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Well Done Hearts

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Tupper min it's all about opinions-for me Spurs are a better football team than Fearts and that's why they will get put out.


I don't think Bluto and deserve to be lambasted for that, your moral highground stuff is a bit ott.



Bluto's subsequent posts in the thread should have you change your mind if you care to read them.


He's talking out of his arse.

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Any Scotsman who actively wants a team from London to beat a team from Edinburgh has a perverse mindset and twisted footballing priorities and logic.


It's cut and dried. Hearts get my full support. Spurs get my total contempt.


Spurs are ENGLISH.


Hearts are SCOTTISH.


So, bluto and jazzer you can both hang your heads in shame for your contemptible attitude towards your own country.


Why would you want a Scottish team to do well if it will give them a decent payday and allow them to further strengthen their position when trying to attract players?


Irrelevant where the opposition comes from when thinking from an AFC perspective...


you should read the posts.


i said spurs would win.


i never at any point said i want spurs to win.


but now you mention it.

no, i dont like hearts.

so yes, i do want spurs to win.


hope spurs beat hearts, and beat them royally.

why would i want that utter joke of a club to win in europe.

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Any Scotsman who actively wants a team from London to beat a team from Edinburgh has a perverse mindset and twisted footballing priorities and logic.


It's cut and dried. Hearts get my full support. Spurs get my total contempt.


Spurs are ENGLISH.


Hearts are SCOTTISH.


So, bluto and jazzer you can both hang your heads in shame for your contemptible attitude towards your own country.


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Fatshaft and Tup in agreement over something. :applause: :applause: :applause: Amazing stuff.



I lived there boof, and even though we are all aware of the contempt they hold us in, it's only when you have to listen to the comments about the Scottish Pub League etc, day in, day oot, that you change your views.


I don;t mind admitting that when living there I would support the ugly sisters in Europe even, just as some defence against there usually ill-informed garbage. Look at the comments of our new Icelandic signing, he said much the same thing, and it all comes from a background of never watching a game from Scotland in their lives. w*nkers when it comes to football, the lot of them.

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I lived there boof, and even though we are all aware of the contempt they hold us in, it's only when you have to listen to the comments about the Scottish Pub League etc, day in, day oot, that you change your views.


I don;t mind admitting that when living there I would support the ugly sisters in Europe even, just as some defence against there usually ill-informed garbage. Look at the comments of our new Icelandic signing, he said much the same thing, and it all comes from a background of never watching a game from Scotland in their lives. w*nkers when it comes to football, the lot of them.



Bluto's alarm is going mental at the moment. He must be passed out on Bailey's as he'd normally have replied by now.



I couldn't give a monkey's f**k what the English think of our league though.


I ken it's pish but I take great satisfaction waking up every morning knowing my team may be in a pish league, but at least I'm nae f**king English. :thumbup1:

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Any Scotsman who actively wants a team from London to beat a team from Edinburgh has a perverse mindset and twisted footballing priorities and logic.


It's cut and dried. Hearts get my full support. Spurs get my total contempt.


Spurs are ENGLISH.


Hearts are SCOTTISH.


So, bluto and jazzer you can both hang your heads in shame for your contemptible attitude towards your own country.


I'm with neither. Hearts are Diet Huns according to many on here. That makes them decidedly UN-Scottish, does it not? Billy Boys Mk II versus Yids... I couldn't care less who wins.

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There isn't a debate to be had here. Spurs will obliterate Fearts.


They have won what, two in the last 15 games or something? And were dominated by the Arabs on Sarurday on their own patch. This Paksi team were no great shakes let's face it, as well as the Diet Huns played. You get these results early in Euro tournaments-we pumped Vilnius 4-1, big f**king deal.


Marius Zakiukas getting torn a new arsehole by Van de Vaart-bring it on.

Spurs will have played just the one competitive game by time first leg comes round and Hearts will be up to speed. This might just give them a chance.

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No self respecting Scotsman would back a English team over a Scottish one...


However no self respecting dons fan would ever back another rival in a game, especially when a positive result would be to the detriment of afc.


It's a dilly of a pickle, that's why I'm going for option c: both teams to get chucked out of Europe nearly for both being c**ts

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Actually having said what I said, I've been reading this morning that Redknapp sees the Europe as a hindrance, and that he may field squaddies in it this year. But I doubt he'd do that until he knows they are in the league format-surely he'll field a fill team against the Jambo minks to ensure qualification first?

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Actually having said what I said, I've been reading this morning that Redknapp sees the Europe as a hindrance, and that he may field squaddies in it this year. But I doubt he'd do that until he knows they are in the league format-surely he'll field a fill team against the Jambo minks to ensure qualification first?


So Redknapp thinks Europe is a hindrance in his quest to finish in the top four which will enable his team to do what exactly?


To qualify for Europe. :tumbleweed:


You couldn't make stuff like that up.


Bugs me that managers feel they don't need to try in one tournament so they can qualify for one that makes more money.


Chairmen I understand but managers should be winners not money makers.


The world has gone mad and football is f**ked.

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