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Aberdeen For Change

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Where's the initiatives to bring in extra revenue to the club?



this is the one thing that really pisses me off with that bald cnut stewy milne.


he is obvioulsy a switched on characted given he is a business man but what value in the business side of things has he added to aberdeen f.c.?


i mean he canna even fill the ground.

that is the 1st prerequisite for any big cheese.


i am not kidding when i say that i could do a better job at making a.f.c. money.

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there's nae reason why the main stand couldnt be demolished and rebuilt.

The are more than 1 huge reasons why it can't be!!


Money is the main one and another would be the loss of everything underneath like board room, changing rooms, corporate areas etc. Be as much to demolish and rebuild than it will be to build whole new decent stadium.

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The are more than 1 huge reasons why it can't be!!


Money is the main one and another would be the loss of everything underneath like board room, changing rooms, corporate areas etc. Be as much to demolish and rebuild than it will be to build whole new decent stadium.



South stand is surely needing an upgrade too!

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Well he attended hun Champions League games at Ibrox, therefore he's a watered down Dons fan, he canna be taken seriously.


Probably charters planes to Man United games too, hence the plaguarised scarf pish.


Organised by wankers, for wankers, no chance of having any effect.



Thats your well thought out argument for not supporting this?


Justify your attitude without talking shite please.


Whats your suggestion then?

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For the other clubs to combine forces and resources and throw Celtic and Rangers out of Scottish football.



You not a fan of the big picture then no?


Our club is fucked it is dying and you want to run a campaign based on a common hatred of two fairly shit football teams.


Concentrate on our own club, get it right, try to make us great again and the rest will follow.


If I and others who wear these scarves are wankers in your book I can live with that, I quite frankly could not give a fuck.


You sit back and do fuck all hammering out crap on your keyboard, The old firm will never go away we have to get better, what you are saying is tantamount to AFC can never compete again at the top level in this country, I mean why do you even bother?


Nobody will help us,we have to help ourselves.

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Scottish football has vested far too much power in two clubs. To say that we just ignore that renders your campaign pointless.


The only way out of the mess is to take that power back. We can march, or wear scarves until we are blue in the face - it won't change the real problem.


Milne or anyone else could throw cash at it - it won't change the real problem.


I know exactly what the problem is in Scottish football without needing some organised group to spell it out to me.


You have it all wrong.

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Scottish football has vested far too much power in two clubs. To say that we just ignore that renders your campaign pointless.


The only way out of the mess is to take that power back. We can march, or wear scarves until we are blue in the face - it won't change the real problem.


Milne or anyone else could throw cash at it - it won't change the real problem.


I know exactly what the problem is in Scottish football without needing some organised group to spell it out to me.


You have it all wrong.


OK so your Kicking out the OF?


How do you do it?


Where do they go? ( I dont care is not a good answer!)


There has always been an OF in Scottish football we humbled them regularly once. Our shambolic club is run from Aberdeen not Glasgow. If a team is good enough to finish above the OF they win the division no? That cant be disputed, you can argue about masonic refs, catholic refs or any other shit but the fact remains if we are good enough we win the games and therefore the SPL..


Milne and apathy are the cancer that is killing our club not the OF.


Your view is narrow in the extreme.

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OK so your Kicking out the OF?


How do you do it?


Where do they go? ( I dont care is not a good answer!)


There has always been an OF in Scottish football we humbled them regularly once. Our shambolic club is run from Aberdeen not Glasgow. If a team is good enough to finish above the OF they win the division no? That cant be disputed, you can argue about masonic refs, catholic refs or any other shit but the fact remains if we are good enough we win the games and therefore the SPL..


Milne and apathy are the cancer that is killing our club not the OF.


Your view is narrow in the extreme.


We don't need to concern ourselves with where they go. They can play each other 38 times a season if they must. This is irrelevant to Aberdeen FC.


How to? By getting all the other clubs to agree that they have killed every one of us, and simply start our own league, without them. Easy as that.


We humbled the OF when the playing field was level. It's not anymore. They have a cartel in operation in case it's escaped your notice. Read the SPL rules and then come back to me if you're not clear on why.


It is virtually impossible, under those restrictions, for any other club to win the league. Which is why it has not happened for nearly 30 years.


It would not matter who was in charge here, the above would still apply.


Your campaign is wrong-headed and doomed to fail. Stewart Milne I am afraid is not the main issue facing our club right now, or preventing progress, far from it to my eyes.

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We don't need to concern ourselves with where they go. They can play each other 38 times a season if they must. This is irrelevant to Aberdeen FC.


How to? By getting all the other clubs to agree that they have killed every one of us, and simply start our own league, without them. Easy as that.


We humbled the OF when the playing field was level. It's not anymore. They have a cartel in operation in case it's escaped your notice. Read the SPL rules and then come back to me if you're not clear on why.


It is virtually impossible, under those restrictions, for any other club to win the league. Which is why it has not happened for nearly 30 years.


It would not matter who was in charge here, the above would still apply.


Your campaign is wrong-headed and doomed to fail. Stewart Milne I am afraid is not the main issue facing our club right now, or preventing progress, far from it to my eyes.


What rubbish


If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem simple as that in my view.


What makes you think the playing field was level in the 1980's, we were great because we had a world class manager, a fantastic side on the park and a board which cared.


Now we have none of those things, thats why we are dross. We are a failing business with an apathetic board and fans, I would say we are settling for mediocrity but we cant even manage that. Shambles from top to bottom.


If this cartel you speak of does exist surely we can expect to finish third every season then, AFC is a joke and has been for a long time, Any campaign be it this one or any other is just a normal reaction from people who care, im not ashamed of that or any action which may result from it.


The Aberdeen for Change agenda is not aimed specifically at Milne, we just want a club we can be proud of again.

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are they not meeting fire regs etc and without major change, then only a new move is an option?


however could all be spin?


Of course it is spin, rather like our ground would not be fit for Uefa game spin they came out with. Milne's been pedalling the same pish since Kingswells. I think Pittodrie has reached its shelf life but only due to poor planning and I do not think the need to move is as urgent as the club make out.


I attended a meeting, prior to Kingswells, where the club stated categorically that the Main Stand would be shut in 5 years and that the South Stand had started sinking, or words to that effect.


The main stand is still open and sadly, Milne's still here pedalling shite.





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What rubbish


If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem simple as that in my view.


What makes you think the playing field was level in the 1980's, we were great because we had a world class manager, a fantastic side on the park and a board which cared.


Now we have none of those things, thats why we are dross. We are a failing business with an apathetic board and fans, I would say we are settling for mediocrity but we cant even manage that. Shambles from top to bottom.


If this cartel you speak of does exist surely we can expect to finish third every season then, AFC is a joke and has been for a long time, Any campaign be it this one or any other is just a normal reaction from people who care, im not ashamed of that or any action which may result from it.


The Aberdeen for Change agenda is not aimed specifically at Milne, we just want a club we can be proud of again.


Well it should be, guy's a fucking clown.

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What rubbish


If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem simple as that in my view.


What makes you think the playing field was level in the 1980's, we were great because we had a world class manager, a fantastic side on the park and a board which cared.


Now we have none of those things, thats why we are dross. We are a failing business with an apathetic board and fans, I would say we are settling for mediocrity but we cant even manage that. Shambles from top to bottom.


If this cartel you speak of does exist surely we can expect to finish third every season then, AFC is a joke and has been for a long time, Any campaign be it this one or any other is just a normal reaction from people who care, im not ashamed of that or any action which may result from it.


The Aberdeen for Change agenda is not aimed specifically at Milne, we just want a club we can be proud of again.




You mean if I dinna agree with you I must be part of the problem.


The playing field was much, much, much more equal in the 80's. A rudimentary grasp of finance would tell you this. Specifically, there was no televised football at all, meaning income was more or less equal, apart from the gate receipts advantage.


But Celtic and Rangers never had full houses, they never had nearly so many 'fans'. Why? Because they were not on the telly every single fucking weekend without fail.


Meanwhile we all say 'how high' when they say jump, to the extent that Aberdeen fans have to leave at 3am to make a cup semi-final in Glasgow to suit the tims and their Dublin franchise.


Is that Stewart Milne's fault? I dinna think so. It's a collective failure across the board by all other clubs in the SPL.


You come back to me when this campaign is a roaring success, and you can tell me I'm talking rubbish. This will not happen. Why?


Because anyone with any fucking sense can see you are targeting your ire in completely the wrong direction.

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I nominate myself.


Given the resources and the time I could turn the club in the right direction, making it the most dynamic and forward thinking club in the world.



I nominate you too. Being at university you probably have about 8 hours spare a day anyway, so plenty to sort the Dons out, no need to take any time of work either! Winner!

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no it wouldn't

Pittodrie No More

22.04.2010 Having been Aberdeen Football Club's home for more than a century, there is no doubt that when the time comes to relocate, it will be a monumental wrench for everyone connected with Aberdeen Football Club to leave Pittodrie Stadium. It has been the scene of so many memories - good and not so good - through the years and arguably, the spiritual home of AFC.


However, the bottom line is, for the Club to continue to thrive and flourish in the decades to come, remaining at Pittodrie is simply not an option, for a number of reasons.


The Cost of Redevelopment


Three of the current four structures would have to be demolished and rebuilt and would have to be undertaken in a phased approach over a period of approximately five years. A conservative estimate for the costs would be in the region of

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Tup.... you have a valid point about the imbalance of power in the SPL. But I'm afraid if you truly believe that the problems AFC find themselves in aren't AFC derived, then you're completely stark raving bonkers.

Rangers and Celtic didn't force us into building a stand, thus taking on debt. They didn't force Donald to hand Milne a place on the Board. They didn't squander share scheme money and loans on a succession of failed managers. They didn't proceed to alienate the fans. They didn't fail to address a fundamental problem with our failing business plan and they didn't award long term contracts to managers only to have to pay them off mere months down the line.


The OF can be accused of many wrongdoings. But STFU with your claptrap.... please!!

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What makes you think the playing field was level in the 1980's, we were great because we had a world class manager, a fantastic side on the park and a board which cared.



The playing field was level in the 80's I'm not going to spend time finding out, but I'm pretty sure when we signed Peter Weir, it was at the time a Scottish transfer record.

We could compete financially with the OF during the 80's now with us being so disadvantaged I doubt even a young Alex Ferguson could help us compete.



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