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Dons V.s Worst Team In Spl

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Depressing stuff.


Looking back over the 3 matches versus a terrible Dundee team, if Douglas wasn't gifting goals right, left and centre it would be 5 points at best.


Very few positives from tonight. If McGinn were to pick up a long term injury, I'm not sure I'd go back. 50% of our league goals scored by him, despite missing a considerable spell!


Milsom looks neat and tidy on the ball, unlike any other midfield player during the game.


Shaughnessy looks good, just needs to learn the right times to do certain things.


Nae much else beyond that at all.


After reasonable optimism earlier in the season, thinking I'm hitting new lows here, motivation wise.

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I get the feeling some of you would be happier if we'd lost. You'd be set to top yourself on this form.


Sorry for trying to bring a fraction of positivity to the place. :clangers2:


Think with most, we are beyond a point in this season where 3 points is the be all and end all. Most see any real achievement this year out the window (if 2nd is classed as that, I'd say so) so we agree looking for entertainment, positivity and anything to give us hope, not only for this season, but next. Nothing I saw tonight, against quite possibly the worst SPL team ever, fulfilled any of that. So when I think of the upcoming games, I'm just lacking motivation and a fair degree of despair at what is coming.


That is just looking at it in a more critical appraisal, or qualitatively than quantitatively.

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I get the feeling some of you would be happier if we'd lost. You'd be set to top yourself on this form.


Sorry for trying to bring a fraction of positivity to the place. :clangers2:


Should there be any acceptance of sub-mediocrity, though?


What point is there in putting a positive spin on what doesn't even qualify as papering over the cracks?


Happy clapping will only encourage the club to maintain the status quo.

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Correct. There was nothing positive.


Were you at the game?


No, but that's not my point.


All I'm saying guys is we have bagged three points. I know we were garbage but obviously it was enough to beat Dundee. As much as anyone, I'm not happy with the way things are going just now but what more can we do but win football matches? Yes, I get it - it is not good enough, but a "revival" in the short term needs to start somewhere. A revival in the long term needs work, everyone knows that. I was only meaning it in that sense.


I am well aware of the club's need for change and we cannot accept things as they are but I'd rather we won tonight with at least three points on the board and see where it takes us from week to week until the end of the season, and in all probability Brown's departure.


That is all! :)

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No, but that's not my point.

Says it all really. Having to sit through that makes you a negative person. For the first time this season I'm missing a game through choice. Missed 1 (St Mirren) through work, and one (St Johnstone) because of a wedding. Will I fuck be haking all the way to Killie to sit through that pile of pish.


Positive performances breeds positivity to the support. Tonight was not positive.

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No, but that's not my point.


All I'm saying guys is we have bagged three points. I know we were garbage but obviously it was enough to beat Dundee. As much as anyone, I'm not happy with the way things are going just now but what more can we do but win football matches? Yes, I get it - it is not good enough, but a "revival" in the short term needs to start somewhere. A revival in the long term needs work, everyone knows that. I was only meaning it in that sense.


I am well aware of the club's need for change and we cannot accept things as they are but I'd rather we won tonight with at least three points on the board and see where it takes us from week to week until the end of the season, and in all probability Brown's departure.


That is all! :)


We're not winning football matchES though.


It's the middle of February and we've won A football match all year.




And a win scraped against a wretched, relegation-bound, Dundee at that.


That's cause for alarm, and nothing less.

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Can see both sides if the argument but for me it's bigger than Aberdeen. I've been going for 25 years and football in Scotland has never been so bad. The only side I like watching are Dundee utd and their fans were as miserable as us with Houston so clearky they are shite too.


You see caley playing in front of 2,500 and you just wonder how long can this guff in genera go on?

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We won and there was "nothing" positive?

SD people who know me would tell you I'm one of the most positive Dons fans on the go but last night bar Niall McGinn and the fact we got the 3 points there was nothing much else to be positive about.

We have a much heralded youth system but last night had to watched some over the hill pros humping the ball up the park to one who couldn't trap or chest a ball down something he should be doing every day in training !

Wouldn't, say the players lacked effort just that a few are past their sell by date and are not fit for purpose also the substitutions last night looked to be made just for the sake of it not to change the way the game was going !

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We should have humped Dundee but it was them that could hae humped us had their chances went in! McGinn class act again but also isolated again, they didn't seem interested last night got the 1-0 & are happy we that against the pishiest side in the SPL by a country mile. Brown looked done last night out of ideas & out of time!

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We won and there was "nothing" positive?

To echo previous comments.

No, there was nothing positive about it.


If not for McGinns wonder goal we'd have had to sit through another boring 0-0.

We created nothing.

Absolutely fuck all.

Long aimless punts up the field, losing the ball the minute it came within the control zone of Vernon(this boy looks like he's never seen a fucking football now), midfield devoid of creativity.


Make no mistake Brown has lost this dressing room.

They know he's walking the mile.

So they're not playing for him. They're cunts for doing that because they are cheating us after we pay out our hard earned.


Haven't heard Brown's post match interview, but he'll have heard the hoots and howls of derision aimed at him for his choice to sit in and hold the 1 nil, his baffling substitutions and general fucked offness of the fans.


Awful, truely awful.

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We did win the game didn't we? Or have I missed something?




Clearly you weren't there, but yes we won but I've felt more positive about a defeat than that shower of shite last night. That was horrific and to see us sitting in to protect a one goal lead against a horrendous Dundee team at HOME, is a pretty big low.

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First of all...

Friday night fitba' RULES (apart fae the actual fitba).



My lowlight of the match was watching Osborne kick it out for a throw on purpose rather than pass it back to langfield when both had time and acres of space, honestly didn't think things could get this bad, a "professional" fitba match and this is happened.


Was just before he got injured.

My fucking lowlight was watching Magennis come on...assuming he'd be put to the top of the pitch...then slump back into my seat with the realisation that for the 2nd consecutive game he was actually being deployed in defence.


Thank fuck for McGinn.

Said this aboot 3,250 times last night.

I ken.

I'm a boring cunt.


Look forward to hearing from the spastics who say we are improving

Worse than than ever

Even the spastics canna defend that.

Good to see you got hame arite.

I got hame nae lang ago.

And I'm nae sure how it happened. :tumbleweed:

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Me and my mates were having a laugh pre-match in the cruiser, we were in a good mood, having a laugh on the walk down but when we arrived at pittodrie it seemed to suck the life out of us watching that standard of football on pitches that compares to a shedz pitch in winter!


I boo'd the negative tactics of broon at the end - thank fuck for Niall!


We should probably start blooding more youngsters into the first team for the rest of the season, to do our new manager a favour next season...


The 2x steak pies consumed were bloody marvellous though!

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First of all...

Friday night fitba' RULES (apart fae the actual fitba).




My fucking lowlight was watching Magennis come on...assuming he'd be put to the top of the pitch...then slump back into my seat with the realisation that for the 2nd consecutive game he was actually being deployed in defence.



Said this aboot 3,250 times last night.

I ken.

I'm a boring cunt.



Even the spastics canna defend that.

Good to see you got hame arite.

I got hame nae lang ago.

And I'm nae sure how it happened. :tumbleweed:


Thankfully wife was on concourse waiting or id have been fucked


sorry if anybody fancies an ovd today, I drank it all last night



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