Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 A pregnancy is not a life. A new life is created a the moment of conception. The new life can be scientifically verified to have 46 chromosomes, 23 each from its mother and father. A form of life with 46 chromosomes is called a human being. (some other creatures have 46 chromosomes too, but its unlikely that a man and a woman will be able to conceive a dolphin, for example). These are scientific facts, please do not sully the discussion by denying science. the airport thing was bizarre and detrimental. Agreed. I did like it when they disrupted a gay pride event in canada. It was reported as "identity politics eats itself" which I found amusing. You telling black people what they should and shouldn't care about is a perfect example of the "white privilege" you seem to think doesn't exist. Having an opinion is not a privilege. We define what a human being is. No you dont. Science does. Some people would have you believe that Frank Maloney is a woman called Kelly. So much for peoples own definitions then. I will stick with science, if its all the same. It's not deflection, i'm just pointing out (again) your hypocrisy. Science is right when it fits your poisonous religious agenda and it's a myth when it doesn't. It is deflection and this comment is more of it. And it isn't my poisonous religion denying science here, its moral cowards like you. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 preventive medicine in the states (like birth control) Birth control isn't medicine, pregnancy is not a disease. if all lives matter, how about we worry first about the ones already here and feeding, clothing, housing and educating the "45.8% of young black children (under age 6) living in poverty We can take action on both, it isn't a choice of one or another. Poverty is a disgrace, with the amount of money flowing through the USA. But then it is a pretty f*cked up country. In any case, I would bet you that 100% of people would rather live in poverty than be dead. Link to comment
boboisared Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 "Having an opinion isn't a privelege". Try telling that to folk in North Korea. I imagine the Negro slaves were allowed to express themselves back in the day too. Link to comment
Quagmire Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Some people would have you believe that Frank Maloney is a woman called Kelly. So much for peoples own definitions then. What about a sex robot called Kelly, would I be living in sin balling that every night? Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 if abortion was objectively the killing of an innocent person most people posting on here would be agreeing with you rather than disagreeing. It is subjective - mainly due to religion as opposed to science as it is the religious community havering on about abortion rather than the scientific community. That is completely wrong, it is an objective scientific fact that a new human life is created at the moment of conception. See the information I posted about chromosomes above. And some people will always make the selfish choice, rather than the right choice, so even if people do know the facts its no guarantee they will choose properly. And its not just religious people who value human life, many atheists and agnostics do too. Morality is reason based, not faith based - and so is accessible to all. The law on abortion will not change back. We dont need it to change back. The abortion on demand we have is not actually enshrined in law, rather it is a gross twisting and mis-use of the law. It would be an immediate and vast improvement, if the law was enforced. Most people erroneously believe the law says a woman can choose to terminate her pregnancy, but that isnt true. The law says its supposed to be a strictly controlled, rare procedure, if the womans life is in danger. In reality its used as retrospective contraception, but those MPs responsible for its introduction swear blind it was not meant to be a trojan horse law. And I strongly believe things will improve in this regard - people who value human life aren't going anywhere. Abortion is propped up by ignorance, by denying science and by pretending laws says things which they dont say. That cant and wont last forever. However this protest was simply a nonsense and I hope those involved spend a considerable period of time in prison. Agreed. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Only the ones that haven't committed suicide. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Try telling that to folk in North Korea. I imagine the Negro slaves were allowed to express themselves back in the day too. All of these people have opinions, just like your or I. That they might be shot or whipped for them, doesn't change that. These people are oppressed, you and I dont have privilege because we are not shot or whipped. Not being shot/whipped is (should be) the norm. Link to comment
Clydeside_Sheep Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 What about a sex robot called Kelly, would I be living in sin balling that every night? Yes, doubly so if it looked like Frank Maloney is drag. Link to comment
looksgoodinred Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 i honestly lack any more energy to reply to your anti-choice/anti-abortion posts, @@Clydeside_Sheep. you know my position on this. i know yours.and i'd really like to stray back to the thread topic for a bit. without ending up talking about abortion again if we can. how is it you figure "white privilege" doesn't exist? have you visited the US? have you spent any amount of time there in areas populated by African Americans and other races?we may be objectively subject to the same laws, as you've noted, but i think you'd find it less than amusing to be a well-educated, professional African American man and still be followed or harassed while walking down the street minding your own business? perhaps it's quite different in the UK, but i suspect maybe just less obvious. this is a good paper. i'd suggest reading it (it's not long, but if you don't have any time for it -- at least pages 5 through 8, in which the write provides a "crude list" (her own words) "of special circumstances and conditions I experience which I did not earn but which I have been made to feel are mine by birth, by citizenship, and by virtue of being a conscientious lawabiding "normal" person of good will. I have chosen those conditions which I think in my case attach somewhat more to skin-color privilege than to class, religion, ethnic status, or geographical location, though of course all these other factors are intricately intertwined. As far as I can see, my Afro-American co-workers, friends, and acquaintances with whom I come into daily or frequent contact in this particular time, place, and line of work cannot count on most of these conditions." "I repeatedly forgot each of the realizations on this list until I wrote it down. For me, white privilege has turned out to be an elusive and fugitive subject. The pressure to avoid it is great, for in facing it I must give up the myth of meritocracy. If these things are true, this is not such a free country; one's life is not what one makes it; many doors open for certain people through no virtues of their own. These perceptions mean also that my moral condition is not what I had been led to believe. The appearance of being a good citizen rather than a troublemaker comes in large part from having all sorts of doors open automatically because of my color." 2 Link to comment
tup Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Who cares what happens in America? It's the weirdest place in the world. Let them crack at it, they can kill each other until they are blue in the face, I dinna care about them, same as they dinna care about me. The only reason I even know they exist is because they are roaring and shouting the odds on the news, in a grossly offensive manner. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 7, 2016 Author Share Posted September 7, 2016 LGIR I appreciate you live in Canada so at least you are on the same land mass as the US and some of those issues may be relevant to Canada but for the life of me I'll never understand a 'Black Lives Matter' protest in the UK. It is total, attention seeking, nonsense, especially from white people. If I was black I'd be furious about that airport crap. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 7, 2016 Author Share Posted September 7, 2016 White privilege might be a real thing in the US but in the UK it is not an issue at all. 1 Link to comment
craegDAMH Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 A new life is created a the moment of conception. The new life can be scientifically verified to have 46 chromosomes, 23 each from its mother and father. A form of life with 46 chromosomes is called a human being. (some other creatures have 46 chromosomes too, but its unlikely that a man and a woman will be able to conceive a dolphin, for example). These are scientific facts, please do not sully the discussion by denying science. I am not denying science. Where have I denied science? I am saying the point when a cluster of cells gets the same rights and protections as a person is not black and white. I really don't want to argue about this with you, we can agree to disagree on abortion. Not having a womb I don't think I have the right to tell other people what they can put in and take out of theirs. Women have to be in control of their own bodies. Having an opinion is not a privilege. I don't think you understand this concept. You've never been part of a persecuted minority, so you can't understand the privilege you have. Some people aren't allowed opinions. No you dont. Science does. Some people would have you believe that Frank Maloney is a woman called Kelly. So much for peoples own definitions then. I will stick with science, if its all the same. Again, this is not black and white. Gender is different from sex (this is something else I really can't be arsed arguing with you). Frank Maloney is transgender, he is still a male in terms of his physical sex. I'm not sure what this has to do with science?! It is deflection and this comment is more of it. And it isn't my poisonous religion denying science here, its moral cowards like you. You, in the same thread, have said science proves you right in relation to abortions, then say the science of climate change is nonsense. This is not deflection, I don't want to discuss climate change with you. I made a flippant comment which pointed out your hypocritical selection of which bits of science suit your religion. Moral coward? Please do explain how I am a moral coward. Those personal attacks are very christian of you....... Link to comment
chaos_defrost Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 White privilege might be a real thing in the US but in the UK it is not an issue at all. Blacks are discriminated against in the UK. Maybe not to the extent that they are in America but they are. This protest was absolutely stupid though and basically shows the group up to be a joke. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 7, 2016 Author Share Posted September 7, 2016 Blacks are discriminated against in the UK. Maybe not to the extent that they are in America but they are. This protest was absolutely stupid though and basically shows the group up to be a joke. In what way are they discriminated against? A white man from a council estate in Dundee and a black man from a council estate in Birmingham have similar access to education, health services, job propects. Class and its effects on standards of education are far more of an issue than race. Link to comment
chaos_defrost Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 In what way are they discriminated against? A white man from a council estate in Dundee and a black man from a council estate in Birmingham have similar access to education, health services, job propects. Class and its effects on standards of education are far more of an issue than race. In terms of job opportunites, getting stopped by the police etc. The laws are in place to try and ensure everyone's given the same opportunities but it ultimately comes down to prejudice in society. White working class are also discriminated against in the UK. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 7, 2016 Author Share Posted September 7, 2016 In terms of job opportunites, getting stopped by the police etc. The laws are in place to try and ensure everyone's given the same opportunities but it ultimately comes down to prejudice in society. White working class are also discriminated against in the UK.It's more a class issue than race in my opinion. When I was growing up we got stopped by the polis regularly. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 7, 2016 Author Share Posted September 7, 2016 Another example of 'Black lives' not mattering. Cunts. Link to comment
chaos_defrost Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Since when do you give a fuck about science? When it suits his agenda Link to comment
King Street Loon Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 This black guys life mattered to Tucker Jenkins.RIP Benny Link to comment
tommo1903 Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Good man. Objectively, we are all subject to the same laws etc, so it is hard to see how anyone could be classed as "privileged".Sure, some people are born with a disadvantage - such as poverty - but that is a disadvantage, its not privilege to not be in poverty. When I hear terms like "institutionalised sexism" or "white privilege" I always think of Kevin the teenager (Harry Enfield) screaming "It's all so unfair" and storming off. its just folk howling at the moon, really. No, but im sure the stats would exist.If you are not white you are statistically less likely to be rich. That's white privilege. Not that I particularly give a fuck, to be honest. Link to comment
Bluto10 Posted September 7, 2016 Share Posted September 7, 2016 Everybody's a nigger to a nigger Link to comment
The Boofon Posted September 8, 2016 Share Posted September 8, 2016 Good luck with the incident report. I'll easily assist if required. What size feet do they have? Link to comment
E-P-K Posted September 8, 2016 Share Posted September 8, 2016 I'll easily assist if required. What size feet do they have? insufficient leadership, with lack of specific training for personnel involved. Cheesepipes to attend performance enhancement course at office Link to comment
BrianFaePerth Posted September 8, 2016 Share Posted September 8, 2016 That was white folk 'blacked up' was it not ? Same as The Cosby Show and Different Strokes. Link to comment
Pudgie Posted September 9, 2016 Share Posted September 9, 2016 I missed most of this. A fetus is no more a human than flour, butter, eggs and sugar in a bowl is a cake. Link to comment
looksgoodinred Posted September 12, 2016 Share Posted September 12, 2016 why waste your time replying to the guy? i don't know. given he hasn't responded though, perhaps he's been spending this time pondering how his white male privilege has given him a step up in life that he didn't actually earn? Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 12, 2016 Author Share Posted September 12, 2016 I missed most of this. A fetus is no more a human than flour, butter, eggs and sugar in a bowl is a cake.I'm no religious person but this is a really weird way of looking at it Link to comment
tommo1903 Posted September 12, 2016 Share Posted September 12, 2016 i don't know. given he hasn't responded though, perhaps he's been spending this time pondering how his white male privilege has given him a step up in life that he didn't actually earn?He's probably thinking about young boys. Link to comment
manboobs109 Posted September 16, 2016 Author Share Posted September 16, 2016 Old Littlejohn on about these fucking twats(cue the usual 'Daily Mail' chat) Link to comment
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