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Just Did A Tup

Big Man

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Did one today and it was back to a lighter brown, maybe too light?? I wasn't that happy. How come one day it's dark brown, then the next day it's light brown? My diet yesterday was 'shite' as someone had taken in a tin of Roses and I was chained to my desk all day so ate too many chocolates and not enough fruit and veg. Maybe this had an effect?

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Did one today and it was back to a lighter brown, maybe too light?? I wasn't that happy. How come one day it's dark brown, then the next day it's light brown? My diet yesterday was 'shite' as someone had taken in a tin of Roses and I was chained to my desk all day so ate too many chocolates and not enough fruit and veg. Maybe this had an effect?


I wouldn't get all hung up on colouration - this can vary wildy in a week for even the healthiest of people. Perfectly normal.


The frequency of your bowel movements also has an effect of colouration. The longer ''it'' is kept in your bowel the darker it is likely to become...

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Well being a crohns sufferer i usually get a weekly collection of all the "shit" types, i just never know what one's going to turn up, ranging from something which probably looks like a black man's hard-on to an artist's paintboard :dontknow:


Ouch ya bastard. Sorry to hear that brother...


Is it ileal, ileocolic or colonic? You on AI medication?



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I wouldn't get all hung up on colouration - this can vary wildy in a week for even the healthiest of people. Perfectly normal.


The frequency of your bowel movements also has an effect of colouration. The longer ''it'' is kept in your bowel the darker it is likely to become...


Aye apparently holding it in is really bad for you


I used to defecate once every 2/3 days but now it's once a day. Must be eating too much!

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Aye apparently holding it in is really bad for you


I used to defecate once every 2/3 days but now it's once a day. Must be eating too much!


Cheesus! 2/3 days???


Twice a day for me. Once first thing in the morning and once in the evening, sometimes 3 times a day if the mood takes me.

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Yes thats possible.


Just as an aside, the NHS have started postal screenings for people in the appropriate age group.


You pass your stool into a cardboard bowl seal in a plastice bag, put that into another plastic bag, put into a brown bag and then post it back to them for analysis.

Does it go by size or weight, to determine how many stamps you need?

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I'm a twice a day man. Regular as clockwork.

Thankfully my guts have settled down and I deposited a lovely type #3 in Wick railway station this afternoon.


Type 3 - Nice :thumbup1:


Never had a sh*t at wick station before. Edinburgh Waverly has to be my favourite for a sh*t.


Think its 30p now but its worth every penny.


Nice modern cubicle, and big funcy wooden doors. Cleaned half hourly, touch sensitive soap dispensers and the mother of all dyson hand driers.


Charging for a sh*t keeps the riff-raff out.


- My only complaint about waverly would be the quality of the toilet paper. The density is like 0.01 gsm i like at least 30 - preferably with some kind of aloe vera finish.

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Type 3 - Nice :thumbup1:


Never had a sh*t at wick station before. Edinburgh Waverly has to be my favourite for a sh*t.


Think its 30p now but its worth every penny.


Nice modern cubicle, and big funcy wooden doors. Cleaned half hourly, touch sensitive soap dispensers and the mother of all dyson hand driers.


Charging for a sh*t keeps the riff-raff out.


- My only complaint about waverly would be the quality of the toilet paper. The density is like 0.01 gsm i like at least 30 - preferably with some kind of aloe vera finish.

I used the staff bogs!

Bit of string that you loop round a nail hammered into the wall to lock the door.

Railway issue blue roll was the only wiping material available. Then flushed the bog which had the biggest cistern in the world. Probably still flushing 6 hours later.

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I used the staff bogs!

Bit of string that you loop round a nail hammered into the wall to lock the door.

Railway issue blue roll was the only wiping material available. Then flushed the bog which had the biggest cistern in the world. Probably still flushing 6 hours later.


Oh aye, that right you work on the trains eh?


What happens if you need a shit whilst the train is actually on a run? Have you done your driver training?

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Oh aye, that right you work on the trains eh?


What happens if you need a shit whilst the train is actually on a run? Have you done your driver training?

I'm just a guard Bigman. Waiting for a drivers job in inverness,but there like hens teeth!

But I pride myself on never baring my cheeks to a train bog. Possibly the most rancid place on earth.

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There is no better feeling on planet earth than thon buzz you get when you feel the first surges of a shit coming on, manna from heaven thon.


If there's nobody else in the house, you can string it out for a bit longer than usual, fantastic.

I can spend upto 30mins reading a magazine/book or browsing the web on my phone while having a shit.


Sometimes it's the only place you get any peace.

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I can spend upto 30mins reading a magazine/book or browsing the web on my phone while having a shit.


Sometimes it's the only place you get any peace.


Aye, but that's while you're having the actual shit, crimping off the length, on the bog itself.


I'm talking about the swimming guts, and brain sensation you get beforehand which can occur in any room in the house.

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Damn, thought I could go a day without shitting but that's me just dropped the kids off at the pool. The good thing was it was a clean wiper :thumbup1: My diet must be improving or something.

Do you shit more or less if you are exercising a lot? Or does it make no difference?


:hysterical: Call me uptight but am a bit uncomfortable talking about my poops.


I really think it's completely inappropriate for women to be chatting about their shites (even amongst friends).

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