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The Royal Family


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After author Hilary Mantel described Princess Kate as a "shop window mannequin, with no personality" and a "plastic princess" it got me thinking, do we really need a royal family in this day and age, why should people now have to bow down and forelock tug to this girl or any of the others.


They cost a huge amount of money to subsidise and are a outdated institution imo, the royals of other nations lead much less frivolous lifes, why shouldn't they.


The notion of having servants serve them in their huge palace's doesn't sit well with me either, some bloke having to bow to them as they get served their cornflakes, fuck that I couldn't do it and nor should anyone else have to in the 21st century. The fact that homelessness is a huge problem in London seems to be forgotten as they rattle around their 100 room plus places.


Apart from bringing tourists to the Country I can think of no positives, even at the Olympics the queen sat there looking pissed off that she had to bother her arse to be there, If it were down to me I'd move her into a council flat with only her pension to live on, she is no more important than any other pensioner out there in my book.


Opinions please, am I the only one who wouldn't miss them if they were gone?

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Opinions please, am I the only one who wouldn't miss them if they were gone?




The idea of a royal family is truly absurd, made worse given they are German usurpers. I would hope that if we ever get independence, we will then address mking sure we have nothing to do with them.

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I believe they prob take in more in tourism etc than we pay out, not sure what Im basing that on though...



Shoot the buggers, put them in a refrigerated glass case in Trafalger Square, you'd double the tourism whilst saving handing over tens of millions a year, and we could sell off all their property and possessions and go a long way to sorting out the countrys current financial mess, simple :)


I doubt there is figures to prove the above as how do you determine that they would never have come unless we have a current royal family????


Its like the Olympics, every country that hosts them tells their people it will make money, excpet never has it been proven that any olympics ever held actually made money.

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I believe they prob take in more in tourism etc than we pay out, not sure what Im basing that on though...


Do you think the tourists would stop going to see Buckingham Palace if there was no longer a queen lording it up in there?


I personally dont, yanks, dumb ass mofos that they are, dont actually believe they'll meet the queen when they pay their 10 quid or fitiver to get into the palace... well, the majority of them dont anyway.


There is no need for them, no point in funding their lifestyles and the country would be

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To say Her Majesty and family are in any way a burden on society is downright preposterous.



So these tourists wouldn't come at all if there wasn't a queen currently on the throne, any evidence for this, of course not, its a beautiful part of the country, and would attract tens of thousand regardless, maybe not as much, but it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the ones that didn't come went somewhere else in Scotland?


The arguements for are always unsubstantiated nonsense.

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It's an antiquated assumption that servants bow all the time. And if they did and had to, does it matter?


A bit of respect to Her Majesty is not wrong. If you were at Buck House being knighted for your services to Soccer Casualdom, would you not be on one knee with your head bowed?


I would refuse a knighthood if offered, being called Sir by all the lads down at the battleship is good enough for me.

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great institution


Did you pop in to see the queen for tea and scones that day you got your photo taken?



Come in dear Bluto my good sir, don't mind the corgies, I've read all about your exploits on the hat website, you really are a charming man, is it true you can sink 20 pints in one sitting, that really is remarkable, here have a medal.



That's how I imagine it would go if you rolled up to the palace door. :thumbup1:

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Did you pop in to see the queen for tea and scones that day you got your photo taken?



Come in dear Bluto my good sir, don't mind the corgies, I've read all about your exploits on the hat website, you really are a charming man, is it true you can sink 20 pints in one sitting, that really is remarkable, here have a medal.



That's how I imagine it would go if you rolled up to the palace door. :thumbup1:


no need for the fat jokes. he gets enough of that from cheesepipes

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Did you pop in to see the queen for tea and scones that day you got your photo taken?



Come in dear Bluto my good sir, don't mind the corgies, I've read all about your exploits on the hat website, you really are a charming man, is it true you can sink 20 pints in one sitting, that really is remarkable, here have a medal.



That's how I imagine it would go if you rolled up to the palace door. :thumbup1:


would love tea with her majesty. we'd get on like a house on fire.


can see it now chewin the fat over a few large brandys after a gout inducing 8 courser

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I believe they prob take in more in tourism etc than we pay out, not sure what Im basing that on though...


Tourism is a shite reason. The Crown estates is a far better one.


A few hundred years ago, George III agreed to give up his crown estates in exchange for a yearly grant (civil list), because of gambling debts or some shit. This was a great deal for him at the time because the money given to him by the govenrment each year was more than the crown estates made.


These days though, the royal family are given what, £20-30m per year for running costs. The Crown estates today make £200m+ in profit which goes straight to HMRC. They give more than they take.


The Crown Estate is one of the largest property owners in the United Kingdom with a portfolio worth £7.6 billion, with urban properties valued at around £4 billion, and rural holdings valued at £1.049 billion; and an annual profit of £240.2 million, as at 31 March 2012.


So, they subside the tax payer by £200m per year.

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Airmiles Andy came out to Baku when I was there and attended a British Business Group meeting prior to meeting dictator Aliyev, a lot of the problems that were mentioned to him were sorted out after he met with the dictator, so nae as bad a cunt as the Daily Mail would have you think.


My residency card went flying through the system after that when others had been waiting months and months. :)

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