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Folks Nicknames

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anyone got any good nicknames for friends / family aquaintances that are strange and or amusing.


i have a mate called Cobbs, his surname is Wilson and he was named after someone cvalled Wilson Cobbs who i think set a land speed record.


Begbie- named after the character in Trainspotting loves a scrap.


The Wheelbarrow- work colleague named that as he "only worked when pushed"


The Broken Arrow- another ex colleague "did'nt work and couldnt be fired"


Teflon Twins- two ex colleagues who despite numerous offence escaped punishment as nothing sticks.

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Chick I knew was called Fud First. Because that's how she walked. she sort of leaned back at the waist so that her vagina was the first part of her to enter the room.


12 Pints was another lassie. Because that's what we estimated would be the minimum requirement to want to shag her.


Puppies... she always looked like she was smuggling a couple in her sweater.

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some from school


one guy called Fool, if you knew him you would know why


Annie- he had a ginger afro.


Bumhowk- cna only guess why he had that name.


Shitass- dont know exactly.


some of the teachers


Lispy- he spoke stewart regan esque.


Fairy Findlay - he was very effeminite


Spook- if you knew him you would know,.

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Crusty - Named after his mattress.

Charlie - Named after telling us he's fucked his bird up the shitter.

Crazy - Least crazy cunt going.


Loads of random ones but canna mind how they got them.




Bunny Rubber Tit - Had a rubber tit.

Huchy Half Bottle - Had a stash of bevy, shakes and stank of drink.

Poofy Miller - Was poofy Miller.

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egg 'ead - one mate was taking the piss out of another. He did the shoulder jurk as if he was going to go for him, guy turned and ran straight into a lamp post. Had a massive egg shaped lump on his forehead for weeks after.


Sausage fingers - because he had stumpy wee finger. It was said with the whistle the peado from family guy has, poor cunt had one of those as well.


Stinkson - last name Inkson, total BO min!


Cutesy - last name Coults, was the ugliest cunt you'd ever see.


Best teacher one was Hairy Mary, fucking ape woman. It was sung Run DMC style. She would also be asked a lot why she was buggin if she raised her voice, got annoyed.

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Buzz- looked like Buzz Lightyear

Rubber Fud or shortened to just fud- last name was Rutherford


Also a lad called stinky, because he stank funnily enough and his dad was nicknamed g force as he had lime disease or something and his face was fucked, looked like he'd stuck his heid out a moving car and his face stuck

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Torvin Cooper

Kurt Cocaine

Crumpled Foreskin

Crazy Frog


SOC (Son of Clive)

Christian Slater'sTrainers (initials were CST)

Beef Sheriff


Creeping Jesus

Jungle Explorer


Work used to be so much fun.


Zappa who else was there?!




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A guy at my work is called Slinky behind his back, after that spring toy thing.


The thinking behind it is he's good for fuck all but you'd get a laugh if you saw him falling down the stairs.


I was called spot at school, used to have a spot on my cheek (long since removed), someone probably put a lot of thought into thinking that one up.


Get called dod these days.

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A guy at my work is called Slinky behind his back, after that spring toy thing.


The thinking behind it is he's good for fuck all but you'd get a laugh if you saw him falling down the stairs.


I was called spot at school, used to have a spot on my cheek (long since removed), someone probably put a lot of thought into thinking that one up.


Get called dod these days.

And you get called 'cunt' by all the #weareallcammysmith mob :checkit:

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Torvin Cooper

Kurt Cocaine

Crumpled Foreskin

Crazy Frog


SOC (Son of Clive)

Christian Slater'sTrainers (initials were CST)

Beef Sheriff


Creeping Jesus

Jungle Explorer


Work used to be so much fun.


Zappa who else was there?!

Pash a few Alford ones


Mad Jake,







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Scoop an arse licking guy from a previous employment he was always drove the digger so he was named scoop as in bob th Builder, his son was called mini slew.


Gadaffi- cos he was hated by everyone.


heard of two females one was called kit kat cos she had four fingers in her.


and one called Bev the Boot.


also one of my pals exes we called the fucked gearbox, cos she was always whining.

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My mate used to look like Sammy Lee the Liverpool player at school, everyone called him Sammy so much that most just assume it's his real name, I think only his parents call him anything different.


Another mate was always called Trev, the real nickname was trev rep, pervert backwards, again to this day many people call him trev in the pub! :)

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My mate used to look like Sammy Lee the Liverpool player at school, everyone called him Sammy so much that most just assume it's his real name, I think only his parents call him anything different.


I know all about that. I've been nicknamed Ollie for so long now, people I've known for 20 plus years think that's my name. I think only my mum, my grandma, sister and sister in law (who I've known all my life, grew up and went to school with) call me by my real name.

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There was a Hairy Mary at The Grammar and a Bill squared, he was William Willams.

Also one called Lum bum. Smoked like a lum and face like a bum.

Aye and Pinky Scott an a

Pranced about with full Mr Chips regalia on - mortar board hat and robes.


Complete whiter was Pinky

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