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Chat With Random Folks

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Nearly got us a new defender then :P



You: Hey?

Stranger: hi?

You: Good site this?

Stranger: first time here.

You: What's your name?

Stranger: Cleber.

Stranger: and your?

You: What kind of name's that?

You: Where you from?

Stranger: brasil

You: I'm James by the way

Stranger: where

You: You play football?

You: I'm from Scotland

Stranger: why everybody think only in football in brasil?

Stranger: i play, by the way

You: I'm a football coach

You: Where you play?

You: Any good?

Stranger: amateur

You: perfect

Stranger: how old?

You: I'm amateur too

You: 54

Stranger: old man

You: Need new team

You: Good coach though

You: The fans of my team don't like me

Stranger: good

Stranger: why?

You: Think i'm bad coach

Stranger: kkk

You: Only 3 bad games out of 200

You: JIG

Stranger: maybe you are?

You: So where do you play? you didn't say

Stranger: in what position or which team

Stranger: ?

You: Position

Stranger: 3

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You: Hi

Stranger: whats up

Stranger: asl

You: I wasn't crying

Stranger: oh ok kool, i believe ya

You: but we're not anyway

Stranger: ok thats cool

You: Are you a Jigger or a Jmger?

Stranger: both lol

You: oooh - sit on the fence, why don't you?

Stranger: so where you from

You: Scotland

You: you?

Stranger: Florida

You: are there any tanning salons there?

Stranger: yeah there are, but we got pretty good weathere there

Stranger: so its all good

You: really?

You: I thought it was a bit breezy

Stranger: yeah its Florida hehe lol

You: oh of course, silly me

Stranger: sometimes

Stranger: hehe lol

You: all we ever see on the telly is cars racing to leave

You: doesn't seem a very good advert

Stranger: hehe lol

You: where in Florida?

You: where the oranges are?

You: we have an orange man in charge

You: that'll be Jimmy

Stranger: do you guys not see any Disney World comercials

You: no, but I went there once

Stranger: i love it its awesome

You: oranges?

You: cool

Stranger: yeah oranges are awesome

You: :P)

Stranger: lol

You: especially when you go that colour in the tanning salon

You: but we prefer the reds

You: Stand Free!

Stranger: hehe lol

Stranger: really, is that so

You: it is

You: Red Rules

Stranger: so what do you do for a living

You: have you been to Scotland?

You: I'm a football manager

Stranger: i sure have, been there on tour

You: I'm not sure I'll be in a job much longer though

You: on tour with?

Stranger: awe i'm sorry to hear that, suks

Stranger: with the backstreet boys

You: well I'm not very good

Stranger: i'm nick, btw

You: I keep changing the team tactics so it confuses all the players

You: I'm Jimmy

Stranger: nice to meet you jimmy

You: likewise, Nick

Stranger: thanks man

You: would there be jobs for me in Florida if I lost mine

You: I need a guaranteed tan all the time

Stranger: ah i'm afraid the job scene is still not looking to promising i'm afraid

You: not even for me? I have lots of charisma

You: and I'd help the economy. I love oranges

Stranger: haha, well that might help. You just visit Florida and try get a working holday; see what happens

You: ok

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my first proper een!!


You: fit like?

Stranger: hell yea

You: JIG yeh?

Stranger: do you shave ur pink kingdom?

You: i only have a flat, not my own kingdom sorry

Stranger: ?

Stranger: que

You: are you frodo?

Stranger: YAH

Stranger: yayyyy

Stranger: me frodo

Stranger: kiss me

Stranger: woman

Stranger: i love u

Stranger: its u i want

You: mmmm, i dont like hobbits. I like Jimmy Calderwood

You: do you?

Stranger: im a tall hobit

Stranger: i prefer metallica

Stranger: what color panties u got on

Stranger: that tells me your current mood

You: pfft...Jimmy Calderwood shits on Metallica. He can call on darren mackie to lead a big finish on the drums

Stranger: black means your sad :P

Stranger: dude

Stranger: buckethead

Stranger: thats the sh*t

You: no, ricky foster is sh*t. although he likes coming over the hill

You: JIG or JMG?

Stranger: whats the differennce?

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Haha! This is great fun!


Just been winding up some guy from Ireland... pretending I was an American High School kid! It soon started to get out of hand!


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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi nwhats up?

Stranger: Hey

Stranger: Where you from?

You: MA... you?

Stranger: Ireland

You: which state?

Stranger: Cork

You: what?

You: never heard of it.... which state?

Stranger: Cork, i'm from Ireland

Stranger: not the USA

You: oh the couuntry!

Stranger: yeah

You: cool - your from England

You: I love england!

Stranger: no, ireland

Stranger: very different country

You: is it? cool

Stranger: it's near england though

You: i've been to england when i was young ... we visited edinborough

Stranger: edinburgh is in Scotland, not england

Stranger: geography isn't your strong point, is it?

You: yeah, okay... probably not!

You: what do you do in the UK?

Stranger: I'm not in the UK

Stranger: Ireland is a republic

You: Ireland is British though?

Stranger: nope

You: man - that is confusing

Stranger: Used to be, but there was a war and we took it back though england controls 6 counties in the North

You: am i thinking of the right place...Ireland, that had all the trouble - shootings and stuff on the news?

You: that is in britain

Stranger: Yes, that's the one

You: Tony Blair is your president

Stranger: No

You: well that is british

Stranger: Yes but Ireland is not british

You: are you trying to fool me?

You: I am not completely stupid

Stranger: if you said that over here you would be shot dead in the street

You: what?

Stranger: seriously read the Ireland wiki

Stranger: you've got it all wrong

Stranger: It is very offensive to call Irish people british

You: Ireland and Scotland aren part of England

You: I mean britain

Stranger: Scotland is a part of Britain but it is not england, get me?

Stranger: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are the UK aka Britain, Irekand is not

Stranger: get it now?

You: listen I think you are telling me stories

You: that is ridiculous

Stranger: Check it out, It's all the truth

Stranger: you're just a dumb ignorant c**t

You: I just looked it up

You: ireland, scoltand england and wales are britain

Stranger: link?

You: im not ignorant... you don't know what you are taking about

Stranger: thats bullshit

Stranger: i live here, think I know more than you

You: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdo...orthern_Ireland

You: Ireland and england are the same

Stranger: See the Northern Ireland part? Thats what I said

Stranger: no they are not

You: what in the hell are talking about

Stranger: The Republic of Ireland is not in Britain

You: are you drunk - i just sent to you!!

Stranger: you know what republic means don't ya?

Stranger: Read it again f**king dumbass, it's northern Ireland, not the republic, different places c**t

You: yeah - you have a president.... president Blair

Stranger: you're just winding me up though, no one could be that stupid


Stranger: Blair isn't a president, he WAS a prime minister and he doesn't have that job anymore

You: It is there in black and white - Ireland england, wales and scotland, y'all are british

Stranger: gordon brown is the PM of Britain but has got f**k all to do with Ireland

You: I saw Blair on the news talking about the trouble in Ireland

Stranger: When?

Stranger: He's not in charge anymore

You: he was in the us speaking to Bush about it a year or so ago....

You: But he was in charge of Ireland

Stranger: He's not the PM anymore, just like Bush isn't president

You: Look why are you such a jackass.... where are you really from? Your not from England I know that!

Stranger: No he's not in charge of Ireland

You: Yeah Barack only just got in.... this was a year ago

You: he sure sounded like he was

Stranger: Yeah, look who the prime minister of England is now, it's not tony blair you fool

You: he was trying to organise a solution with president Bush

Stranger: Yes for NORTHERN IRELAND which i said was under british control

You: Yeah I know its not Blair anymore... but when he was president, he was over talking to bush the trouble in ireland

Stranger: not the REPUBLIC OF IRELAND which is where i live

You: Yeah sure, but that is part of england and whales and scotland

You: its the same country - the UK.... YOU JACKASS

Stranger: The North you mean?

You: What in hell are talking about

Stranger: you filthy c**t, you're so wrong.

Stranger: You're such a fail

You: WHAT I am not a fithy c**t.... wash your mouth out you son of a bitch

Stranger: Get that dick out of your ass and wake up and realise whats going on in the world

Stranger: you have no clue

Stranger: I've gotyour ip and see where your from

You: You don't know what your talking about - i don't even believe you're english

Stranger: I'm Irish, and youre prob a fat nigga jew bitch

You: You don't know sh*t man

Stranger: what do you work as?

You: what I am jewish, but I aint no nigger

Stranger: a f**king janitor?

You: I'm at high school

Stranger: you talk like a nigger

Stranger: great, get your teacher to explain to you

You: You are a racist son of a bitch

Stranger: i thought you jews were supposed to be f**king smart

You: I would kick you're ass if I ever met you

You: I am smart.... smarter than you, you jackass

Stranger: no you wouldn't mutherf**ker, I have a black belt in muay thai

You: where do you got to school

Stranger: whats the chemical symbol for iron?

You: Fe

Stranger: I'm in college

Stranger: Very good

Stranger: Where is the city of Oslo?

You: what college - you are too dumb to get into college

You: Norway

Stranger: i have a degree

You: dont make me laugh! - you don't even know what countries make up england

Stranger: Read back over what i said, i think you mixed up what i was trying to say

You: I already know the score you idiot!

Stranger: The only country that makes up England is England DUMB c**t

You: and whales, scotland, Ireland

Stranger: Britain is England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland


Stranger: Britain is yeah,

Stranger: listen to yourself

Stranger: how can england be made up of scotland and wales and NI too?

You: You are nothing but a racist jackass loser

Stranger: thats the UK or britain or whatever you want to call it

You: they are the same thing you idiot

Stranger: they're not at all

Stranger: i hope you get cancer

You: you are so mean

Stranger: you deserve it

You: that is a horrible thing to say

Stranger: you're so dumb

Stranger: you need to be wiped out

You: I don't - nobody deserves cancer

Stranger: sorry, that was harsh

Stranger: i take that back

You: that is an awful thing to say, you are an evil person and your trying to mislead me

You: you will go to hell - then you'll be sorry

Stranger: sorry

You: yeah you will be

Stranger: hell doesnt exist

Stranger: nor does god or jesus or mary

Stranger: but thats a whole other matter



You: You don't understand what you are saying

Stranger: god raped mary

You: On the day of judgement you will be real sorry!

Stranger: she didnt even want a kid but he raped her to get her pregnant

You: HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT- you are the most evil person I have ever met

You: I can believe this

Stranger: no i wont, that day will never come

Stranger: im glad you can

Stranger: see i make sense

You: Why because you are Lucifer himself! Thats what I believe - no way any mortal could be as mean as you!

You: I am disconnecting now - I can't speak to you anymore

Stranger: thats right its me

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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(Although he won't own up)


Stranger: http://www.uefa.com/multimediafiles/photo/...ediumsquare.jpg

You: hi

Stranger: srry

You: lol

Stranger: p0t?

You: black?

You: hang on

Stranger: noo

You: AFC?

Stranger: afc?

You: JIG or JMG?

You: it IS!

Stranger: ah i had u

You: lol

You: Fit like?

Stranger: omg

Stranger: ?

You: now no denying it

Stranger: fit like black cock

You: um

You: why have you got a picture of Tangoman before we even said hi?!!

Stranger: i pushed wrong button dude

You: lol



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Stranger: hi

You: Hi min

You: foos yer doos ?

Stranger: britney or Beyonce?

You: britney

Stranger: :D

You: Aye indeed]

You: indeed

You: foos yer doos?

Stranger: what?

Stranger: where are you from

Stranger: ?

You: Aberdeen Scotland

You: You ?

Stranger: EUA?

You: Fits 'at ?

Stranger: Brazil

Stranger: my inglish is bad

You: Ronaldinho

You: Pele

You: My inglish is worse min

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Stranger: lolololol

Stranger: hi

You: Hi, Are you a stranger?

Stranger: Yes

You: Didn't your Daddy tell you never to talk to strangers?

Stranger: im a 60 year old looking for a 13 year old

Stranger: and no

You: I'm 14

Stranger: my daddy abused me

Stranger: damn

Stranger: i wanted 13

Stranger: my dad is called jozef

You: How about 2 x 6 year olds?

Stranger: thats just sick dude

You: You have dark basemaent?

Stranger: yeah sure do

You: You like Jimmy?

Stranger: I like Timmy

You: But what about Jimmy?

Stranger: Sure

You: & you called me sick

You have disconnected.

or send us feedback.


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Stranger: hi

You: Hi min

You: JMG ?

Stranger: Too right, he a nkob

You: Have a beer

Stranger: Danke

You: Nae bother min

You: ok for saturday ?

You: 2pm

Stranger: Ya

Stranger: hope it's dry

Stranger: and large turn out

You: Me too

You: Fuuk the JIGerses

Stranger: Ya

You: NGC at noon ?

Stranger: Ya JMG

Stranger: I hate der hun

You: Aye

You: Stand Free

Stranger: Ya

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:P Weirdo



Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: everything good gets gone.

You: This is new

Stranger: i'm sorry. thinking/typing outloud

You: That's very negative

Stranger: It's just how I feel. I look at paintings and think that.

Stranger: It's similar to this place.

You: Look at better paintings then

Stranger: You have to just hope it turns out okay. Either one of us can disconnect suddenly.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.

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Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello

You: Cock nosed needle d!ck

Stranger: teach me something new

Stranger: na f8ck that

Stranger: prick

You: Jimmy Must Go!!!!!!!!

Stranger: mia?

You: mia fit? mamma mia?

Stranger: ol pregnant grammy face

Stranger: that went over your head

You: I am the god of hellfire and I bring you fire

You: far you fae

Stranger: you sound lame

Stranger: b!tch

You: Lame as in lame-unable to walk?

Stranger: disconnect me now

Stranger: please

You: no you disconnect f**k arse

Stranger: you from england

You: Scotland. You?

Stranger: vegas

You: You a stripper or a drug dealer?

Stranger: ima pimp

You: Aye you pimp oot your ain @rse

Stranger: i dont know what the hell that means

You: ahh I have taught you something new then haven't I?

Stranger: you showed me some new sh*t but i dont understand

You: thats nae my fault if you no comprende then is it. Spams great. I love spam

Stranger: thats nasty are you a b!tch?

Stranger: female i mean

You: spam spammity spam. No one expects the spanish inquisition

Stranger: squarzo

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I was looking forward to an early night as well.

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Maybe its boring...




Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

You: JIG or JMG?

Stranger: hii

Stranger: whaaat?

You: Dons

You: ya know?

Stranger: noo

Stranger: dunno

You: Aberdeen

Stranger: heard that somewhere :P

You: where are ya from?

Stranger: germany

Stranger: you?

You: Germany .d

You: :D

Stranger: haha

You: But I found a link to this site on the Aberdeen FC chat

Stranger: aah ok

Stranger: some friend gave it to me

You: its crazy^^

Stranger: yeah totally

Stranger: soo, where exactly do u live

You: NRW

You: you?

Stranger: BW

Stranger: freiburg exactly

You: how old?

Stranger: 21

Stranger: and male :hysterical:

You: me too

Stranger: hehe

Stranger: sooo, was nice to chat with you, but g2g now :D

You: yeah

You: Stand FREE!:D

Stranger: byebye :hysterical:

Stranger: hehe

Stranger: always!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: stranger?

You: Jimmy must go. Agree?

Stranger: sure

Stranger: but where

You: Anywhere. He's a fat orange monkfish looking b@stard

You: Far would you recommend?

Stranger: yeah then he defintiely must go

Stranger: very far

You: I think we would get on great

You: where you from?

Stranger: chicago

Stranger: u

You: Peterhead scotland


He must o heard o a the huns in the bloo toon.

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