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The Royal Family


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Tourism is a shite reason. The Crown estates is a far better one.


A few hundred years ago, George III agreed to give up his crown estates in exchange for a yearly grant (civil list), because of gambling debts or some shit. This was a great deal for him at the time because the money given to him by the govenrment each year was more than the crown estates made.


These days though, the royal family are given what,

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After author Hilary Mantel described Princess Kate as a "shop window mannequin, with no personality" and a "plastic princess" it got me thinking, do we really need a royal family in this day and age, why should people now have to bow down and forelock tug to this girl or any of the others.


They cost a huge amount of money to subsidise and are a outdated institution imo, the royals of other nations lead much less frivolous lifes, why shouldn't they.


The notion of having servants serve them in their huge palace's doesn't sit well with me either, some bloke having to bow to them as they get served their cornflakes, fuck that I couldn't do it and nor should anyone else have to in the 21st century. The fact that homelessness is a huge problem in London seems to be forgotten as they rattle around their 100 room plus places.


Apart from bringing tourists to the Country I can think of no positives, even at the Olympics the queen sat there looking pissed off that she had to bother her arse to be there, If it were down to me I'd move her into a council flat with only her pension to live on, she is no more important than any other pensioner out there in my book.


Opinions please, am I the only one who wouldn't miss them if they were gone?


There's no denying that the Royal Family generates some income for the local London hotels and stores. For the rest of the country there's likely very little in the way of income generated by Royalty Tourists. If a Yank comes to take pictures of Buckingham Palace the economic effect for, say, your typical Aberdonian, is most likely nil.


Its all very well subsidising an institution that creates local jobs or has a tangible benefit to the community, but 90% of the country is subsidising a Royal Family with no credible benefits to that 90%.


Personally I'd shoot them into space.

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Its history though kept and you canna put a price on that.

You should know, being a yank n all


There's nothing especially historic about the modern Royal Family, except on some abstract, "Look at the queen in a horse-drawn carriage" level. They're no more 'historic' than any other family. My own family came from Germany, via Viking raids on the Scottish coast, eventually becoming war marischals in the army of Robert the Bruce and the Scottish wars of independence. Granted I don't have a guy standing outside my house with a badger on his head, and I drive a Traverse rather than a horse-drawn carriage, but those chinless wonders have no more 'history' than any of the rest of us. In fact the current 'House of Windsor' is less than a hundred years old, the Sax-Coburg Gotha house less than a hundred years prior to that.


What draws in the tourists is the cult of celebrity and the spectacle. It's like Disneyworld with an English accent, and slightly bigger ears. That's what draws in the gullible Yanks, not any history. In fact if there's two things Yanks have an aversion to it's Geography and History.


The Yanks like shiny things... and loud things... and brightly coloured things.



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Yeah but only the AFC chat mob are interested in your background


And not even that.


The Tudors, queen Victoria et am make for fascinating reading.

Brilliant stuff.


But the thing is that if you're interested in actual history you go see a thousand year old fortress in Stonehaven, or a Roman wall in the borders. There's nothing particularly historic watching a Disney Parade. It's the pageantry the Yanks go for. They don't even know their OWN history, and that's like 50 years max. Telling you man, it's the noise, the horses and the bright uniforms they come to see. And you can do that with a plastic castle and a few low-wage students in big mouse costumes. Shit, you can even privatise the operation, so instead of sucking from the economy it becomes a net contributer.


I mean presidents are OK but you wouldn't shoot a queen would you.


You need to read up on what happened to most of the European Royal Families, in that case ;)

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Good stuff kelt 50 years ha ha


Speaking of roman walls I was in corbridge last weekend and drove to the roman fort.

Got out the car, two second glance at it, then drove away again.


That was nearly 2000 years of history disregarded in a matter of seconds.

That's how much history means when you have a pub to go to

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Tourism is a shite reason. The Crown estates is a far better one.


A few hundred years ago, George III agreed to give up his crown estates in exchange for a yearly grant (civil list), because of gambling debts or some shit. This was a great deal for him at the time because the money given to him by the govenrment each year was more than the crown estates made.


These days though, the royal family are given what,

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Tourism is a shite reason. The Crown estates is a far better one.


A few hundred years ago, George III agreed to give up his crown estates in exchange for a yearly grant (civil list), because of gambling debts or some shit. This was a great deal for him at the time because the money given to him by the govenrment each year was more than the crown estates made.


These days though, the royal family are given what,

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Fuck the Royal Family, once the Queen pops her clogs that should be it for them.


People go on about tourism suffering but dont understand that?,Far better folk are allowed around Buckinham Palace all year round rather than a couple of weeks in August, when the f4ckers have decamped to Balmoral anyway. French Tourism hasnt exactly suffered for lack of a Royal Family?


Charles is a prick as well, banging on about windfarms and GM foods and pushing his f4ckin political agenda. Stick your Duchy Originals Organic Honey up your arse you cunt.

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