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Just Told My Boss To Shove It!


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Well chaps i was in the middle of an email to my work when my mobile went off.

The Interview i was at last week went well and i start my new job On Wednesday Morning. So i quickly reworded the email into accept my resignation and take the two weeks ive had off as my notice.

Proudly i keep my 100% record for every interview ive had i got the job.

Adios mother fuckers.....



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Well chaps i was in the middle of an email to my work when my mobile went off.

The Interview i was at last week went well and i start my new job On Wednesday Morning. So i quickly reworded the email into accept my resignation and take the two weeks ive had off as my notice.

Proudly i keep my 100% record for every interview ive had i got the job.

Adios mother fuckers.....





I'm going to ASDA in Inverness next week.


Any chance of a staff discount?


I'd ask Tommo1903 but he's a miserable ginger cunt.

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Well chaps i was in the middle of an email to my work when my mobile went off.

The Interview i was at last week went well and i start my new job On Wednesday Morning. So i quickly reworded the email into accept my resignation and take the two weeks ive had off as my notice.

Proudly i keep my 100% record for every interview ive had i got the job.

Adios mother fuckers.....



Good Shout Chief...well done...I think you know yourself that you were finished with your previous employers...now get on the rip and good luck on Wed :thumbs:

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I'm going to ASDA in Inverness next week.


Any chance of a staff discount?


I'd ask Tommo1903 but he's a miserable ginger cunt.



Nae chance. The funny thing is that the company i start with work in the same building as my previous employer. So i will see these shower of fuckwits on a daily basis. Its gonna be brilliant. The smokers hut is gonna be interesting.

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All the more reason to make peace with your previous employers. :sherlock:


Why? Im not going to go about shouting at them or anything. I shall just mind fuck a certain few who deserve it.

My new employer is a completely different entity who are already at odds with my old employer.

You see my new employer leased out more than half of the building to the old ones many years ago, but once the lease was up they never renewed forcing my old employer to relocate a lot of the staff to Nairn. Causes a lot of hassle and costs them a shitload as taxis there and back happen everyday. also losing them work time as half an hour there and the same back. So there is no love lost. It is a similar post on similar coin although they pay weekly for some strange reason. Its worked out well but is just a stepping stone for me.

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As i said in a previous post there is no love lost between them over the lease that expired. Also i play bools with one of the fellas that conducted the interview so was 99% certain i was going to get it. I mean they asked what it was like to work for them, then asked what do they say about us!. I wasn't privy to much of the upper managements thoughts but i knew there was a lot of bad mouthing going on. I used a lot of tact as im not that stupid to blurt it all out, but they got the picture in a professional manner.

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I'm amazed he's resigned on the strength of a phone call and without an employment contract signed and sealed.


I'm amazed he's not negotiated himself a hefty raise compared to his previous contract.


I'm just amazed.


Don't be amazed Rocket.


They could have doubled my wage but it wasn't going to improve the job. I know Ive made the right decision. You could kinda tell from my previous posts that going back was not my favored option.

It really was not a nice company to work for and i feel happier already.

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As i said in a previous post there is no love lost between them over the lease that expired. Also i play bools with one of the fellas that conducted the interview so was 99% certain i was going to get it. I mean they asked what it was like to work for them, then asked what do they say about us!. I wasn't privy to much of the upper managements thoughts but i knew there was a lot of bad mouthing going on. I used a lot of tact as im not that stupid to blurt it all out, but they got the picture in a professional manner.

"Don't let the buggers grind you down"...bonzo...and don't feel you have to justify to some anonymous internet posters...you got the job...you didn't buckle and have to return to a nightmare car crash job...you bonzo...are da man...now go out and enjoy a night on the town before you have to return to the 9-5 on Wednesday!

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Yeah good luck with everything. I just reckon that, for other than low paid menial workers, specialists should go about things the right way.


If I was your old boss, I might have got your new boss to offer you a job, extract your resignation and then when they turn round and there was no job, you're fucked. The fact you're starting so soon would suggest that it will be ok but shit like this happens ALL the time.


How you interact with your fellow workers and your bosses is actually quite important, for everyone involved.

When was the last time you were in the job market...looks fairly obvious that bonzo has been identified by a competitor and secured...to use your quote "shit like this happens ALL the time"...it's standard practice these days...are you parnanoid?

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"Don't let the buggers grind you down"...bonzo...and don't feel you have to justify to some anonymous internet posters...you got the job...you didn't buckle and have to return to a nightmare car crash job...you bonzo...are da man...now go out and enjoy a night on the town before you have to return to the 9-5 on Wednesday!


Oh no man. I was on a 4 day bender with my brother last week and im only starting to feel normal now. Getting to old for it i think.

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Yeah good luck with everything. I just reckon that, for other than low paid menial workers, specialists should go about things the right way.


If I was your old boss, I might have got your new boss to offer you a job, extract your resignation and then when they turn round and there was no job, you're fucked. The fact you're starting so soon would suggest that it will be ok but shit like this happens ALL the time.


How you interact with your fellow workers and your bosses is actually quite important, for everyone involved.


Glad your not my old boss then. Or are you :emperor:

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Don't condescend to me, cunt. It's usually only a low paid fuckwit or a highly skilled rare and temperamental commodity that can command any price he wants wherever he wants jacks in a job without having the intelligence and self-management to have another to go to, simply because he fell out with a woman boss and lost the plot and gets skint within a month.

:laughing: ...Seriously man...I think Bonzo is the latter...only the weak and the worried struggle these days...he'll be ok ;)

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Don't condescend to me, cunt. It's usually only a low paid fuckwit or a highly skilled rare and temperamental commodity that can command any price he wants wherever he wants jacks in a job without having the intelligence and self-management to have another to go to, simply because he fell out with a woman boss and lost the plot and gets skint within a month.


Suppose we all have differing tolerance levels to when we throw the dummy out of the pram, most if not all semi skilled and above have moments of stresses and challenges.


Nothing wrong with trying to better yourself within a new challenge at a new company, or solely for the monetary rewards.


Like you, I agree to a certain extent, that there is little benefit in burning bridges before another appointment has been secured, infact nothing wrong with quitting your job in a friendly manner, you do not want to be blacklisted from that company forever, as you never know when you may just need them.


Of course, If I won Euromillions, I would charter a helicopter to the rig to collect me, and leave in a less dignified manner to what I suggest above.

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"Don't let the buggers grind you down"...bonzo...and don't feel you have to justify to some anonymous internet posters...you got the job...you didn't buckle and have to return to a nightmare car crash job...you bonzo...are da man...now go out and enjoy a night on the town before you have to return to the 9-5 on Wednesday!


Not having a go at him and if he was that unhappy in his job then fair play to him as it seems to have worked out well and you've got to look out for number 1. Suggests to me that he must be highly skilled at his job if they're willing to take him on. You'd have to be mad to walk into an interview and slag off your previous employer and tell them you'd just decided you'd had enough and stormed out. That's all I'm saying.

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Now now chaps. Don't get all handbags on my account.

Rocket there's skint and there's skint bud! Im fortunate that i have a skill that took a long time to learn, but the nature of the job means that there is a lot of walking out being done. But there is always a call for my line of work. Somebody somewhere has got a server that is fucked and wants it fixing. Family reasons dictate that im in Inverness earning a lot less than down south or abroad. I know for a fact i could quadruple my wage in the middle east, which i will once my kids are a bit older. So don't fret about my methodology in moving between jobs.

Redstar! stop winding him up ya raj :hysterical:

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Don't condescend to me, cunt. It's usually only a low paid fuckwit or a highly skilled rare and temperamental commodity that can command any price he wants wherever he wants jacks in a job without having the intelligence and self-management to have another to go to, simply because he fell out with a woman boss and lost the plot and gets skint within a month.



I'm not fretting bonzo, I can assure you of that. Hope it all works out but from every situation, you have to take something and learn and I reckon you lost your self-control which is never a cool thing to do.


There are certain people that we had to tolerate in the workplace because of their skill level and the fact we were getting them cheap.




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I'm not fretting bonzo, I can assure you of that. Hope it all works out but from every situation, you have to take something and learn and I reckon you lost your self-control which is never a cool thing to do.


There are certain people that we had to tolerate in the workplace because of their skill level and the fact we were getting them cheap.


There is no doubt about it that i lost my cool. I totally can see where you are all coming from with regards to the way i handled it. As an outsider looking in i would probably think 'what a tit' as well. It is the first time i have ever reacted like that in my life, but it was justified i believe. I have seen to many good guys just sit there and let the job take over their life and i wasn't going to let that happen with me.


The job was a nightmare. I hope the internet cops aren't watching as i had to sign the official secrets act before i could start there.

But basically a Government Agency are migrating from windows 2000 to windows 7. The mob i worked for won the bid for the migration then paid off 120 staff in Aston who they let work on it for a year. Moved the operation up here but never replaced the missing 120! so i was like a fucking telephone operator taking 25 to 30 calls a day when i should only have been on 5. This went on for a while until the day the manager of my department ( who couldn't remember her own email password) starting questioning me about a remote operation id done that, seemingly id done wrong. This dipshit cant open her emails without my help. So i blew my top, asked her why she has a job in IT and how she justified her wage for what she does.

I will look back on this one day and laugh or shake my head in disbelief.

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That's cos she never got trained properly :checkit:



If she can deliver on a contract when the workforce is 120 lighter (saving millions), and get staff to work for nothing with unpaid hours over and above, she might actually be a very good manager. Industry-specific experience and knowledge isn't important to have for a good manager although I can understand how frustrating it is for people working underneath a non-industry background manager. If there's governments and quangos involved though, chances are that almost everyone is very shit, both workers and managers alike.


By all accounts she is a very good at managing. They are going to struggle now though as that's three bodies that are gone out of the team in two weeks. If she can find a work around for that i will tip my hat to her.

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That's cos she never got trained properly :checkit:



If she can deliver on a contract when the workforce is 120 lighter (saving millions), and get staff to work for nothing with unpaid hours over and above, she might actually be a very good manager. Industry-specific experience and knowledge isn't important to have for a good manager although I can understand how frustrating it is for people working underneath a non-industry background manager. If there's governments and quangos involved though, chances are that almost everyone is very shit, both workers and managers alike.



Good post.


Bonzo, she seems to have be managing the place fine if she had doughballs like yourself working 20 odd hours overtime a week for free. The work was getting done with little increase in wage outgoings (although her bonuses have probably been boosted by your charitable work). A good manager doesn't necessarily have to understand the ins and outs of what a guy on the shop floor actually does, she can get folk under her to keep her right with that, all she'll be interested is how the books look and the works getting done.


Also as well as burning bridges you never know when you have to work with folk again. I'd laugh like fuck if she impresses the company they share premises with enough to get head hunted by them and ends up as your boss again. From my own experience, be the bigger man, swallow your pride, apologise for your outburst and leave on good terms.

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