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The Boofon

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It was said tongue in cheek min. :thumbs:


I did answer you after all.


Great deal this site at the moment with the 50 quid off voucher promotion. Get stuck in.

As was my reply. Aye you did answer. A good answer it was as well.


I do think you can tell between a really cheap wine say a 1.99 bottle of pish oot of asda but in a blind taste test I reckon most would struggle, myself included, to tell betweeen a

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The drink of choice for the discerning dosser in Glasgow , in the '60s was - Lanliq , the Buckfast of the day.


Short for Lang's Liqueur.....I'll let the locals take over:



'I believe a Lanliq and hairspray cocktail was just the ticket for instant oblivion, although I imagine that the hangover afterwards must have been pretty spectacular. Haven't seen a bottle of this stuff for years. It appears that Buckfast have well and truly cornered that particular end of the market. There used to be another brand of fortified wine called Eldorado which was also quite popular among the Lanliq-drinking fraternity'.



In the short spell I had in Glasgow back then , I remember another called Silver Link as a favourite , I think it was rock bottom stuff.



The Paul Butterfield Blues Band at Green's Playhouse is a fond memory from those times.








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Discovered it was the sulphates that was causing the sore heads. Minimal Hangovers now.




If you dinna want a sore head, do not consume alcohol.


Dehydration causes the headache, which is not going to be addressed by the minimal difference between organic wine, whatever the hell that means (the grapes lived a fulfilling life in good conditions and never suffered when they were picked?) and bog standard wine from grapes held against their will in huge cages.

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Not entirely true.


Just make sure you drink plenty of water when you're drinking.


But water is for poofs.


Again, a fallacy.


There is no hangover cure, because, to put it as simply as I can for the glib consumers of vast quantities of the f**king stuff that represent 95% of the UK populace, alcohol is in fact poisonous, and your brain is correct to react in the manner it does after you take far too much of it on board, because it believes that the body is under attack, and reacts accordingly.


Ergo, no hangover cure exists, the only solution is education, or moderation, which is never going to happen judging by the sheer zeal of some of the posts in this thread for alcohol in any format.


I dinna give a f**k if it's expensive or cheap, it's all the f**king same, and ordering and drinking expensive wines does not make you any less of an alcoholic than your jakey who tans 3 litres of white lightning every evening.

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Again, a fallacy.


There is no hangover cure, because, to put it as simply as I can for the glib consumers of vast quantities of the f**king stuff that represent 95% of the UK populace, alcohol is in fact poisonous, and your brain is correct to react in the manner it does after you take far too much of it on board, because it believes that the body is under attack, and reacts accordingly.


Ergo, no hangover cure exists, the only solution is education, or moderation, which is never going to happen judging by the sheer zeal of some of the posts in this thread for alcohol in any format.


I dinna give a f**k if it's expensive or cheap, it's all the f**king same, and ordering and drinking expensive wines does not make you any less of an alcoholic than your jakey who tans 3 litres of white lightning every evening.


A good glass of expensive fine red wine is good for your health actually.


As long as it's in moderation and accompanied by good honest healthy fare you'll live long and prosper.

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A good glass of expensive fine red wine is good for your health actually.


As long as it's in moderation and accompanied by good honest healthy fare you'll live long and prosper.


According to whom?


Did you know:


In Edinburgh in the 1,700's the local hoi polloi all drank red wine, all day, every day, because the water available in the area was ruinous to your health, and by the process of fermentation the poison was removed. So they were, basically, permanently sh*t-faced, resulting in ludicrous differing sentencing for crimes and uproar in court as the drunk court officials battled for attention.

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According to whom?


Did you know:


In Edinburgh in the 1,700's the local hoi polloi all drank red wine, all day, every day, because the water available in the area was ruinous to your health, and by the process of fermentation the poison was removed. So they were, basically, permanently sh*t-faced, resulting in ludicrous differing sentencing for crimes and uproar in court as the drunk court officials battled for attention.


According to many top scientists. And Phoenix.

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I drink therefore I am.

W.C. Fields


I am not a heavy drinker. I can sometimes go for hours without touching a drop.

Noel Coward


I feel sorry for people who don't drink. They wake up in the morning and that's the best they are going to feel all day.

Frank Sinatra


Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat.

Alex Levine

It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.

George Burns


Drink, sir, is a great provoker of three things . . . nose-painting, sleep, and urine. Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.

William Shakespeare

Macbeth 2. 3


When money's tight and hard to get

And your horse is also ran,

When all you have is a heap of debt


Flann O'Brien

From the novel At Swim Two Birds.


A man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry.


Ecclesiastes 8.15


Here's to the perfect girl, I couldn't ask for more. She's deaf 'n dumb, oversexed, and owns a liquor store.

Drinking Toast


Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?

William Shakespeare


Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Benjamin Franklin


I never turned to drink. It seemed to turn to me.

Brendan Behan


I only take a drink on two occasions - when I'm thirsty and when I'm not.

Brendan Behan


I spent a lot of my money on booze, birds and fast cars - the rest I just squandered.

George Best


In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol and it was the worst 20 minutes of my life.

George Best


I have made an important discovery

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A list of alkies and their pathetic self-justification, no more pitiful sight will you see than an inebriated man who should know better.


A GLASS of wine, yes, a BOTTLE, no. But this never happens in Scotland, and nobody drinks in moderation.



Ffs !


Pisces in the Year of the Snake ! :laughing:


Prone tae sweepin' statements of a cannot actually be verified kind.


You nae posted them books yet min ?


It'll be too late y'ken? They'll have to join a long list of books to read and ah'm runnin' oot o' time.


Found these f u c k i n' beauties today already.





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A list of alkies and their pathetic self-justification, no more pitiful sight will you see than an inebriated man who should know better.


A GLASS of wine, yes, a BOTTLE, no. But this never happens in Scotland, and nobody drinks in moderation.


thats the point, a nice glass or 2, which at times equates a bottle is rather nice with a medium stake and all the trimmings....followed by some nice local cheese and biscuits

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You nae posted them books yet min ?



No :laughing:


I'm not into practical drudgery, and the effort of going to a post office and attempting to send a parcel, something I've never done, is weighing me down.


As well as that I was having trouble finding a suitable box for the bomb ahem books so as not to arouse too much suspicion at the sorting office.


Dinna worry I'll send it on Saturday.

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No :laughing:


I'm not into practical drudgery, and the effort of going to a post office and attempting to send a parcel, something I've never done, is weighing me down.


As well as that I was having trouble finding a suitable box for the bomb ahem books so as not to arouse too much suspicion at the sorting office.


Dinna worry I'll send it on Saturday.




D'a knock yersel' oot ! :laughing:


Ah'll probably niver read them.


And ah'll no be sending them a' the wye back North.


Unless it is that bomb.


Hiv you watched them dvds yet? Washington Whips v L.A. Dudes.



Spikkin' aboot dudes. 'The Big Lebowski' is coming oot in Blue Ray - 26th August.


Ah'll wait for the price tae subside(

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I've never watched the Yank soccerball encounter yet min, not had the time, but I will.


The England Scotland I have on box set DVD and watch regularly, this is DVD manna from heaven from my point of view, so you wasted your time putting that on DVD, and your money on the postage.


I dinna want the books back, but I can assure you they will be jumping to the front of your queue ahead of some of that pish you illustrated above, such is the quality of the stuff on my bookshelf.

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the problem with you tup is you dinna like change.


i bet you dinna like brewdog?

scotland needs more pubs like that. pubs that serve stronger and more varied beers - beers with more taste, beers that you saviour and enjoy, even if they are stronger.

also doesnt necessarily need to be stronger foreign beers, go for local english ales which would go down a treat for people who actually like beer.


this is preferable to your hooligan fuel gnats piss lager that pubs in scotland specialise in.


just to say - i've never been to brewdogs boozers. and only ever had the i.p.a. (in a belgian beer pub where i live).


of course education is important, but the set-up of british pubs, aside from a small %age, are not conducive to a relaxed aggro-free atmosphere.

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I've never watched the Yank soccerball encounter yet min, not had the time, but I will.


The England Scotland I have on box set DVD and watch regularly, this is DVD manna from heaven from my point of view, so you wasted your time putting that on DVD, and your money on the postage.


I dinna want the books back, but I can assure you they will be jumping to the front of your queue ahead of some of that pish you illustrated above, such is the quality of the stuff on my bookshelf.


EURO 96 Wembley, I'm in the bottom row right beside the corner flag, the end where we missed the pen, large check Burberry shirt that was half opened to the waist, you can't miss me, was on tv loads of times. I was fecking rat arsed! :drink: Had some night in London after that, got pepper sprayed from 2" away whilst fighting west ham. :thumbup1:

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EURO 96 Wembley, I'm in the bottom row right beside the corner flag, the end where we missed the pen, large check Burberry shirt that was half opened to the waist, you can't miss me, was on tv loads of times. I was fecking rat arsed! :drink: Had some night in London after that, got pepper sprayed from 2" away whilst fighting west ham. :thumbup1:


i can safely say i have never, and will never (ever) wear a burberry shirt.


you should be eternally embarassed dayts.

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i can safely say i have never, and will never (ever) wear a burberry shirt.


you should be eternally embarassed dayts.




I would never wear the Burberry check these days but 96 was before it started getting faked and becoming a chav fave, those people have a lot to answer for, they've also made stone island virtually unwearable.

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