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Stewart Milne On Red Tv


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afc budgets on finishing 7th and going out of the cups in the first round. There's no correlation between that and having the 4th biggest budget as the reason for that is we have the 4th biggest income. It's not by magic of Milne that we have the 4th biggest budget, he puts fuck all into the pot.


P.s I thought we were down to 6th biggest budget

We were under McGhee it seems. Budget back up lst season and Milne said at AGM that wage bill been maintained and is actually slightly up this season.

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Net profit/loss is not the figure you should be looking at. Page 19 shows the net debt which is the clubs full debts. Or AFC's own club accounts on Rebweb which match page 19.




We have lost 6 million in 3 years (2 of those years when paying no interest on the debt). Putting debt into a mortgage isn't going to save us much at all.


Hibs/United/Kilmarnock are all and have all been reducing their debts for years now. How does that equate to muddling along?

indeed, this is the part I love, that we will save upkeep costs of pittodrie by having a mortgage, when most years we haven't been able to make a payment to the debt we will now have a mortgage which at current base rates will be around 350k a year! If rates return to anywhere near normal levels? Fucked!


Banks probably pissing themselves, major loan repaid and we are taking out a mortgage. As an added extra Milne and co have turned a greenfield site into brownfield so if afc do fuck up mortgage payments the bank don't give a fuck! Meanwhile we shouldn't protest until Milne has sailed into the sunset?

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afc budgets on finishing 7th and going out of the cups in the first round. There's no correlation between that and having the 4th biggest budget as the reason for that is we have the 4th biggest income. It's not by magic of Milne that we have the 4th biggest budget, he puts fuck all into the pot.


P.s I thought we were down to 6th biggest budget


Sounds a fairly prudent approach to me? As stated its hardly Milnes fault the managers are making an arse of getting the best out of the 4th biggest budget in the league (aside from the obvious blame attached to appointing them in the first place.)


He puts f4ck all into the pot? Except guaranteeing our bank debt that would be called in immeadiately in his absence, and providing (as in the

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Sounds a fairly prudent approach to me? As stated its hardly Milnes fault the managers are making an arse of getting the best out of the 4th biggest budget in the league (aside from the obvious blame attached to appointing them in the first place.)


He puts f4ck all into the pot? Except guaranteeing our bank debt that would be called in immeadiately in his absence, and providing (as in the

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go to afc own website and read the 2011 accounts? It's in black and white and even covers as far back as 2003


"The rise in debt at Aberdeen was mainly driven by reduced revenues arising from the fall in average



And the way to reduce debt is to further reduce spending (and therefore attendances) further?


Surely the collapse in attendance this season proves the fallicy of this policy?

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Aye said at AGM That Gonza, chalali and Fallon were all above the budget set out at the start of the season.


would have to imagine given the crowds, out in first rounds of the cup and our abysmal league form we are on track to lose another shed load.

all comes down to scots cup, go out early and crowds are goosed

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Sounds a fairly prudent approach to me? As stated its hardly Milnes fault the managers are making an arse of getting the best out of the 4th biggest budget in the league (aside from the obvious blame attached to appointing them in the first place.)


He puts f4ck all into the pot? Except guaranteeing our bank debt that would be called in immeadiately in his absence, and providing (as in the

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let me loan you a thought, afc will move to the new stadium servicing at least a 15m mortgage and losing money already. There after this is no plan, ironically it's the same "hope for the best" policy Dundee utd are operating that you slated? Can I ask you one question, when do you think it's a good time to start a brand new mortgage, in effect a 100 per cent mortgage? Is it really when rates are at record lows and can only go one way, up? Or when rates are low is it an ideal time to make more payments, to try and clear your mortgage?


Afc are in no mans land hoping the recession lasts for at least 25 years, to keep interest rates low! Yes we have been fucked by loan payments but that was because we weren't paying the fucking loans off! If it was me I'd rather know what I had to pay and budget accordingly! I just know in 10 years time we will have had an Agm and afc will be announcing massive losses and arguing nobody could have predicted interest rates going up!!


Let me lend you a thought - the best possible time to arrange a mortgage is at the time when mortgage rates are at their historically lowest level. Aberdeen could fix their mortgage for a long term period for far less than 5 years ago for example, and they would not be affected by moving interest rates by doing so.


The best time to pay off a mortgage is when mortage rates are at their lowest? Thats bull sh1t as I'm sure you realise by now.

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"The rise in debt at Aberdeen was mainly driven by reduced revenues arising from the fall in average



And the way to reduce debt is to further reduce spending (and therefore attendances) further?


Surely the collapse in attendance this season proves the fallicy of this policy?

there are lots of ways to reduce debts but I never suggested what your claiming

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Let me lend you a thought - the best possible time to arrange a mortgage is at the time when mortgage rates are at their historically lowest level. Aberdeen could fix their mortgage for a long term period for far less than 5 years ago for example, and they would not be affected by moving interest rates by doing so.


The best time to pay off a mortgage is when mortage rates are at their lowest? Thats bull sh1t as I'm sure you realise by now.


Your spot on min, with rates at record lows banks are desperate to hand out long term fixed low rate mortgages for 15m.


I don't agree with your last point and a lot of folk are making additional payments on their mortgages just now, if you pay off more of your mortgage now then clearly when rates rise you will be in a better position to handle increases, common sense?

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So what are you suggesting?


Difficult to start but 2 year plans, as in budgeting for the money you actually have, rather than guessing what you may make. That way you dish out 2 year deals to players and you can invest or pay more to debt if things are going well or avoid meltdown if things go wrong.


The time to invest was after Copenhagen but wed already spent the money and were down sizing! Afc should never be spending more than their taking in.

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Your spot on min, with rates at record lows banks are desperate to hand out long term fixed low rate mortgages for 15m.


I don't agree with your last point and a lot of folk are making additional payments on their mortgages just now, if you pay off more of your mortgage now then clearly when rates rise you will be in a better position to handle increases, common sense?


We're kind of going down a blind alley here, but a certain amount of leverage is a good thing for a business.


We are discussing a business mortgage on a cash generating asset, not a house, so your second point is irrelevant.

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Your spot on min, with rates at record lows banks are desperate to hand out long term fixed low rate mortgages for 15m.


I don't agree with your last point and a lot of folk are making additional payments on their mortgages just now, if you pay off more of your mortgage now then clearly when rates rise you will be in a better position to handle increases, common sense?

By 2014 and continuing current trends our debt will be circa 20 million.

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Also, difficult without knowing folks wealth but I'd like to see the chairman active. Fraser and Miller is 266,000 we don't need.


A fresh share issue with ability to pay monthly etc? A lot of folk dont have a grand but would like to hold shares. Think milne etc would have to literalky underwrite shares but my company does it? think that's planned anyway to be fair. Directors with less than a certain amount of shares removed from the board?

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Also, difficult without knowing folks wealth but I'd like to see the chairman active. Fraser and Miller is 266,000 we don't need.


A fresh share issue with ability to pay monthly etc? A lot of folk dont have a grand but would like to hold shares. Think milne etc would have to literalky underwrite shares but my company does it? think that's planned anyway to be fair. Directors with less than a certain amount of shares removed from the board?


Totally agree with the part in bold.


Don't think another share issue would work - folk aren't stupid, football shares are a poor investment, and basically amount to the club asking its supporters for some free money in exchange for hanging a share certificate on their wall, and bragging rights down the pub. There are only so many mugs think that is a good deal.


There comes a point where the club have to realise that continually cutting the football budget will not work, we need to grasp the nettle and speculate some to accumulate, otherwise whats the point?

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Reading the synopsis of The Jerk, I can't help but draw parallels between Steve Martin's character and our own resident millionaire...


"A complete imbecile struggles to make it through life on his own, until a strange invention makes him unbelievably wealthy. Then he buys his way into a football team, and over a period of 20 years, proceeds to tard the club into oblivion. The prick."

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I haven't went through the rest of the thread yet, so this maybe already got said but:


Questioned on whether it might be a good idea, based on the current housing market, whether it may be a good idea to delay the sale for a year or two, he came away with this pearl:

"We're living in the most uncertain time in the last 100 years".


Surely that response was entirely meaning the most uncertain time in the last 100 years for the housing market? Not the most uncertain time in the past 100 years in all regards :hysterical:

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I haven't went through the rest of the thread yet, so this maybe already got said but:


Questioned on whether it might be a good idea, based on the current housing market, whether it may be a good idea to delay the sale for a year or two, he came away with this pearl:

"We're living in the most uncertain time in the last 100 years".


Surely that response was entirely meaning the most uncertain time in the last 100 years for the housing market? Not the most uncertain time in the past 100 years in all regards :hysterical:


So, owning a house that was in danger of being bombed by the Luftwaffe, was slightly more certain than today? Come awa tae.....

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I haven't went through the rest of the thread yet, so this maybe already got said but:


Questioned on whether it might be a good idea, based on the current housing market, whether it may be a good idea to delay the sale for a year or two, he came away with this pearl:

"We're living in the most uncertain time in the last 100 years".


Surely that response was entirely meaning the most uncertain time in the last 100 years for the housing market? Not the most uncertain time in the past 100 years in all regards :hysterical:

Not necessarily just the housing market.


Perhaps he is referring to the possible collapse of the the European currency system. No one knows what the impact of that will be, if it happens

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And despite Godwins law being pointed out to you earlier, you still come away with it again? :tumbleweed:


Come back to me when you have something of both relevance and importance to say. Until such time, It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

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