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Just Told My Boss To Shove It!


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Good post.


Bonzo, she seems to have be managing the place fine if she had doughballs like yourself working 20 odd hours overtime a week for free. The work was getting done with little increase in wage outgoings (although her bonuses have probably been boosted by your charitable work). A good manager doesn't necessarily have to understand the ins and outs of what a guy on the shop floor actually does, she can get folk under her to keep her right with that, all she'll be interested is how the books look and the works getting done.


Also as well as burning bridges you never know when you have to work with folk again. I'd laugh like fuck if she impresses the company they share premises with enough to get head hunted by them and ends up as your boss again. From my own experience, be the bigger man, swallow your pride, apologise for your outburst and leave on good terms.


Doughball eh? Very good. I never worked late or early for her, i did it to try and show my clients that at least somebody in the company was professional. Maybe just maybe that`s why i got another job straight away. She was good at making coffee right enough.


I imagine you will find her on sick leave or the dole in the next 3 months. If she starts crying when i question her, pity help her when the maniacs get torn in. We had 11 of a team when she started its now down to 7. She is fucking ace at her job i reckon.

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Now now chaps. Don't get all handbags on my account.

Rocket there's skint and there's skint bud! Im fortunate that i have a skill that took a long time to learn, but the nature of the job means that there is a lot of walking out being done. But there is always a call for my line of work. Somebody somewhere has got a server that is fucked and wants it fixing. Family reasons dictate that im in Inverness earning a lot less than down south or abroad. I know for a fact i could quadruple my wage in the middle east, which i will once my kids are a bit older. So don't fret about my methodology in moving between jobs.

Redstar! stop winding him up ya raj :hysterical:


In which case milk it while you can because the bxstards that design life will be coming to get you and your skillset.

They don't like power being in the hands of employees.

Right now they will be working on technologies and strategies to diminish your power levels.

Some of your skill set will be broken down into easier tasks which can be done by minimum wage folks.

The demand for your skills will produce a flood of similarly skilled folk, thus driving down salary levels.

Life's a game, and mostly we are but pawns, so I reiterate, milk it while you can.

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In which case milk it while you can because the bxstards that design life will be coming to get you and your skillset.

They don't like power being in the hands of employees.

Right now they will be working on technologies and strategies to diminish your power levels.

Some of your skill set will be broken down into easier tasks which can be done by minimum wage folks.

The demand for your skills will produce a flood of similarly skilled folk, thus driving down salary levels.

Life's a game, and mostly we are but pawns, so I reiterate, milk it while you can.


Your are bang on with that statement Lang Bar min. The company had employed phone operators or service d esk analysts they liked to call them. After 4 weeks training they offered them a test to see if they could become tier two remote desk top team. I mean fair enough if you have an interest in the subject but some of these folk were useless. The test was geared for them to pass. Multiple choice questions along the lines of "What would you use to open a PDF file?" A. Adobe. B.A Printer .C. A Fork. D. Tup's Trainers.

So these dudes would become remote team, not have a clue what they were doing then the call gets passed to our team which isn't there to deal with that task.

Pay peanuts you get monkeys so they say.

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Nae chance. The funny thing is that the company i start with work in the same building as my previous employer. So i will see these shower of fuckwits on a daily basis. Its gonna be brilliant. The smokers hut is gonna be interesting.


Ha, that will be funny if it's just you and her in there. Don't make her greet again! Fair play man, sounds like it's all worked out for the best for you.

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