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1 hour ago, Ke1t said:

I think the Russkies have been holding back their air force and smart missiles because they were planning to use them against the Baltic States.

They figured they could just rapidly overwhelm Ukraine with masses of soldiers and ground forces, and save their best shit for NATO next year. 

Fortunately for us it hasn't worked out that way. 

I'm sure you and the aids riddled cunt will be fine???

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4 minutes ago, Ohjimmyjimmy said:


False flag op from Poohtin’s mob, with a big comedy ACME missile left at the side of the road.

Such a big bomb that it killed 23 people but is mostly intact.


Come on now.

Is that not the booster stage, that separates from the missile? Seen quite a few pictures like that in the last week. 

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4 hours ago, Ramandu said:

Is that not the booster stage, that separates from the missile? Seen quite a few pictures like that in the last week. 

No expert on missiles, but according to the news it's a 'fragment' of a Tochka U. The Tochka U seems to not have multiple stages like you might find on a long range missile. 

"The missile has a single-stage solid-propellant motor and an inseparable warhead, is guided throughout its flight."

The picture the Russians released makes it look like it was cut apart and carefully laid on the pavement for a photo shoot, rather than having plummeted to earth after being blown up. 

Hokey, and I call bullshit.  


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was always going to happen - a ‘disappearance’. If she’s been arrested, of course her lawyer won’t be able to contact her on her phone. That doesn’t mean she’s been taken away and executed. Folk who have their own lawyers are usually trouble anyway 

nice use of English for the No War part of her banner though. Perfect for western consumption. 


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11 minutes ago, Poodler said:



was always going to happen - a ‘disappearance’. If she’s been arrested, of course her lawyer won’t be able to contact her on her phone. That doesn’t mean she’s been taken away and executed. Folk who have their own lawyers are usually trouble anyway 

nice use of English for the No War part of her banner though. Perfect for western consumption. 


She arite 



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15 minutes ago, Grays Babylon 1875 said:

Poroshenko has just said that - tomorrow Putin, will demand from Great Britain, Scotland.   

 He's been in the trenches too long.   You should cut down on your pork life mate, get some exercise. 


SKY is fucking Russian propaganda.... "How many more people are YOU willing to sacrifice?" 

They're being invaded, you dumb cunt. They're protecting their country. 

She'd have been asking Churchill, "How many Britons are you willing to sacrifice before you just surrender to the Nazis?" 

She needs a kicking. 

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2 hours ago, Poodler said:



was always going to happen - a ‘disappearance’. If she’s been arrested, of course her lawyer won’t be able to contact her on her phone. That doesn’t mean she’s been taken away and executed. Folk who have their own lawyers are usually trouble anyway 

nice use of English for the No War part of her banner though. Perfect for western consumption. 


Sneaky fucking Russians aren’t daft now. They’ll not want to make a martyr of her for an anti-war movement.


Be in no doubt that she’s on a list though. Deid within 3 months I reckon.

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excellent video today 

why do these people get to decide if we get to view RussiaToday? Can we trust the people making these decisions on what is good for us to receive, after all the lies through covid? 

Gotta keep up the good fight man, keep askin them questions. Bring back Consi


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3 minutes ago, RedArmyFakshun said:

i was still getting RT via VPN routed through Brazil, and when that got blocked Singapore still worked, but by the end of last week that's gone now as well

Notably on flighttracker24, Istanbul still does daily flights to St Petersburg and Moscow.  So i figured a Turkey VPN might still work, but no such servers with my VPN provider


I wonder who got the power pack. 

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