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Scottish Football Restructuring

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You'll probably see a 42 team SPL proposed if it comes to it.


The SPL should be dissolved. Didn't Henry Mcleish propose this? Though I'm not surprised that the proposals leave the SPL, and thus the SPL board in place.


Would personally like to see SFL to merge the SPL clubs back in, keep the three leagues, but with fourteen teams each. That would allow each team in a league to play each other three times each, giving thirty-nine games each. No need for a stupid split, which makes the revenue distribution even worse. It also gets rid of the likes of Doncaster and Ogilvie, and slims the beaurocracy. Keep the SFL's playoff system, but possibly have two teams automatically relegated rather than one. Promotion and relegation from division three, although maybe just one team each way.


Oh, yeah, and a constitution written that clearly stipulates any newco can only enter into division three, without exception. Broadcasting deals should be prohibited from making the stipulations that Sky did. Re-negotiate a deal for the new league system. Has anyone seen how much the Norwegians have made? Surely we can get more than we currently do. Fairer distribution of wealth, with more money filtering down the leagues - its not just about the larger teams. And no monopoly/duopoly voting system.

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We had some of this discussion here:


League reconstruction


I still think some sort of franchise for smaller teams is where we should be at - if we are subsidising other teams existence then maybe it's at to the detriment of the game. Maybe we should be strengthening ourselves rather than a team that brings in 400 fans of a weekend.


Get it down to a more manageable 28 teams or so and then you might make some progress.

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We had some of this discussion here:


League reconstruction


I still think some sort of franchise for smaller teams is where we should be at - if we are subsidising other teams existence then maybe it's at to the detriment of the game. Maybe we should be strengthening ourselves rather than a team that brings in 400 fans of a weekend.


Get it down to a more manageable 28 teams or so and then you might make some progress.


Cheers for the link. Some interesting ideas in there. Would a poll be worthwhile?

I'm not so sure it matters how many teams, so long as finances are distributed in a reasonable manner, and there is a decent promotion/relegation, including lower leagues. We should be looking at the vitality of Scottish football as a whole. After all, add a zero, times by up to three, and that's how the Old Firm see it!

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One of the things that I'm so fed up of in this endless debate about the size of the leagues is we let it stop all other progress.


Why don't they just lay out a timetable and start with implementing the things that are clearer to everyone first.




Year 1

Increase parachute payment for team going down

Introduce play offs between Div1 and SPL to give more potential promotion/relegation each year

Spread money in SPL more evenly

Change voting structures in SPL to something more democratic



Merge league bodies

introduce earlier start

introduce winter break

Pyramid system below the senior leagues



The big stuff - league sizes etc etc

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I really hope the SPL chairman are not going to be stupid enough and wait for the promised reconstruction before changing the voting and income distribution. That would be typical of the foolish, short sighted, spineless leaders in our game.


That a wider debate regarding merging bodes and restructuing is or will be ongoing should have no bearing whatsoever on the SPL teams putting forward a motion NOW to change the voting and income distribution. Why hasn't this happend yet? We'll probably find once the season starts they can't change these rules. If the chairman of the SPL clubs can't get this important detail sorted NOW they really do need removed from their positions before its too late and the whole of Scottish football is railroaded back to the exact same place it was 12 months ago.


SPL Chairman: it's time to grow a pair, engage brain and ACT NOW. There is no time to waste.

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