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I actually think you must be the lothian version of millertime, you both talk total sh*te.


To take a serious point from your post, I was beginning to think that perhaps it is no coincidence that I tend to agree with a lot of what MT says with regards to Jimmy Calderwood, Jamie Langfield etc. Both of us aren't from Aberdeen. Perhaps the attitude towards the football club is different for Dons fans who don't live in the city. It's a long shot, but something I thought that might be valid.

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well, just keen to point out that you dont rate langfield, but you absolve him of ANY blame for that goal, whereas k9 is still trying to solely blame him for it - an example of how folk on here invent crap to suit their own agendas


the guy loves our club and tries his best. if you dont rate him, blame the manager, not him as hes only doing what any of us would kill to do!

Loves the club my arse. He loves the monthly paypacket. His best is not nearly good enough. If it was there would not be constant debate highlighting, by the mass, by the VAST majority, another f**k up after another f**k up.

For the record though, I personally don't think there was a lot he could have done for the oompaloompa's goal on Monday. The blame lies solely at the bappit feet of that rough as f**k Diamond

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This thread alone is proof that there is a set agenda against Langfield amongst many posters on here.


To slate Langfield for the goal conceded against Hamilton on Monday is actually quite embarrassing. I'm pretty sure those of you who do it know deep down that he hasn't done much wrong but don't want to let your guard slip on your anti-Langfield agenda.


I am very happy that Langfield is being offered a new contract, and hopefully we can bring in an older or more experienced centre half to partner either Considine or McArdle for the new season.


I don't blame him for the goal against Hamilton but I do not rate the guy, my opinion is based on what I see. He is poor at commanding his area and his near post seems to scare the sh*t out of him for some reason. he makes a few good saves but so does every keeper because that is their job. we've had one good season out of him in 4 or 5.


Time to part ways as far as I'm concerned BUT if Brown does want to keep him then we must accept it and move on. One thing we haven't looked at is that he hasn't even signed the deal yet, he may well have his agent looking for the bigger pay day doon sooth.


no agenda from me here and I also believe that its time for a bit of a clear out at Pittodrie.

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I don't blame him for the goal against Hamilton but I do not rate the guy, my opinion is based on what I see. He is poor at commanding his area and his near post seems to scare the sh*t out of him for some reason. he makes a few good saves but so does every keeper because that is their job. we've had one good season out of him in 4 or 5.


Time to part ways as far as I'm concerned BUT if Brown does want to keep him then we must accept it and move on. One thing we haven't looked at is that he hasn't even signed the deal yet, he may well have his agent looking for the bigger pay day doon sooth.


no agenda from me here and I also believe that its time for a bit of a clear out at Pittodrie.


Can't blame you for wanting a full blown clear out in the summer and not just the odd one or two. I think our plans for next season are looking good at the moment, with a clear out taking place in terms of guys like Diamond and Young leaving.


With regards to the anti-Langfield agenda, there are certain individuals who go way over the top with the abuse they give him. I know people are exaggerating at times but there seems to be a love to hate him. It hampers people's ability to recognise the good side to his game, which he most definitely has, and solely concentrate on the mistakes he makes. It's easy to do, given the exposure he gets playing in goals, but the way people go on about it makes you think that he's the only 'keeper in the world who makes such mistakes. Some people must have exceptionally high and unrealistic standards for the type of player we should have at Pittodrie.

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Can't blame you for wanting a full blown clear out in the summer and not just the odd one or two. I think our plans for next season are looking good at the moment, with a clear out taking place in terms of guys like Diamond and Young leaving.


With regards to the anti-Langfield agenda, there are certain individuals who go way over the top with the abuse they give him. I know people are exaggerating at times but there seems to be a love to hate him. It hampers people's ability to recognise the good side to his game, which he most definitely has, and solely concentrate on the mistakes he makes. It's easy to do, given the exposure he gets playing in goals, but the way people go on about it makes you think that he's the only 'keeper in the world who makes such mistakes. Some people must have exceptionally high and unrealistic standards for the type of player we should have at Pittodrie.


I'm not looking for us to replace him with Cech or Reina, I just think he isn't good enough for us. I've seen his good side, he was brilliant in Dnipro and at times he's made some brilliant saves which some in the media described a save of the season ( i remember one at fir park). Its not the big mistakes I am focusing on, its his inability to cover his near post, his kicking and his inability to command his box. Add all of that together and throw in the "clangers" he has and you have a poor keeper and not good enough for us.

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With regards to the anti-Langfield agenda, there are certain individuals who go way over the top with the abuse they give him. I know people are exaggerating at times but there seems to be a love to hate him. It hampers people's ability to recognise the good side to his game, which he most definitely has,

What do you think is the good side to his game, the good things which he does consistently well?

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What do you think is the good side to his game, the good things which he does consistently well?


Well for one, I think his reflexes in terms of close range shot stopping ability are of the highest standard in the SPL. Marian Kello has been heaped with praise this season and what has been highlighted for him is what I feel Langfield is good at.


I can't remember the last time Langfield dropped the ball at a cross or corner which led to us being left in much danger? People seem to highlight this as a very weak area of his but I hold more fear about our central defence's ability to deal with a high ball/cross than Langfield's.


His near post seems to be his downfall at times, but again I can't remember that many instances where he has been beaten there recently? Anthony Stokes at Pittodrie in February is about the only one I seem to remember. Higdon at St Mirren perhaps, although that strike would have troubled many a goalkeeper.


I'm not saying Langfield is perfect, far from it. However he is the best I think a non Old Firm team can hope for in the SPL.

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Well for one, I think his reflexes in terms of close range shot stopping ability are of the highest standard in the SPL. Marian Kello has been heaped with praise this season and what has been highlighted for him is what I feel Langfield is good at.


I can't remember the last time Langfield dropped the ball at a cross or corner which led to us being left in much danger? People seem to highlight this as a very weak area of his but I hold more fear about our central defence's ability to deal with a high ball/cross than Langfield's.


His near post seems to be his downfall at times, but again I can't remember that many instances where he has been beaten there recently? Anthony Stokes at Pittodrie in February is about the only one I seem to remember. Higdon at St Mirren perhaps, although that strike would have troubled many a goalkeeper.


I'm not saying Langfield is perfect, far from it. However he is the best I think a non Old Firm team can hope for in the SPL.


Can someone download the thirty or so goals that this season alone can be blamed squarely on the clown?


He is PISH

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Well for one, I think his reflexes in terms of close range shot stopping ability are of the highest standard in the SPL. Marian Kello has been heaped with praise this season and what has been highlighted for him is what I feel Langfield is good at.


I can't remember the last time Langfield dropped the ball at a cross or corner which led to us being left in much danger? People seem to highlight this as a very weak area of his but I hold more fear about our central defence's ability to deal with a high ball/cross than Langfield's.


His near post seems to be his downfall at times, but again I can't remember that many instances where he has been beaten there recently? Anthony Stokes at Pittodrie in February is about the only one I seem to remember. Higdon at St Mirren perhaps, although that strike would have troubled many a goalkeeper.


I'm not saying Langfield is perfect, far from it. However he is the best I think a non Old Firm team can hope for in the SPL.


maybe not just dropping it but failing to actually get to it in the first place

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he hasnt dropped anything because he dosent come for anything, he did the same on Monday, came...tried to punch...missed the ball.


I cannot highlight anything about his overall game that I think he"s good at, and Im not on here to slate the guy, this is my general thoughts, again highlighted for Mulgrews goal in the semi, he had 2 decent saves, and then BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Langfield lacks concentration, strength, kicking ability, throwing ability.....jesus I could go on and on.


He is not an SPL NO1 at any strech of the immagination.


a back up maybe, and thats just a maybe.

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Can someone download the thirty or so goals that this season alone can be blamed squarely on the clown?


He is PISH


How can people expect to have a constructive debate on Langfield when people like you ridiculously exaggerate like this? You, and everybody else on this forum knows that Langfield has not been responsible for that number of goals this season.


he hasnt dropped anything because he dosent come for anything, he did the same on Monday, came...tried to punch...missed the ball.


I cannot highlight anything about his overall game that I think he"s good at, and Im not on here to slate the guy, this is my general thoughts, again highlighted for Mulgrews goal in the semi, he had 2 decent saves, and then BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Langfield lacks concentration, strength, kicking ability, throwing ability.....jesus I could go on and on.


He is not an SPL NO1 at any strech of the immagination.


a back up maybe, and thats just a maybe.


When did this happen exactly? I was at the game and have watched most of the recording back and can't seem to recall him completely missing the ball when he attempted to punch it. The only mistake I thought he made on Monday was a poor kick out in the first half which was intended for Maguire but went straight to their defender.


Also, I think most people agreed that Mulgrew's goal was not Langfield's fault. Had Langfield dived in that direction and there had been any sort of flick on in the middle of the box he would have looked like a fool. He has a split second to react to the fact that there wasn't a flick on and in the end was unlucky not to reach it.

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How can people expect to have a constructive debate on Langfield when people like you ridiculously exaggerate like this? You, and everybody else on this forum knows that Langfield has not been responsible for that number of goals this season.




When did this happen exactly? I was at the game and have watched most of the recording back and can't seem to recall him completely missing the ball when he attempted to punch it. The only mistake I thought he made on Monday was a poor kick out in the first half which was intended for Maguire but went straight to their defender.


Also, I think most people agreed that Mulgrew's goal was not Langfield's fault. Had Langfield dived in that direction and there had been any sort of flick on in the middle of the box he would have looked like a fool. He has a split second to react to the fact that there wasn't a flick on and in the end was unlucky not to reach it.



Think it was 1st half, cant recall the time.



the ball travelled so far for Mulgrews goal it wasnt real, I dont think it even went in with much pace, imo, he was at fault , the ball just travelled to far, I think he could have even came to clain it...but not 100% on that.


Anyhow, hes not no1 material for us, no way

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@Rossafc92, you're mad.


Whether or not him dropping the ball or not leads to a goal he's still dropping the f**king thing.


It was the same last season when myself and a few others said Ifil was a complete bombscare and would cost us. The party line on this site was "his mistakes don't lead to goals so get off his back, he's been a good signing". Two months later and he was costing goals left, right and centre. It'll eventually come back to bite you in the arse.


I presume (and hope) 92 is a reference to the year of your birth. I hope so as I was as naive about football as you were at that age.

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@Rossafc92, you're mad.


Whether or not him dropping the ball or not leads to a goal he's still dropping the f**king thing.


It was the same last season when myself and a few others said Ifil was a complete bombscare and would cost us. The party line on this site was "his mistakes don't lead to goals so get off his back, he's been a good signing". Two months later and he was costing goals left, right and centre. It'll eventually come back to bite you in the arse.


I presume (and hope) 92 is a reference to the year of your birth. I hope so as I was as naive about football as you were at that age.


It most certainly is, 18 years young.


I accept the fact that people have different opinions and views on particular players and scenarios during a football match. However I just cannot get my head around the anti-Langfield situation on here. He's not a brilliant keeper, he's not a great keeper, he's an average to good goalkeeper in my view. Hence Scotland call ups and a new contract.


And with regards to Ifil, he was good in the first couple of months where he was partnered with Considine. The two of them worked really well together. Then Andy had to get an operation, Diamond comes in and boom, the defence is an utter shambles. Ifil never recovered from that and Diamond has continued to be as poor.

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It most certainly is, 18 years young.


I accept the fact that people have different opinions and views on particular players and scenarios during a football match. However I just cannot get my head around the anti-Langfield situation on here. He's not a brilliant keeper, he's not a great keeper, he's an average to good goalkeeper in my view. Hence Scotland call ups and a new contract.


And with regards to Ifil, he was good in the first couple of months where he was partnered with Considine. The two of them worked really well together. Then Andy had to get an operation, Diamond comes in and boom, the defence is an utter shambles. Ifil never recovered from that and Diamond has continued to be as poor.

The Ifil and Considine partnership had crumbled long before Diamond returned in January. They had 3 clean sheets at start of season and then started going majorly downhill at Dens in the cup. Zander returned 4 months later.

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It most certainly is, 18 years young.


I accept the fact that people have different opinions and views on particular players and scenarios during a football match. However I just cannot get my head around the anti-Langfield situation on here. He's not a brilliant keeper, he's not a great keeper, he's an average to good goalkeeper in my view. Hence Scotland call ups and a new contract.


And with regards to Ifil, he was good in the first couple of months where he was partnered with Considine. The two of them worked really well together. Then Andy had to get an operation, Diamond comes in and boom, the defence is an utter shambles. Ifil never recovered from that and Diamond has continued to be as poor.


I'm a wee bit older and can remember some genuinely great keepers at Pittodrie, Leighton and Snelders were wonderful; Gunn and Clark were good and Budgie was good for a laugh. Clangers has good games and has produced some cracking saves at times but he also makes basic and severe errors on too many occasions to be considerd a safe pair of hands. I'd rather have an older consistent keeper who wasn't quite as fast but who would be predictable than a keeper who has all of Clangers flaws (detailed pretty well by VDA). He would do as a number 2, I hope to goodness he is not our number one. He is simply not consistent enough, his errors continue and if we were ever fortunate enough to be challenging for something he is as likely as not to cost us with those errors.

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It most certainly is, 18 years young.


I accept the fact that people have different opinions and views on particular players and scenarios during a football match. However I just cannot get my head around the anti-Langfield situation on here. He's not a brilliant keeper, he's not a great keeper, he's an average to good goalkeeper in my view. Hence Scotland call ups and a new contract.


And with regards to Ifil, he was good in the first couple of months where he was partnered with Considine. The two of them worked really well together. Then Andy had to get an operation, Diamond comes in and boom, the defence is an utter shambles. Ifil never recovered from that and Diamond has continued to be as poor.

Ifil wasn't good though, that's the point. His consistent errors were covered up as they weren't leading directly to goals. The first game I noticed him being terrible was a game against Falkirk away at the start of the season.


Langfield has been a Scotland squad keeper when the likes of Alexander and Marshall (who aren't brilliant themselves) aren't available or are deputising for the two outstanding keepers we have.

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With Howard confirmed as leaving in the summer I think we will bring in Cammy Bell on the promise of being the number 1 with Langfield an able deputy and nothing more. Possibly the you boy Strahle as a 3rd choice replacement with a view to the future. I would be pretty happy with this as Bell is a young keeper on the up and Langfield and Leighton could really help bring him on. Just need to give him a decent defence to give the lad a chance.

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How can people expect to have a constructive debate on Langfield when people like you ridiculously exaggerate like this? You, and everybody else on this forum knows that Langfield has not been responsible for that number of goals this season.




When did this happen exactly? I was at the game and have watched most of the recording back and can't seem to recall him completely missing the ball when he attempted to punch it. The only mistake I thought he made on Monday was a poor kick out in the first half which was intended for Maguire but went straight to their defender.


Also, I think most people agreed that Mulgrew's goal was not Langfield's fault. Had Langfield dived in that direction and there had been any sort of flick on in the middle of the box he would have looked like a fool. He has a split second to react to the fact that there wasn't a flick on and in the end was unlucky not to reach it.



Isn't he?


I'd say three at Hampden in the first semi final, another in the last Dundee Utd game. That's four. Anyone else want to pitch in?

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Are you serious? The real reason is because he is sh*te, even when he showed a slight bit of talent he went away and f**ked it with his constant shitness, says it all when David Weir is still in the Scotland set up and Diamond isn't even close.

Mini of course i wasn't being serious hence my smiley. I thought you'd have known by now how much i hate the c**t, f**king dreadful defender. That said it has been proven before that you only needed to play for the OF, down in England or have a Scottish Granny or whatever to get a game for Scotland. A lot of good Dons players never got the chance and i think that even if Diamond had been playing superbly - which he hadn't right enough - he still wouldn't have got picked. That is a little different now with Mr Bean in charge.


But anyway i agree with most folk on here. Diamond GTF NOW!!!!!! :wave:

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Diamond is sh*te. He should be dropped for the game tomorrow with Vujadinovic and Shaughnessy in defense.


Think the boy Anderson will get a run out tomorrow given the fact he's only played about 15 minutes of football for us.


I would prefer to see Shaughnessy play though since he will be here next season and beyond.

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