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All I could hear on Monday was Tottenham fans until Man Utd got their third.


I think like most games for the top clubs, there is an expectation level of winning, which dilutes the atmosphere.


But the big games (like most matches) have their atmosphere at them, pittodrie has never been a hive of excitment, but during big european matches and the OF the atmosphere has always been lifted.

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well call my cinical but i dont think he is moving cause the city fans are so crazy and mental. theyre not. you just notice it more in a more compact maine road compared to the emirates bowl.


i think he is moving for the ever so slight pay rise.

I'm not in any way disagreeing with that. However the comment that was made, and that I totally and utterly disagree with, is that he's speaking sh*te about the relative "passion" of City and Arsehole fans. All evidence points to that being just as he says, and mini being clueless.


Also, no-one is talking about Maine Road, we're comparing Eastlands with Emirates. Eastlands is plenty noisy.

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I'm not in any way disagreeing with that. However the comment that was made, and that I totally and utterly disagree with, is that he's speaking sh*te about the relative "passion" of City and Arsehole fans. All evidence points to that being just as he says, and mini being clueless.


Also, no-one is talking about Maine Road, we're comparing Eastlands with Emirates. Eastlands is plenty noisy.

If it wasn't a player who had just left a certain team "who had been very good to him" I wouldn't have seen much issue with what he said.


Emirates (and Highbury before it became flats) sound brilliant for 'big' games.


Not very good when it's a game against the likes of Newcastle and Stoke.

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If it wasn't a player who had just left a certain team "who had been very good to him" I wouldn't have seen much issue with what he said.


Emirates (and Highbury before it became flats) sound brilliant for 'big' games.


Not very good when it's a game against the likes of Newcastle and Stoke.

Whether he should have said it, and whether he is right in what he says are two very different things. Of course he shouldn't have said it, of course he is right in what he says.

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on the subject of all seater stadia, what were the protocals for fifa world cups and uefa euro champs up untill 1990?


stadia across teh world are all seater yeah? so why did it come in in otehr countries?


football needs to go full cycle now.


stadia do need their standing sections.


we do need to allow beer drinking in the ground.


and teh euro comps need to go back to their original cup formats.

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on the subject of all seater stadia, what were the protocals for fifa world cups and uefa euro champs up untill 1990?


stadia across teh world are all seater yeah? so why did it come in in otehr countries?


football needs to go full cycle now.


stadia do need their standing sections.


we do need to allow beer drinking in the ground.


and teh euro comps need to go back to their original cup formats.



none of that will happen and I doubt we will have standing areas, however more people should head to the back of the stands, and stand.

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so aresenal lost





and bought




then on last day bought







strikes me as panic buying.

which is not what a big club like arsenal should be doing.


I wouldn;t class Arteta or Mertsacker as panic buys. correct me if I'm wrong but have Arsenal not been screaming out for an experienced and solid defender and a keeper. they now have both, arteta is a fantastic and under rated player.

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I wouldn;t class Arteta or Mertsacker as panic buys. correct me if I'm wrong but have Arsenal not been screaming out for an experienced and solid defender and a keeper. they now have both, arteta is a fantastic and under rated player.



i should have said, i meant panic buying as it was all last minute.

good players, and 'relativley' cheap, although arteta is nearly 30 now - and 10m is alot for arsenal to pay for a player that age.


i was going to say if these werent panic buys and had been completed earlier in the window, maybe that would have tempted nasri to stay.

if he wasnt a greedy f**ker that is.

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i should have said, i meant panic buying as it was all last minute.

good players, and 'relativley' cheap, although arteta is nearly 30 now - and 10m is alot for arsenal to pay for a player that age.


i was going to say if these werent panic buys and had been completed earlier in the window, maybe that would have tempted nasri to stay.

if he wasnt a greedy f**ker that is.

I didn't realise panic buys = good players that were relatively cheap. I wish we had some panic buys!

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you know fine well what i mean.


i might pick you up though on arteta being cheap.

not by arsenal standards he isnt.

I'm just being a pedantic f**ker the day. All this doom mongering and pessimistic threads is driving me insane and putting me in a bad mood :laughing:


No he isn't upto the standard you'd expect of Arsenal, I think this year will show how good a manager Venger REALLY is.

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Overall it's hard to be argue against Arsenals signings in the end.


I think they are always going to lose Nasri and Fabregas during this window, both situations were handled poorly though. They shipped out Bendtner who is a decent player, better than Chamakh. Every other player that left needed to leave anyway.


So they needed a left back, got a 28 year old Brazilian who has 22 caps.


They needed a strong centre half, got a 26 year old German internation with 75 caps and was the captain of his club side.


They needed a Striker, got a 26 year old captain of his national side.


They needed a replacement for Fabregas, they got the poor mans Fabregas which is no bad thing, he has also captained his club side when required.


They needed a replacement for Nasri, they have plenty of young talent who will replace Nasri but what they got with Benayoun is a player who can play in that position but also has experience, also the captain of his national side.


Plenty of experience there and plenty of leaders who are bound to aid the developement of the undoubted young talent already at the club. Only thing missing is the marquee signing, a lot of runours they attempeted to buy Goetze from Dortmund for a lot of money but their bid was rejected.

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I think they are always going to lose Nasri and Fabregas during this window, both situations were handled poorly though. They shipped out Bendtner who is a decent player, better than Chamakh. Every other player that left needed to leave anyway.



whoa there, bendtner has been playing top flight football for arsenal for ages and rarely looks like hes capable of performing at the highest level. Chamakh came in and immediately started scoring goals. then RVP got fit, Chamakh is relegated to the bench and only gets a bit part job now and again. so its no wonder he stopped getting on the score sheet.

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whoa there, bendtner has been playing top flight football for arsenal for ages and rarely looks like hes capable of performing at the highest level. Chamakh came in and immediately started scoring goals. then RVP got fit, Chamakh is relegated to the bench and only gets a bit part job now and again. so its no wonder he stopped getting on the score sheet.

Firstly the stats show Bendtner is a decent player, in total he has started 79 games for Arsenal and scored 45 goals, some will have been scored from the bench but what more do you expect from a player who doesn't get a run in the team. He's not as good as he makes out but he's far from a bad player.


Chamakh started off alright, won a couple of penalties, scored a few goals but his general play has been nothing short of awful since RVP came back. I know he doesn't get a run in the team but even simple passes seem beyond this guy.


I stand by my opinion that Bendtner is the better of the two but hopefully Chu Young Park is better than the two of them.

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