple of years back that was given to Barry Robson even though McFadden put it in.

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Aye OK he was the embodiment of fair play if you say so min, just my paranoia that seems to hand Celtic penalties and Aberdeen multiple red cards every single game against them.


It's not paranoia, it's real, and it happens every fucking time we play them.


Willie Collum is a catholic teacher from Glasgow. True, not paranoia.


I cast iron guarantee every member of this guy's family are Celtic supporters.



Bloody hell. Jack probably did deserve his red card, even the referee Jock McSporran from Auchtermuchty would have given it.


Scottish refs are a joke, yes. But leave all this paranoia and religious pish to the old firm.

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