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i like him, one of my favorites


i admit he's not the best defensively, but he's not a total passenger


tbh i think he is no worse in left back and foster is in any position, and at least mulgrew has the attacking threat


another thing, him and aluko on their day would scare the hell out of any team, and easily be the best left side in the spl

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Guest Donforlife
i like him, one of my favorites


i admit he's not the best defensively, but he's not a total passenger


tbh i think he is no worse in left back and foster is in any position, and at least mulgrew has the attacking threat


another thing, him and aluko on their day would scare the hell out of any team, and easily be the best left side in the spl


he WAS a passenger today.


awful passing, he cannot tackle, not good in the air and his corners were mince today.


I thought he was going to be an excellent signing but its patently clear why Celtic & Wolves got rid.


He also looks like he is playing with zero confidence.

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apart for being able to take a free kick or corner this guy is utter sh*te one of the worst players i have seen play in a long time for aberdeen



Probably commands a high wage too.


Was pretty excited with him joining, but overall has been a huge disappointment.


Worst thing is he is a decent footballer, we just don't know what to do with him. Square pegs and round holes yet again.

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Looked a half decent player at the beginning of the season - what's happened? Surely not anything to do with the management?


aye i thought that too, looked to be an excellent signing but has gotten progressively sloppier throughout. He's the one that made me start to think we ruin players

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The guy is obviously off form and fast becoming a liability in defence.


A spell on the sidelines or potentially move him into midfield next to Kerr?


Given that JC is delighted with the squad he has we obviously have plenty options so we shouldn't need to be playing guys who are off form. Should we?



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We have to find a way to get the best out of im because he has alot of ability and could be quality.


I don't know whats happened since the beginning of the season, but he seems to be like he has an attitude problem and is a lazy chunt. Need someone to give him a rocket up his arse and get him playing again.

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aye i thought that too, looked to be an excellent signing but has gotten progressively sloppier throughout. He's the one that made me start to think we ruin players



or teams have figured him out and figured out that our LH side doesnt have a lot of defensive qualities about it with Mulgrew and aluko both wanting to get forward and neither being the best defensively

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I think he's just low on confidence, but the way we are playing it's not likely this will improve in the near future.


Granted, he's not the best defensively and needs to work on this aspect of his game a LOT!


He's still better than Foster, who wouldn't get a game of 5-a-sides at goals most nights.

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mulgrew isnt better than foster. foster tries. anyway hat off to foster seeing how hes a striker. not many go past him. foster could come on to really good game if there was talent round him. considine and diamond are murder. worse than jim bett was at italia 90



Haha, quality post.


I'd like to see Foster pass to a team mate once.... just once would be a good start.


I seem to remember he was a pretty horrific 'striker' too when played up there so he's pretty inept in any position it would seem.

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