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Stewart Milne On Red Tv


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It's not often you hear Stewart Milne nowadays, and there's a really good reason for that. During his interview to various sicofants/members of the media, he came away with a statement that clearly blew my mind.

Questioned on whether it might be a good idea, based on the current housing market, whether it may be a good idea to delay the sale for a year or two, he came away with this pearl:


"We're living in the most uncertain time in the last 100 years".


Now, don't get me wrong - the crash in the banking sector that started in the US, then cascaded around the world, sending stock markets crashing and bringing banks to their knees - this was really bad. But worse than the threat of the entire world falling under the control of Nazi Germany? More intense than the Cold War and threat of nuclear proliferation? Worse than the threat of terrorism and the scenes witnessed in New York? I think we need to get things in perspective here.


Anyway. I've dissected the entire interview.


Some stand outs:


How do you think the AGM went?

SM - nothing unusual (basically, he expects the sort of questions he's always asked about failure on and off the park)


Happy with the direction of the club?

SM - no one is happy. Everyone thought we had a chance based in squad we assembled over the summer. Signs are there over last two games that we can improve and see us finish the season in a position the fans expect to see us in (not many folk, other than Tup I think, thought we'd amassed a league winning squad. The signing of Clark just confirmed what we knew to be honest. And just where does Milne believe our expectations lie - top six? Was that what he was hinting at?)


Has there been an over reaction by media to being bottom?

SM - not really, just what you'd expect for us and the likes of Hibs (now, what he should have said here was, no, it is quite right that the fans and media made a deal about it, as a club such as AFC should never be propping up the league and I for one, will ensure it never happens again).


Crowds poor, how big a concern is this?

SM - big concern, but that's the difficult environment we're living in. But we have factors within our control to change that, like getting consistent performances (note he never said improved performances - we are consistent... just consistently poor). We will also try and build stronger bridges with fan base (yes, you have said this before, after McGhee was sacked. Where is the evidence that this is happening? In summary, this 'should' have been a pretty simple question to answer.)


What sort of commitment are you and other shareholders going to make?

SM - The likes of my company, AAM and others make huge commitment and will continue to make significant commitment (commitment in the shape of interest baring loans at previous stage and now interest free loans in order to stave off the the threat of administration perhaps? You will inevitably get repaid on those loans yes? So, not exactly a commitment as such? More a sticking plaster over a seeping wound?)


Sicofant Steven - Hey Stewart, buddy, ever get the feeling that you don't need this sh*t, from 'the fans' and feel like calling it a day with this failed experiment? (well, that's what it came across like)

SM - part and parcel of running a football club. When things are good, you don't get flack, but when things go wrong, folk are on your back (to me, this is where Milne is complete blinkered - he sees the flack from fans as a direct result of football results and lets all off field results wash over him, almost with some naivety as to what we can see in black and white - ie debt, debt and more debt)


Sicofant Steven - do 'fans' need to realise that without the likes of you and Hugh, the club could go into Administration?

SM - clubs in this day and age need folk like us to support them. Running a club in today's environment is very challenging. We've had drastic drop in TV revenue, so you need 2 or 3 guys to give that support. (yet again, blaming AFC's woes on the current climate. Are we all blind not to see that the root cause of our problems was created some 10 years ago, if not more? What we are seeing now is just a continuation of the mismanagement of AFC with no credible attempt to get us out of this spiral of debt. The support the Board give is no more than is required to stave of the the threat of administration until such a time as we can sell up and pay off the huge debt amassed by said Board of Directors. It's like he blames it all on Sky Sports or Setanta. Not our fault fans - it's the world economy, the Eurozone crisis, the housing market crash, the war in Iraq!!)


Is it good that we have 2 new Board members with ties to Oil and Gas industry?

SM - yes, but we cannot expect much more from industry as they have lots of pressure from folk for help, likes of the Maggie project. (sorry, are we comparing ourselves to a charitable organisation, looking for handouts?. I'm sure the question was one of external investment in AFC, not helping to sponsor the next match ball)


Delay on closing date - for positive or negative reasons?

SM - positive in that some folk had asked for more time, due to it being a busy time of the year (hmm, I smell a rat). The decision was deferred until the turn of the year (which is a bit wishy washy... is that 1st Jan 2012 or just whenever someone else makes a bid?)

We have to wait until Feb 2012 then take stock, weigh up all the factors, make sure all the key elements are in place before pulling the trigger. (what are these key elements? Finding the money for both the repayment of the loans and ensuring we broker new lending facilities, which are not in place passed this date?)


Is there a chance that the project could be in doubt then?

SM - no, the timing maybe, but not the project. Question of timing if it goes ahead (hmm this all sounds fishy and basically like we're heading down this road on a wing and a prayer)


Any chance SMG will bid for the land?

SM - yes, we've made it clear we'll bid (have you really, when was this???). It's in AFC's best interests to ensure we drive the bids up. (so if someone else reckoned the land is worth £17m and you came in with a bid of £20m, then they'd burst the bank to get the land, ensuring the make hardly any profit??)




In all of this, I'm wondering if indeed, Milne is looking for a double whammy - in that he stabilises the debt in the shape of a new long term mortgage by putting in place the building of a new stadium. And in addition, secures development land for which SMG will make profit on. During all of this, SMG/Milne gets their loans to AFC repaid. Milne can then sell his shares and sail off into the sunset, having made a significantly paltry 'investment' in terms of his personally wealth.


So yes Steven, we definitely should be glad that we have the likes of Stewart here. For one, he keeps you in a nice cosy job, allowing your brown nosed line of questioning.


Absorb and discuss.

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What a lot of biased slanted pish TWL. I could just as easily slant your comments to be a lot off nagative shite, but then I dont; ahve the time or inclination to do what you've just set out, and in any case it would be redundant, as you've done that yourself.


Team are on the up, Chairman and board have just put

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What a lot of biased slanted pish TWL. I could just as easily slant your comments to be a lot off nagative shite, but then I dont; ahve the time or inclination to do what you've just set out, and in any case it would be redundant, as you've done that yourself.


Team are on the up, Chairman and board have just put

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Team or on the up? In terms of places, perhaps? In terms of performance - probably the two worst games I've seen in a long time.


2.5m into the club? No, 2.5m to pay down some of the debt that allowed us to continue as a going concern until we sell Pittodrie, part of the Bank's conditions. That 2.5m into the club will need to be repaid. It's not a Dundee Utd type top up to allow great players to be purchased.


I have not slanted anything. If you want to read into Milne's responses as positive, then go right ahead.


Happy clapping at it's best. You sicken me.

Nor is it a Motherwell/Airdrie/gretna/livingston type administration totally fucked situation. Whatever else milne is, and it's nae a successful Chairman, he's kept the club from going down financially, and nae ither cunt has had the balls to do that.


Doom mongery miserynesss at its best.

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You sicken me.

To be honest, "fans" like you have almost sickened me. I still go, but it's getting harder with the enthusiam hoovers that seem to populate messageboards. In fairness, it does seem to be an online phenomenon, and not something anywhere near so prevalent among match going fans, so maybe I should just chill out, and realise I'm dealing online with immature twats.

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Nor is it a Motherwell/Airdrie/gretna/livingston type administration totally fucked situation. Whatever else milne is, and it's nae a successful Chairman, he's kept the club from going down financially, and nae ither cunt has had the balls to do that.


Doom mongery miserynesss at its best.



So we should thank Milne from the bottom of our hearts should we? Akin to saying, thanks Mr Burglar, for leaving me with a kettle to make a cup of tea this morning, even though you stole my life savings, my plasma TV, trashed my house and shat on my doorstep.


I don't know you personally shaft of fat. But you smack of the type of fan/supporter, who has blighted AFC for many a year in that you are blinkered beyond reproach. You see fit to admonish blame from the people who have created the very problem that they are dearly seeking a solution from. Thank the lord we're not a Gretna? No one else has stepped in and saved us from the financial plight we've created for ourselves? Listen to yourself min.


Any more space on that that happy train to la-la land?

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Cheers for the summary TWL, this one stuck out for me...




Did Milne seriously answer a question post AGM about the direction the club is heading in with opinions on how the team has performed in the last couple of games?


Maybe it's just me who doesn't think the problems at AFC these days start and end with having slow strikers :suicide:


You know, I often forget just how much of a village idiot Milne comes over as on TV. What's even more sad is that we've allowed this man to ru(i)n our club for so many years and get off scott free.

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Whatever else milne is, and it's nae a successful Chairman, he's kept the club from going down financially, and nae ither cunt has had the balls to do that.


And how much of the financial incompetence is his fault ? He's presided over it, and his interest free hand out's are a sticking plaster over the gaping wounds he's inflicted on this club.


But fair play to you if you worship at the altar of Milne... don't drink too much of the sacrificial wine now...

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To be honest, "fans" like you have almost sickened me. I still go, but it's getting harder with the enthusiam hoovers that seem to populate messageboards. In fairness, it does seem to be an online phenomenon, and not something anywhere near so prevalent among match going fans, so maybe I should just chill out, and realise I'm dealing online with immature twats.

Are you serious? Our support is non existent home and away these days and the majority have long since given up
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Team or on the up? In terms of places, perhaps? In terms of performance - probably the two worst games I've seen in a long time.


2.5m into the club? No, 2.5m to pay down some of the debt that allowed us to continue as a going concern until we sell Pittodrie, part of the Bank's conditions. That 2.5m into the club will need to be repaid. It's not a Dundee Utd type top up to allow great players to be purchased.




And how much of the financial incompetence is his fault ? He's presided over it, and his interest free hand out's are a sticking plaster over the gaping wounds he's inflicted on this club.


But fair play to you if you worship at the altar of Milne... don't drink too much of the sacrificial wine now...


So Milne is slated on the one hand for not putting his hand in his pocket and allowing "great players to be purchased". And on the other hand he is slated for financial incompetence and building up a huge debt?


And he is also criticised for stumping up a

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What a lot of biased slanted pish TWL. I could just as easily slant your comments to be a lot off nagative shite, but then I dont; ahve the time or inclination to do what you've just set out, and in any case it would be redundant, as you've done that yourself.


Team are on the up, Chairman and board have just put £2.5m into the club, and a new stadium on the horizon, give it a fucking rest.




fatshaft hits a 300 yarder right onto the green.


I'm not going to bash TWL per say as he is entitled to his own agenda/outlook on Milney - but more the general criticism of a man right now, who lets face it was no different than any other novice chairman in 90s scottish football (british isles?) who overspent because it was fashionable. He's made a fucking plethora of mistakes it has to be said - made some managerial fuckups and had to pay for them out of his own pocket on some occasions - again though, no different to many other chairman : Rod Petrie resembles a member of the gastapo the amount of times he's wrongly appointed fired, then paid for it.


The criticism by way of arty farty coffins etc is coming at the completely wrong time for the club right now and its achieveing fuck all - trying to move house in a recession is a difficult thing to do when you are skint, let alone a football club.


The time to oust him is when that process is complete, the club is organised, in a new stadium - and generally in better shape. Infact, i reckon he'll walk away at that point. For now support the club.

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So Milne is slated on the one hand for not putting his hand in his pocket and allowing "great players to be purchased". And on the other hand he is slated for financial incompetence and building up a huge debt?


And he is also criticised for stumping up a

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Renders the reading of the rest of your tedious waffle as pointless.


HAHAHA!!! If ever there was a case of the pot calling the kettle black, then that is it!


Your spelling may be correct mate, but the subject matter is invariably as weak as my first sh*te!


How's that significant investment coming along anyway?

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TWL we have all been round and round this discussion before though min......


My view is that at this point in time the club is trying to pull off an audacious move, and like it or not Milneyboy is central to that. So at this point in time all the mud slinging, coffin making and verbals are completely counter productive to the sensitive operation at hand.


To reiterate the time to think abuot board change will come when the new floddlights are turned on at Loirston - and as I say I don't even think it will be required as Milne will see that as his era complete.

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So Milne is slated on the one hand for not putting his hand in his pocket and allowing "great players to be purchased". And on the other hand he is slated for financial incompetence and building up a huge debt?


And he is also criticised for stumping up a £2.5 million loan to the club?


I'm no Milne fan, some of his decision making has been disasterous - however I can't help but feel people are not seeing the wood for the trees here. Whilst everybody else (including Dundee United) is cutting their budget or have been in administration or are on the verge of it, we have mostly maintained our football budget, providing the manager with the funds to (theoretically) compete at the top end of the league. And we are just a couple of years from moving to a new stadium, with all the benefits that will bring.


Milne has made some sh1tty decisions in his time as Chairman, we are still alot better off having him on board than otherwise.

Aye it's nae like we are losing 2 million a year for last three years (approx dundee uniteds total debt in just 36 months) pushing our debt up to 15 million. At least our playing budget remaining same keeping us at top end of the league


Great job Stewart.

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fatshaft hits a 300 yarder right onto the green.


I'm not going to bash TWL per say as he is entitled to his own agenda/outlook on Milney - but more the general criticism of a man right now, who lets face it was no different than any other novice chairman in 90s scottish football (british isles?) who overspent because it was fashionable. He's made a fucking plethora of mistakes it has to be said - made some managerial fuckups and had to pay for them out of his own pocket on some occasions - again though, no different to many other chairman : Rod Petrie resembles a member of the gastapo the amount of times he's wrongly appointed fired, then paid for it.


The criticism by way of arty farty coffins etc is coming at the completely wrong time for the club right now and its achieveing fuck all - trying to move house in a recession is a difficult thing to do when you are skint, let alone a football club.


The time to oust him is when that process is complete, the club is organised, in a new stadium - and generally in better shape. Infact, i reckon he'll walk away at that point. For now support the club.


I'm not advocating he should pack up his troubles in his old kit bag now. But the facts are the facts, and some people can't see that for the misguidaince of the likes of Steven McNemeny, Charlie Allan and other Milne apologists. If there was a greater understanding that we need change at Boardroom level, then we'd be in a better position to force Milne, Gilbert etc, into a position where once the arrangements were in place for new build and mortgages, that they move on and someone better replaces them.

That is not some fanciful idea, anti-Milne or whatever else you want to describe it as. That is the essential remedial works that need to be carried out. Milne, Gilbert and co (mostly Milne) have completely mismanaged matters. A deaf, dumb and blind man could tell you we need change. 95% of Aberdeen's Board could tell you that, but unfortunately the one man pulling the strings is defiantly marching on, wading deeper into the abyss.


Will it work? Who knows. But when the clock strikes ten, it's Milne Oot then, hickery dickery dock.

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Aye it's nae like we are losing 2 million a year for last three years (approx dundee uniteds total debt in just 36 months) pushing our debt up to 15 million. At least our playing budget remaining same keeping us at top end of the league


Great job Stewart.


Not really all his fault though that is it?


Alot of those losses have stemmed from the fact that we have had to pay off management teams etc, and lets be honest, not just SM, was in favour of appointing Mcghee and Brown (I should also mention I said on here the day he was appointed that Mcghee was a massive mistake, and was slated for it and eventually banned)). You can certainly lay the blame for the £700k wasted on paying off JC, or more accurately blame Willie Miller for giving him a new contract, but I guess ultimately the buck stops with Milne on that one for sure.


The other losses stemmed from underperformance on the park - thats hardly Milnes fault is it? He has given the manager the funds to put a successful team on the park and pretty much left him to get on with it - this has been ackowledged by Calderwood, Mcghee and Brown. No Vlad style interference here. When we had a successful season we were actaully able to reduce the debt, which you have conveniently ommited from your calculations above.


We are clearly staking alot on being able to pay off the debt when we are in a new stadium and it is converted into a long term mortgage and we are generating more revenue - in the present circumstances what other option do we have?

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I'm not slating him for not puting his hand in his pocket, although for a man of his wealth (much more wealth than the likes of the ordinary supporter who parts with more on comparison to their take home wages or savings I'd imagine), the 'investment' if you like, has been minimal. Yer man said we should be thankful we're not a Gretna or Dundee. The argument is that we are very much in a similar situation to that of Dundee, Motherwell or Gretna. This has been brought about by mispending of the CLUB'S own money - not a sugar daddy, hence the reason that Milne, Little, AAM etc, to provide loans to stop us going under. They wouldn't want to be labled as the Directors who brought AFC to it's knees would they? But they assist in terms of a loan, not a full bail out, as many other Chairman and Directors have made, in order to stave off administration.


With regard to the loan of 2.5m... he is being criticised for the fact this should and could have been done years ago, in order to save quite a bit in interest fees. And compound this with the fact he made a similar 'gesture' a while back but charged AFC an interest rate above the BoS base rate. Why was that? But please, no one come to me and say that this is showing commitment to AFC. It's a short term solution to a long term problem that he was responsible for creating in the first place, and is not investment in any form. Simply a sticking plaster to smooth over the bank (a bit like Utd selling badwillie and giving all the proceeds to the bank).


Providing a larger budget than most is what logically should be happening in any event. We have a higher turnover than the likes of Motherwell, Utd, Killie etc. But that doesn't detract from the fact that any money we make from turnover is eaten up by one thing or another. Forget the on-field performances for one second if you will, I'm addressing mostly the health of AFC. We accumulated debt and the interest acrued on that debt has been a chain around our necks for years. Without that debt, we may have made inroads to building a decent squad.


Finally Jonty, if you're of the opinion that we're better off with Milne, than without him, then you can join Fatshaft on the naughty step for 5 mins. What a ridiculous, blinkered, head in the sand approach to life. There has been undeniable facts of why this is nonsense.


You have forgotten half the argument though TWL.


Your coming up with a whole list of problems fair enough, I would probably agree with most of them. Whats your alternative though?

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