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Bloody hell. Jack probably did deserve his red card, even the referee Jock McSporran from Auchtermuchty would have given it.


Scottish refs are a joke, yes. But leave all this paranoia and religious pish to the old firm.


No, they are installing refs who favour them, same as the TV deal favours them, same as the fixtures favour them, same as the media favour them.


We are being made fools of.


There is no way on earth Forrest would have walked if he carried out Jack's misdemeanours.


I'm not 'paranoid'. This is the get out of jail card used by the Old Firm, against each other.


I deal in reality. The reality is that these referees are biased to the core.

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Its not an offence to leave the pitch. I mulgrew wasn't booked for the same celebration AFC and Milne must start asking why. if it was Celtic they'd be greetin like fuck about it.


Fifa's rules state that:


While it is permissible for a player to demonstrate his joy when a goal has been scored, the celebration must not be excessive.

Fifa directives also discourage the practice of choreographed celebrations when it results in excessive time-wasting and referees are instructed to intervene in such cases.


Although it is not a cautionable offence in itself to leave the pitch to celebrate a goal, it is deemed essential that players return to the field as soon as possible.


Interpretation is the name of the game, with referees expected to act in a "preventative mode" and to exercise "common-sense" in dealing with a goal celebration.


Fifa rules state that a player must be cautioned when:


In the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative derisory or inflammatory

He climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored

He removes his shirt over his head or covers his head with his shirt

Referee Chris Foy at the Stadium of Light clearly felt that Robben overstepped the mark by celebrating with the Chelsea fans.

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Its not an offence to leave the pitch. I mulgrew wasn't booked for the same celebration AFC and Milne must start asking why. if it was Celtic they'd be greetin like fuck about it.


Fifa's rules state that:


While it is permissible for a player to demonstrate his joy when a goal has been scored, the celebration must not be excessive.

Fifa directives also discourage the practice of choreographed celebrations when it results in excessive time-wasting and referees are instructed to intervene in such cases.


Although it is not a cautionable offence in itself to leave the pitch to celebrate a goal, it is deemed essential that players return to the field as soon as possible.


Interpretation is the name of the game, with referees expected to act in a "preventative mode" and to exercise "common-sense" in dealing with a goal celebration.


Fifa rules state that a player must be cautioned when:


In the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative derisory or inflammatory

He climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored

He removes his shirt over his head or covers his head with his shirt

Referee Chris Foy at the Stadium of Light clearly felt that Robben overstepped the mark by celebrating with the Chelsea fans.


I've always been of the impression that in Scotland it is an offence to leave the field when celebrating a goal. If what you have said above is true then Jack should not have been booked.

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jack didnt go into the crowd though


its not an offence to leave the field of play, so why was he booked?


why also has the ref not included mulgrews booking in his report?!?!?!!?


I'm glad someone pointed that out. The stewards, as ever, were over zealous, thinking they had to push Jack towards the park. That probably influenced the referee. Jack, however, did nothing wrong. He ran towards his own fans to celebrate and when he was nearing the stand he turned back to celebrate with his team. Shocking that the ref sees that as a booking and that of Mulgrew's, if he was indeed booked for his celebration.

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He was lucky not to get a straight red for scoring an equaliser against Celtic and nearly making them fall a further 2 points behind Rangers.


He's a teenager and he was delighted to score. That's no booking.


The referee was biased and that's it, is there anything we can do?


Walk off the pitch next time it happens.

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He was lucky not to get a straight red for scoring an equaliser against Celtic and nearly making them fall a further 2 points behind Rangers.


He's a teenager and he was delighted to score. That's no booking.


The referee was biased and that's it, is there anything we can do?


Walk off the pitch next time it happens.


Exactly, just refuse yo play Rangers and Celtic, if clubs werent in desperate need of getting the cash from the OF games i shouldnt think it would be a problem.

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These clubs hold a big advantage financially anyway, without having compliant referees, media, and 'authorities' bending over backwards to assist them.


Mind you, their preferred recourse to resistance is the old death threat, bullet in the post, bomb in a parcel/under your car methodology, highly effective no doubt in ensuring these 'referees' ken what side their bread is buttered on.


Which is why we need foreigners, who cannot be influenced.

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Can't believe Jack was booked for celebrating! Scores a great goal and has every right to celebrate :stormtrooper:


I know technically we shouldn't be lauding a 2-1 defeat but we ARE improving.


I think sitting back costs us and we are better of sticking to a pressing game


We NEED a result against Rangers and based on the last 2 home games i'll think we'll get one


Definitely going to be watching this one from down south and i don't care what the pub owner says but at least one of his screens will be showing this game!!


A win would be a massive boost but i realisticly think we'll get a draw.... depends on the players mentality for the game

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depends on the players mentality for the game


We only try for these games remember?


Expect multiple newspaper articles along these lines this week, with thick bastards like Zander Diamond and Derek Young wheeled out to give credence to it, whilst Gough, Hateley and Novo remind us of just how much of a bunch of total cunts we are for having the temerity to take a dislike to the cheating scummy arsed bastarding huns of fuck.

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Although it is not a cautionable offence in itself to leave the pitch to celebrate a goal, it is deemed essential that players return to the field as soon as possible.


Interpretation is the name of the game, with referees expected to act in a "preventative mode" and to exercise "common-sense" in dealing with a goal celebration.


Fifa rules state that a player must be cautioned when:


In the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative derisory or inflammatory

He climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored

He removes his shirt over his head or covers his head with his shirt


So 100% undisputable as far as the rules go.


He was booked for fuck all.


Much as I thought.



And in turn sent off for fuck all.

And also in turn, misses a crucial match against the scum for fuck all.


Cheating cunts.

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It seems none of the papers have put done as Mulgrew being booked did the ref only do it for show? Watching it from a live stream he actually went into the fans unlike Jack. Sick to death of shit ref decision and bias towards the ugly sisters. Are you even allowed to be a ref at the "top level" in this country without either supporting the huns or tims?

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It seems none of the papers have put done as Mulgrew being booked did the ref only do it for show? Watching it from a live stream he actually went into the fans unlike Jack. Sick to death of shit ref decision and bias towards the ugly sisters. Are you even allowed to be a ref at the "top level" in this country without either supporting the huns or tims?


You boys really need to get over youselves...Good God this has been going on for years and will never change....Fergie realised this...when we play the OF we are playing 12 men simple...we just got to accept it...instead of moaning about it...It doesn't only happen in football...the days of the level playing field in all sorts of aspects of life have gone...accept it and rise to the challenge...you fu*king girls blouses!!!!

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