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Ace songs nae cunt kens or have forgotten


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bit eh a trend gan oan the noo wi vinyl only releeses..thir a record revival..n it grinds meh gears a bit cos eh see it is a cash in..wantin tae git hud eh this new wan..aw wiv goats samples oan the site


so ehm needing a cunt wi a turntible n a bit eh fuckin savvy aboot thim tae rip thim tae mp3 fir the greater gade..this vinyl only pyshs an oangan debate thit shid b oan question time..eh hink aw it dis is cut cunts oot the loop wi nae turntable n drive thim undergroon .. nuhin mare thin a ploy

hemmin..tam yorks new wan come wi a 4 treck rmx ep jist oot..vinyl only agen


anither novelty item fir turntable owners? aye.. but this disna bother meh ez much cos ez pitting the rmxs oot there fir cunts tae hear..but ehts a rarity

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