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Bouncers Are Cunts


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I'm not one for frequenting gay bars so wouldna know one way or the other what sort of staff they have.


Cheers for that anyway.


usually they have some sort of diesel dyke 'manning' the door.


you should go to one. you and your copuon would fit in like a glove.

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I've had a fair few run ins over the past few years. The worst being those at Enigma, scum of the highest order. Majority think they can just throw themselves about and assault people and get away with it. Some are just plain awkward for the sake of it, the one at G Casino refusing me entry as I'd "had too much", despite me being sober compared to my other 2 mates who got in. "Where have you been tonight?" Why the feck does that matter?!

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I've had a fair few run ins over the past few years. The worst being those at Enigma, scum of the highest order. Majority think they can just throw themselves about and assault people and get away with it. Some are just plain awkward for the sake of it, the one at G Casino refusing me entry as I'd "had too much", despite me being sober compared to my other 2 mates who got in. "Where have you been tonight?" Why the feck does that matter?!

Mmmm G Casino - dinna start me off :angry:

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Mmmm G Casino - dinna start me off :angry:

Completely given up on that place. Soul Casino have decent enough bouncers- as long as you're nae obviously bleezin, you get in nae bother. Gala is heading the same way as G- power mad wankers on the door. And fit is it wi them all wanting to ken far you've been? As soon as you mention a non-mainstream place, for example, your local, or a market/guild st boozer, the game's up, you ain't gettin in. The fuck is that all bout?

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I've had a fair few run ins over the past few years. The worst being those at Enigma, scum of the highest order. Majority think they can just throw themselves about and assault people and get away with it. Some are just plain awkward for the sake of it, the one at G Casino refusing me entry as I'd "had too much", despite me being sober compared to my other 2 mates who got in. "Where have you been tonight?" Why the feck does that matter?!


Indeed. There was one night I was out. I was totally sober, water and coca cola all night. I was driving. Didn't get let in to G for having had too much. Too much what? Sugar?!?

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Is G casino the one near Snafu?


If so, the "African American" who supervises the door is a bit of a cunt.

It is and he's not, he's away now anyways and they've changed the door staff means I get in now, went on a run where I was refused 23 times out of 25 attempts and also had a few push and shoves with them.

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