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A Second Nandos

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Ah the cup runner up resorting to the personal stuff now.


Nah she's nae my sister. Only making sure Mr Pipes doesn't fall foul of personal details rules and cops a ban.



Nae sure how you can say I'm the cup runner up when you've disputed that Cullen Skink is made with cream but have failed to provide details of what it's made from in Cullen?


Maybe Mr Pipes was using a made up name?

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Nae sure how you can say I'm the cup runner up when you've disputed that Cullen Skink is made with cream but have failed to provide details of what it's made from in Cullen?


Maybe Mr Pipes was using a made up name?



I didn't say it's nae made with cream. I said that's nae the main ingredient. Jesus Christ start liking another soup will you as you're onto a loser here.


He did use a made up name.

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Got her blootered, back to mine, whipped off the bloomers to reveal an affa hairy Cullen Skink. Smashed it anyway.


Yip Tup, works just fine.


To be honest, I had it in mind referring to quim - a fishy soup.


As in got her bootered, back to mine, banged her but she was a squirter - cullen skink all over my sheets


Which is correct?





(It's the X-Factor for Double Entendres)

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I don't tend to eat out at any fancy places, usually try and find good decent Indians or a pub that does a good meal, however the places in union square are good for hassle free, cheap and easy access food, nothing better than getting some top Italian food in Frankie and Bennys then hitting to cinema.

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I don't tend to eat out at any fancy places, usually try and find good decent Indians or a pub that does a good meal, however the places in union square are good for hassle free, cheap and easy access food, nothing better than getting some top Italian food in Frankie and Bennys then hitting to cinema.


Very good.


But what's your vote?


Quim, Spunk or Fanny?

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Frankie and Bennys is absolutely sh*te.


I've never tasted food quite as bad as that in Aberdeen, seriously.


I like most places down the beach for easy food before cinema, but just not there mini.


have to agree Roberto, feck all good about F&B, or most of the sh*te at the beach or union square, though id have a brekkie at the pavy or washington any day of the week.


you pay for the pish yer served by eastern europeans on 2 bob an hour in the malls, fukk them and their chains of sh*te.

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have to agree Roberto, feck all good about F&B, or most of the sh*te at the beach or union square, though id have a brekkie at the pavy or washington any day of the week.


you pay for the pish yer served by eastern europeans on 2 bob an hour in the malls, fukk them and their chains of sh*te.

What has that got to do with it?

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I can vouch for the sand dollars quality, at least I could in the past before it was sold to new owners, the last owner was into organic food and sourced only the best bacon, black pud etc.


To be fair it tasted just the same as the cheap tesco stuff, a fry up is a fry up at the end of the day.

Meh, gave me the shits and cost me my hole. Food was fine though. Shant be going back 2.5 oot of 10.

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A fry up is bad for you but so is everything that tastes good, no need to deny yourself lifes pleasures just so you'll eek out a few more months living in misery in a nursing home.


get it doon yeh is my advice.


I agree, if you are a male you should not be bothering too much about what's healthy and should only see a doctor if you're on deaths door, where he can promptly finish you off.

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Meh, gave me the shits and cost me my hole. Food was fine though. Shant be going back 2.5 oot of 10.


Not sure how having the shits costs you your hole.


Unless you're talking gay sex? :gay:


In which case, blessing in disguise, this cafe and their disgusting offerings have done you a favour long term.

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Not sure how having the shits costs you your hole.


Unless you're talking gay sex? :gay:


In which case, blessing in disguise, this cafe and their disgusting offerings have done you a favour long term.

Haha. Nah, Good detective work but 2 + 2 =/ 5. No way I was having someone ontop of me pushing on my belly for me to sh*t all over my own bed (fair enough if it was hers ;) ).

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