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On 6 o'clock news.





Even his defence lawyer says he is insane.





That will be his defence then.




Poen aul mucker...it's like yer sittin here on my couch...


Watched 7 o clock news on channel 4...Our Lord John Snow.opened and finished with the revelation that the boy's Lawyer has suggested that the boy might be insane...


ph**kk me min!!


Of course he's insane!!


Sane people don't do what he did...

somebody look up sanity in their on-line dictionaries.


ye get the point ;O)

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Bergen or any other Norwegian dwellers;


Assuming you may know; why did a political party hold a camp for teenagers and young people, is this a normal thing in young peoples lifes in Norway?


Seems odd to me that a political party would do such a thing, almost akin to brainwashing the young.


I can't imagine my daughter going away to a Liberal democrat camp for a week!


Whenever there is an election, schools always have a mock election aforehand. Kids are encouraged to participate in politics, to understand it and feel part of it. The results are published in the papers, talked about on tv etc. Young fowk have a sort of voice.


These camps are completely normal and every party has one. It is a bit like Eton for the Conservatives. Ye make alliances, pacts etc, the only difference is as a 16 year old boy ye then try to get off wi some wee hunny, rather than all buggering each other like at Eton.


Its only partly political, its also about camping out, going swimming, and having fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whenever there is an election, schools always have a mock election aforehand. Kids are encouraged to participate in politics, to understand it and feel part of it. The results are published in the papers, talked about on tv etc. Young fowk have a sort of voice.


These camps are completely normal and every party has one. It is a bit like Eton for the Conservatives. Ye make alliances, pacts etc, the only difference is as a 16 year old boy ye then try to get off wi some wee hunny, rather than all buggering each other like at Eton.


Its only partly political, its also about camping out, going swimming, and having fun.



I see the fruitloop has been back on the island to recreate to Noggie police what he did. f**king mental that they've let him do that. Not sure what benefit seeing where he stood when he started shooting people will do long term.


Not against it at all but it seems a pointless exercise. :dontknow:

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I see the fruitloop has been back on the island to recreate to Noggie police what he did. f**king mental that they've let him do that. Not sure what benefit seeing where he stood when he started shooting people will do long term.


Not against it at all but it seems a pointless exercise. :dontknow:


Aye seen that and its well creepy except that if it actually helps explain anything at all then it maybe is justifiable. We have to remember that not since the 2nd World war has Norway experienced anything on this scale so they will be dealing with it in a way they see fit, funny bunch o folk the Nogs.

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I see the fruitloop has been back on the island to recreate to Noggie police what he did. f**king mental that they've let him do that. Not sure what benefit seeing where he stood when he started shooting people will do long term.


Not against it at all but it seems a pointless exercise. :dontknow:


Dinna see the problem myself. They got a lot more info about what happened fae Breivik. Aye he was getting off on the attention, but eh think that was out-weighed by the way he remembered more details and clarified a few discrepancies.


The feds had to do it now, because as of next week, Ut

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Dinna see the problem myself. They got a lot more info about what happened fae Breivik. Aye he was getting off on the attention, but eh think that was out-weighed by the way he remembered more details and clarified a few discrepancies.


The feds had to do it now, because as of next week, Ut

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I've no issue with it either. It just seems a bit strange. He turned up on the island and began to open fire. Not really much else to tell I wouldn't have thought. :dontknow:


He'll be on first name terms with all the coppers.


No doubt they shared a few whiskies afterward, and some how's yer faithers.

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  • 8 months later...

I cannot believe nobody has killed him yet.


Nae cunt has got near him yet as he's been in isolation since day 1.


Eh'm sick of the whole thing, every radio bulletin or news headline since last July has been something tae dae wi him, or how shite the feds were that day or something about Norway being a better place eftir it all.


Lock him up, throw away the key, and never mention the cunt again.

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I am just interested in hearing what he has to say. The reckon he's not mental, and he's okay to stand trial - I think that is a complete lie and they just want to put him away for life and for it to be over with because he's off his fucking rocker.


Under Norwegian law, he could be walking the streets of Oslo at weekends and on holidays within 3 years. He'd do up to 21 years, but ye get holidays and weekends off if yer proven tae be a good boy.


Obviously that'll never happen in this case, but this country is normally extremely lenient on criminals. Except if yer caught speeding.

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Norway is fucked up if that is the case.


Know of a lad that got jailed for a year in Norway for some domestic fisty cuffs, he was allowed out to do his 2 weeks offshore trip, then went to jail during his 4 weeks off.


As for the trial, its already been a sham, The lad was found to be insane by 2 specialists months ago, these specialists have been used by the Norwegian courts many times before, and there findings always used, but because of the public outcry that he could be sent to a cozy nut house for a few years then potentially released, they rejected these finding and pretty much made sure that he would go to trial as a sane person, to get the full punishment.

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I don't think any of us have the potential for mass murder of each other, not yet anyway, maybe a couple more semi-final defeats and you never know :ninja:



I don't know. You talked me out of sticking a knife through Darren Mackie the other day.


He's clearly nae the full shilling this cunt anyway that much is plainly obvious to even the densest of person.


What makes him more annoying than anything else is the way he seems to be constantly smirking.


No idea who he managed to get past the lodge door to be honest. :sherlock:


We're normally far more cautious.

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