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What Are You Having For Your Lunch?


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It's simple to eat well. 2 veg for one piece of meat. No second helpings. People just give in to cravings. Not saying don't eat crisps or chocolate etc. but don't go through several packets/bars if you expect results. Suspect in the Far East they're a lot less exposed to junk food but never been so don't know.


There's McDonalds, Burger Kings, Subways, KFC's on every street corner of any major city in Thailand and they're just as busy as the ones back in Aberdeen.


They also smother most their food in sugar, fish sauce, soy sauce etc. They don't eat as much carb heavy stuff (potatos, chips, bread etc) as the UK tho but they're constantly eating. I'm not sure what makes the majority of them leaner than the average size in the UK.


Alot of the chicks say they eat spicy as fuck so it passes through the system quicker and keeps the weight off. I come back offshore thinner all the time despite boozing and eating a shitload more than I would offshore, The heats probably got a big part to play as well giving you're sweating like fuck constantly.

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What is the point in lager tops? I refuse to buy that for anyone and will claim to have made a mistake with the round when the gay arsed tops drinker notices.

Aye, can't imagine a squirt of lemo reduces the alc content much.


Or does it improve taste?


Never drunk a shandy or a tops in my life.

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