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Red Ultras Maybe To Return

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The opening poster is either on the wind up or is stirring sh*t


I take it Leon Mike you a fully paid up member of the Ultras always have been? Helped with the displays and went along to help them set up etc ??, whenever you where free and showed as much dedication as they did ??


If you have the best interests of the Ultras and Afc at Heart , rather than some point scoring on the internet, then I will apologise, but that not how it is coming across


Personally, I do hope the Ultras can make somesort of comeback, could not care less about the odd flag being waved in my face. They have been missed but your delibarate attempt at a wind up aint helping anyone as you knew how this thread was going to end up and could not wait to post about the possibility of the Ultras returning after you had saw the thread on mad

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The opening poster is either on the wind up or is stirring sh*t


I take it Leon Mike you a fully paid up member of the Ultras always have been? Helped with the displays and went along to help them set up etc ??, whenever you where free and showed as much dedication as they did ??


Paid membership (£10 a year I believe, maybe £15 - can't quite remember) but was late to the party for sure. Filmed them setting up a display and created a short film for them.


I'm nae sure what the beef is? How am I on the wind up? I reckon I've been pretty positive about it all?


It's a crime to be positive about something?

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I worked for a production company filming all of Aberdeens matches. Was at every game for years but up in the South Stand. If I had the free time I'd help out, obviously. And I did when I could, which is why I doubled up my job filming the matches as well as being a fan and filmed the set up of a display.


I genuinely don't see why posting a thread on AFC-Chat about the potential for the Ultras reforming could be misinterpreted by others as a negative thing.


I've already said plenty of times that I'm very excited about the possibility of it happening. Seems there's plenty others out there who share that line of thought too. How am I being negative? Don't be absurd, min.


Why are you turning positivity into a negative?

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I worked for a production company filming all of Aberdeens matches. Was at every game for years but up in the South Stand. If I had the free time I'd help out, obviously. And I did when I could, which is why I doubled up my job filming the matches as well as being a fan and filmed the set up of a display.


I genuinely don't see why posting a thread on AFC-Chat about the potential for the Ultras reforming could be misinterpreted by others as a negative thing.


I've already said plenty of times that I'm very excited about the possibility of it happening. Seems there's plenty others out there who share that line of thought too. How am I being negative? Don't be absurd, min.


I dont disbelieve that you want a better atmosphere at Pittodrie, just maybe you would be better helping trying to create one instead of critising other's, it not really helping is it


We all want a better atmosphere and I am sorry if I got you all wrong and thats all your intention was when starting this thread , but I still cant help think you started it just to cause the usual arguments that happen any time anyone mentions our Ultras on here,


good luck if you guys do make a comeback

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I used to take my kids to the upper rds for home games, they enjoyed the atmosphere with the ultras, for them made it a great day out at the football. Some of the bigger displays they put on were great.


Compare that with going to a game, getting asked to sit down for 90 mins by some boring fecker behind you, a couple of short burts of stand free maybe a couple of come on u reds, depends what you wanna go to the football for i suppose, sit and moan about how pish we are with a few boos thrown in or get behind the team and add colour and noise.


For those who hate ultras, smoke bombs, flares and noise, this makes what people are crying about with flags look very tame.




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I used to take my kids to the upper rds for home games, they enjoyed the atmosphere with the ultras, for them made it a great day out at the football. Some of the bigger displays they put on were great.


Compare that with going to a game, getting asked to sit down for 90 mins by some boring fecker behind you, a couple of short burts of stand free maybe a couple of come on u reds, depends what you wanna go to the football for i suppose, sit and moan about how pish we are with a few boos thrown in or get behind the team and add colour and noise.


For those who hate ultras, smoke bombs, flares and noise, this makes what people are crying about with flags look very tame.





Brilliant videos. The flares look fantastic.

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Read with interest on another forum that if there's enough people willing to get involved, there's a chance the RU will reform, which is great news!


If you're interested, show let them know and hopefully it'll get the green light. I'm sure it will if there's enough interested (more than 100 willing to get involved was the number quoted) it will go ahead. Already plenty of interest over on another board so hopefully we'll see it happen on the rest.







So are the club interested in them putting up banners etc

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For the attention of the Red Ultras:


Please take the bleatings of negative ninnies with a pinch of salt and in your stride.


If every Scotsman or Aberdonian listened to whingeings of the negative brigade, then our country and city would have even fewer things to proud of.


E.g. minijc and forbeszzzzz: if you have ever witnessed people like this in real life, you would know immediately not to pay attention to the drivel that falls out of their mouths.

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nig you can find it on you tube mate


some sensible comments and some sh*te but thats the internet for you...to be honest theres been a fantastic response in my inbox.


lessons have been learned and the group has been greatly missed so a lot of things would be addressed right from the start..one or two posters saying this and that doesnt get me down one little bit.


but i reiterate...this will NOT be happening unless i get over 100 plus dedicated fans who are willing to stand together at home games,and to give up some of their time through the week every now and then.


once i get the numbers i would announce a date and venue for a meeting...i appreciate fans work offshore etc but you would be made more than welcome every time you could make it


if you want to see a return of the displays,flags and singing then get in touch .



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Good luck - some of the displays were superb.

Hope the lessons have been learned.

It has to be said that as well as the negative posts towards the RU there is the posts from RU members that just get up people's backs.

i suppose its only natural that some retaliate especially after some of the nonsense posted.


lessons have been well and truly learnt ...you want to make it happen?


then contact redultras@gmail.com

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They get heaps of sh*t andTodders isnt nearly as good without the displays.

They get heaps of sh*t. Plenty warranted and plenty not.


If people have a grievance they are told that they are ruining the atmosphere blah blah and that they aren't supporting the team properly etc etc.


Plenty on here have said the Ultra's do fantastic displays but don't like the attitudes of some (key word, not all) the Ultra's and some of the Ultra's reply with insults instead of maybe seeing that there are two sides to the problem.


I wouldn't have a problem with the Ultra's if some didn't think they were above other fans and feel it's perfectly fine to obstruct others view during play.


I'd love to see them back doing displays as long as they're not causing other Dons fans bother.

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The whole Ultras thing is a good idea. Its blatantly obvious that something needs to be done about the dire atmosphere in the ground. I can only echo other people's views though that whoever organised this needs to make some groundrules for all. Attitudes of SOME, like others have said was minging. Big flags would come over our heads and when people moaned cos they couldnt see they got abuse. Now sorry, but I pay money to see the football not have a flag draped over my head. Some of them had a "we are better than you" attitude purely because they sing. Reality check...you're nae. If the attitudes can get sorted out then the reintroduction of the Ultras could be a welcome addition to Pittodrie.

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