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A Second Nandos

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I would guess that the stewing steak, onions etc are tesco value "pish" and are probably no better quality than the stuff that gets put into Nandos food?


Thought so.


christ on a bike min, you really this thick?


When was the last time you saw a chef wandering round tesco picking up food for that evening. Chefs go to wholesalers, wholesale is a lot cheaper and better quality than tesco and co, just try cosco for mince and beef (and no, chefs dont go to f**king cosco either but it is wholesale)


Can picture yon fat tongued c**t now walking roon sainsbury's picking up his aubergines and vanilla ice cream for 50 folk to scoff in Fifteen later that night :suicide:


awa in gee yersel a shak

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christ on a bike min, you really this thick?


When was the last time you saw a chef wandering round tesco picking up food for that evening. Chefs go to wholesalers, wholesale is a lot cheaper and better quality than tesco and co, just try cosco for mince and beef (and no, chefs dont go to f**king cosco either but it is wholesale)


Can picture yon fat tongued c**t now walking roon sainsbury's picking up his aubergines and vanilla ice cream for 50 folk to scoff in Fifteen later that night :suicide:


awa in gee yersel a shak


Naw, just hapen to be in the know buddy. I find it hilarious that you are convinced what you are saying isn't utter pish.


Wholeslers food is a better quality? Fit, Makro, or something equally as "bad"? Is it f**k! Its that mass produced sh*te that you refuse to eat at Nandos.



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Naw, just hapen to be in the know buddy. I find it hilarious that you are convinced what you are saying isn't utter pish.


Wholeslers food is a better quality? Fit, Makro, or something equally as "bad"? Is it f**k! Its that mass produced sh*te that you refuse to eat at Nandos.




It's a better quality than the supermarket stuff Tommo which was his point.


I'll leave you to defend yourself though but I'll stay tuned to this as it's going to be a good one.


You eat enough chuck I guess so you should at least have a fair idea of what you're talking about. :hysterical:

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It's a better quality than the supermarket stuff Tommo which was his point.


I'll leave you to defend yourself though but I'll stay tuned to this as it's going to be a good one.


You eat enough chuck I guess so you should at least have a fair idea of what you're talking about. :hysterical:



Thats arguable. Even if it was (which it isnt :rolleyes: ) then its still mass produced, no?


Ken min. On a mission to lose the pounds though, doing not too badly. I'll just be slightly plump in no time!

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Naw, just hapen to be in the know buddy. I find it hilarious that you are convinced what you are saying isn't utter pish.


Wholeslers food is a better quality? Fit, Makro, or something equally as "bad"? Is it f**k! Its that mass produced sh*te that you refuse to eat at Nandos.




In the know?? What as in you work part time as a waiter in one of these shitholes...


So you think you're more in the know that someone that has been a chef in several restaurants and hotels around the city, country and globe? More in the know that someone who has actually been in the trade and understands it? Still shakin ma heed min...


Wholesale food from the likes of Knowles, Vion, TCRG and suchlike is far superior to anything you'll get in Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Makro or any other purveyor of food you can come up with. (EDIT) The reason its of a superior quality is because the source directly from growers, farmers and they get first refusal. The likes of Vion slaughters the animal so you buy from them and you are getting the freshest cuts at the best price.


Now get back in your box.

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Thats arguable. Even if it was (which it isnt :rolleyes: ) then its still mass produced, no?


Ken min. On a mission to lose the pounds though, doing not too badly. I'll just be slightly plump in no time!


Well technically I'd say it would be nigh on impossible to get a vegetable that isn't "mass produced" so I guess in that context you're right.


Glad to see you're doing something about the expanding waistline and Steven Pressley lookalikey problem you have.


How exactly are you "in the know" about vegetables anyway apart from the fact you work with a few?

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In the know?? What as in you work part time as a waiter in one of these shitholes...


So you think you're more in the know that someone that has been a chef in several restaurants and hotels around the city, country and globe? More in the know that someone who has actually been in the trade and understands it? Still shakin ma heed min...


Wholesale food from the likes of Knowles, Vion, TCRG and suchlike is far superior to anything you'll get in Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Makro or any other purveyor of food you can come up with. (EDIT) The reason its of a superior quality is because the source directly from growers, farmers and they get first refusal. The likes of Vion slaughters the animal so you buy from them and you are getting the freshest cuts at the best price.


Now get back in your box.


No, I have never worked as a waiter in one of these "sh*tholes". Are you aware that calling places like that is probably very derogatory to the normal, working class people that eat in these establishments sir? Not that you'll care, being a massive snob and all that, but still.



Yes, I'm pretty in the know about the catering/restaraunt industry, having done extensive research as Boof previously alluded to. I've also worked in a number of food establishments. What I may lack in your clearly impressive :hysterical: experience, I think I can more than match with my superior knowledge of the food industry as a whole. (Congratulations, you have "allegedly" washed pots in 10 different countries. Your pitiful excuse for trying to impress people on this board won't wash too well with anyone who has half a brain like, but still....)


Yes, I could have named a couple of food wholesalers which are undoubtedly better than others - never heard of Vion being superior quality before but what do I know, I'm not an internationally renowned 5 star chef like you :applause: .


What I find astounding is you think places like Cove Bay use food from the wholesalers you mentioned, charge less (allegedly) and continue to operate.


I'll give you a chance to confess that you are wrong. One chance like :rolleyes:

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No, I have never worked as a waiter in one of these "sh*tholes". Are you aware that calling places like that is probably very derogatory to the normal, working class people that eat in these establishments sir? Not that you'll care, being a massive snob and all that, but still.



Yes, I'm pretty in the know about the catering/restaraunt industry, having done extensive research as Boof previously alluded to. I've also worked in a number of food establishments. What I may lack in your clearly impressive :hysterical: experience, I think I can more than match with my superior knowledge of the food industry as a whole. (Congratulations, you have "allegedly" washed pots in 10 different countries. Your pitiful excuse for trying to impress people on this board won't wash too well with anyone who has half a brain like, but still....)


Yes, I could have named a couple of food wholesalers which are undoubtedly better than others - never heard of Vion being superior quality before but what do I know, I'm not an internationally renowned 5 star chef like you :applause: .


What I find astounding is you think places like Cove Bay use food from the wholesalers you mentioned, charge less (allegedly) and continue to operate.


I'll give you a chance to confess that you are wrong. One chance like :rolleyes:


Normal working class? Its the middle class eedjits that frequent these shiteholes, working class folk cant afford 60 quid on food before spending another 50 bucks on cinema tickets, they go to the chippy and watch DVD's. Already said its not about snobbey, its about what I am willing to allow my food to go through before I digest it and what I class as value for money. If I pay a couple of quid for a burger from a burger van I expect reclaimed, processed patty meat. If I pay 15 quid for a burger in some shithole in a shopping centre then I would expect that burger to be made from locally sourced Aberdeen Angus beef and made on site, not shipped up from Surrey after being frozen in a factory in Argentina and flown half way around the world before it lands on my plate.


Wouldnt have to be a world renowned chef to grasp the fact that sh*t that has been mass processed in a factory, covered in additives and preservatives before being stuck in a modified environment and frozen isnt good for you nor is it good food.


Use all the daft smileys and waisted attempts at sarcasm you like doesnt change the fact you're speaking from your rectum.


Being a fat f**k though your attitude and lack of knowledge/understanding when it comes to your food and where it comes from/how it is treated is perfectly understandable, your idea of good food is obviously processed sh*te like pizza, frozen chicken wings and preserved meat. You probably think Chinese is a healthy option because its only shallow fried in a wok...


You may find that astounding, most realise its the truth. Hotels, restaurants and small eateries use local wholesalers to supply their food. Major chains have theirs delivered from down south in big freezer vans.


Vion is the name of the Slaughter house out in Porty, just shows how extensive your knowledge must be.


I'd say discussing this with you is akin to flogging a dead horse but you'd most probably eat that as well.

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I've only been once and since i'm a bit of a spice fiend went for Extra Hot, now unless they f**ked up i could have been done with a couple of more extras.


On that note, i was in Hooters in Orlando and they do sauces on their chicken, hottest one is called 911, f**k my old boots now that was hot but there was no f**king chance i was letting those sexy bitches see me fail and proceeded to finish up and have a wee flirt with the girls at the T-Shirt stand. I thought i was well in. Got my picture taken with my favourite....Lauren :spunk:



i'm with you here guys.


spicy food is actually quite nice and strangley addictive. maybe cause its the polar opposite to most eurocuisine and out taste buds are liking the new experience?


nowt better than a extra hot ruby murray washed down with a bucket load of kingfishers.

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I've only been once and since i'm a bit of a spice fiend went for Extra Hot, now unless they f**ked up i could have been done with a couple of more extras.


On that note, i was in Hooters in Orlando and they do sauces on their chicken, hottest one is called 911, f**k my old boots now that was hot but there was no f**king chance i was letting those sexy bitches see me fail and proceeded to finish up and have a wee flirt with the girls at the T-Shirt stand. I thought i was well in. Got my picture taken with my favourite....Lauren :spunk:


Was expecting a pun about your own brand of hot sauce etc etc etc

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I've only been once and since i'm a bit of a spice fiend went for Extra Hot, now unless they f**ked up i could have been done with a couple of more extras.


On that note, i was in Hooters in Orlando and they do sauces on their chicken, hottest one is called 911, f**k my old boots now that was hot but there was no f**king chance i was letting those sexy bitches see me fail and proceeded to finish up and have a wee flirt with the girls at the T-Shirt stand. I thought i was well in. Got my picture taken with my favourite....Lauren :spunk:

Was there with my bird in June. She told me she felt bad that she had been eyeing up one of the waittresses. Told her not to worry as I'd been doing the same.


Canna mind how the food was apart from the curly fries being ace.

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Normal working class? Its the middle class eedjits that frequent these shiteholes, working class folk cant afford 60 quid on food before spending another 50 bucks on cinema tickets, they go to the chippy and watch DVD's. Already said its not about snobbey, its about what I am willing to allow my food to go through before I digest it and what I class as value for money. If I pay a couple of quid for a burger from a burger van I expect reclaimed, processed patty meat. If I pay 15 quid for a burger in some shithole in a shopping centre then I would expect that burger to be made from locally sourced Aberdeen Angus beef and made on site, not shipped up from Surrey after being frozen in a factory in Argentina and flown half way around the world before it lands on my plate.


Wouldnt have to be a world renowned chef to grasp the fact that sh*t that has been mass processed in a factory, covered in additives and preservatives before being stuck in a modified environment and frozen isnt good for you nor is it good food.


Use all the daft smileys and waisted attempts at sarcasm you like doesnt change the fact you're speaking from your rectum.


Being a fat f**k though your attitude and lack of knowledge/understanding when it comes to your food and where it comes from/how it is treated is perfectly understandable, your idea of good food is obviously processed sh*te like pizza, frozen chicken wings and preserved meat. You probably think Chinese is a healthy option because its only shallow fried in a wok...


You may find that astounding, most realise its the truth. Hotels, restaurants and small eateries use local wholesalers to supply their food. Major chains have theirs delivered from down south in big freezer vans.


Vion is the name of the Slaughter house out in Porty, just shows how extensive your knowledge must be.


I'd say discussing this with you is akin to flogging a dead horse but you'd most probably eat that as well.



Yes, but the idea of going to Nandos etc is probably seen as some sort of luxury for these 'peasants'. I dont eat out that often (except your missus), because its a much more enjoyable experience eating at home, but I ken fine that burgers aren't 15 quid in these places. I sense that you may be exagerating in order to make your argument more valid. This, in some parts of the world, is called lying.


Yes, I am a large man. Not huge, not skinny. My t-shirts are size L and my jeans could be smaller. Does that make me less knowledgable about the food industry? Nope. At no point did I state I hadn't heard of Vion, I wasn't aware it was renowned for being superior quality.


"Hotels, restaurants and small eateries use local wholesalers to supply their food." - This is wrong.


"Major chains have theirs delivered from down south in big freezer vans. " - This is not a point I'm arguing.


I'd say discussing this with you is akin to having a race with David Murray. We both know I'm going to win and you are a spastic, but its good fun nonetheless.

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[i'd say discussing this with you is akin to having a race with David Murray. We both know I'm going to win and you are a spastic, but its good fun nonetheless.


:laughing: :laughing:


Regardless of who is right or wrong I doubt that last sentence will be bettered on this board on any thread.

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Yes, but the idea of going to Nandos etc is probably seen as some sort of luxury for these 'peasants'. I dont eat out that often (except your missus), because its a much more enjoyable experience eating at home, but I ken fine that burgers aren't 15 quid in these places. I sense that you may be exagerating in order to make your argument more valid. This, in some parts of the world, is called lying.


Yes, I am a large man. Not huge, not skinny. My t-shirts are size L and my jeans could be smaller. Does that make me less knowledgable about the food industry? Nope. At no point did I state I hadn't heard of Vion, I wasn't aware it was renowned for being superior quality.


"Hotels, restaurants and small eateries use local wholesalers to supply their food." - This is wrong.


"Major chains have theirs delivered from down south in big freezer vans. " - This is not a point I'm arguing.


I'd say discussing this with you is akin to having a race with David Murray. We both know I'm going to win and you are a spastic, but its good fun nonetheless.


My last missus was a bit confused, ended up having a sex change. Enjoy her/his/its beefy sausage.


Quick look at their online menu says I'm exaggerating by all of

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doesn't f**k you up like an Indian does.



As Rumpus can confirm. :itch-chin:


Spicy food is for the weak and plays havoc with the British health cycle.


Eat what grows in your native land naturally and you winna go wrong. Too much strange food that your body naturally isn't used to getting (it's in the gene make up) will foul your natural well being.


Far East Spice and Mexican spices are best left to the Far Easterners and the Mexicans.


Plenty oily fish and plenty veg and oats will take you far.

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Spicy food is for the weak! :hysterical:


I used to work with this complete wet lettuce, hated almost all foods, spicy food would make him ill so he said, i sh*t you not for his packed lunch every day he had dairylea sandwiches and would leave the crust.


If i was to walk up and punch him at 50% i reckon there was a good chance he would die, if not from the punch from the mental trauma of being punched, how he survives in the big bad world i'll never know, he was such a miserable c**t. Never had a bird, never went out, f**k all. Just him and his fridge full of dairylea.


So Mr Boof i use this chap as an example as he is certainly the weakest c**t i've came across in my time and he did not like spicy food, repeat did not!


I love Nachos with cheese. Where does that fit in your Spicy Spectrum? :moonie:

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Gads, that spunky orange gloop that they squirt over the nachos a la Cineworld style? Now that there is f**king disgusting sh*t.



That's not what I said. I said Nachos and Cheese.


Proper cheese. Man's cheese. Oh wait did I just say that? :rolleyes:


I'm pulling yer pisser about the Nachos and cheese bit but if I want spicy food I'll eat a parsnip or a radish. That'll put muscles on you better than any fancy Dan hot sauce.


I remember working with this prick who used to bleat about "Da Bomb" sauce and he'd throw it on everything. It was hoorin hot but all he kept going on about was try a dab on the end of a toothpick. I thought the c**t was at it so did as he asked. f**k me it was hot like.


Next half hour of my gob was mental.


We was a weedy streak of pish so yer argument is out.


My parsnip will pound your pepper. (There's one for a post editor.)

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I love a Parsnip but how are they spicy?


All those InsanitySauces or Da Bomb sauces are well over the top but a mans dash of tabasco enhances most dishes for me, eg Cheesepipes Lasagne with a dash of T, lovely. Cheesepipes Baked Tattie with Tuna n beans and a dash of T, splendid!


The only meal i dinna touch with the spice is mince n tatties, that sh*t gets served straight up!



It's like a tattie but a bit nippier.


Parsnips are spicy in that sense.


The only thing worth putting Tabasco into is a bloody Mary after 4 weeks awa.


That first BM after the hitch from hell is the ultimate pleasure.

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Oh, he's lying. Again.


Oh I do know whats good for me. I would rather enjoy myself and eat what the f**k I want, when I want.


If I'm honest, I expected a better reply. You were doing so well. This one goes in the win collum for me though. Better luck next time, Mr Oliver.


Lying? About what exactly??


I own you now but that doesnt mean I actually want you. Dont worry I'm sure with this patter someone else will own you soon enough.

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Do we really need another Nandos? Aberdeen loves having duplicate restaurants:


Pizza Hut x 3 (2 now)

TGIs x 2

Chiquetos (or whatever its called) x 2

Millertime and Bennies - x 2

Jimmy Chews - x 4 (at least...)


Union Square has 2 italian restaurants on top of an American Italian and a Pizza Hut. it also has two Noodle / Japanese places. At least there is a Giraffe and a Mexican (if not slightly pish).


At least it's not going to the Beach.


Fits going in upstairs in St Nics? Hope its not another TGIs, Chinqeotos or Pizza Hut.

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I remember working with this prick who used to bleat about "Da Bomb" sauce and he'd throw it on everything. It was hoorin hot but all he kept going on about was try a dab on the end of a toothpick. I thought the c**t was at it so did as he asked. f**k me it was hot like.


Next half hour of my gob was mental.


Had a 'toothpick' portion of that insanity sauce last night.


Holy f**k.

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I love a Parsnip but how are they spicy?


All those InsanitySauces or Da Bomb sauces are well over the top but a mans dash of tabasco enhances most dishes for me, eg Cheesepipes Lasagne with a dash of T, lovely. Cheesepipes Baked Tattie with Tuna n beans and a dash of T, splendid!


The only meal i dinna touch with the spice is mince n tatties, that sh*t gets served straight up!

Insanity Sauce :thumbup1: that stuff is brutal. When we had Pro Evo sessions, the worst player used to have to take a finger tip of that stuff. Burned like f**k for hours. I can handle most spicy things, but this stuff turned me red in the face and spent 30 minutes drinking litres of water! I even had to sit with a mouth full of water just to stop the burning, eventually swallowing and the pain came back.


Crazy sh*t.

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