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The Cyber Pint


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If I thought I could get away with it I would have but the wife was with me and she'd have known I'd deliberately swerved the car.


You're a nasty piece of work indeed.


Apologies to amancalledbuck. I only asked if your wife was 'worth a dunt' in order to expose boofon.


Such thoughts never cross my mind about other folks wives.


Have a cyber pint as a concillatory gesture :cheers:

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You're a nasty piece of work indeed.


Apologies to amancalledbuck. I only asked if your wife was 'worth a dunt' in order to expose boofon.


Such thoughts never cross my mind about other folks wives.


Have a cyber pint as a concillatory gesture :cheers:


your niceness and conciliatory (one 'l' by the way) cyber pint gestures today are to be commended Tup, however false they may be. i don't think i've seen you tell one person to fuck off yet today! :thumbs:

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You're a nasty piece of work indeed.


Apologies to amancalledbuck. I only asked if your wife was 'worth a dunt' in order to expose boofon.


Such thoughts never cross my mind about other folks wives.


Have a cyber pint as a concillatory gesture :cheers:


What the fuck is that supposed to be? :blink:


Bluto what have you done with Tup?

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your niceness and conciliatory (one 'l' by the way) cyber pint gestures today are to be commended Tup, however false they may be. i don't think i've seen you tell one person to fuck off yet today! :thumbs:



Well spotted LGIR. He'd the cheek to call you dim as well.


Fuckoff Fuck off with your spelling corrections.



Love it.

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Everyone has alkie mates.


Apart from folk who dinna have mates.


I'm all about offering these folk the cyber pint now.


Placebo effect.


They still get the same enjoyment, without the cost, both human and financial.


This is up there with some of L Ron Hubbard's experimentation.

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It's just one more thing for tup to check of the list to do in the real world so that he can spend more time on AFC-Chat. What other activities will he cyber up to be on here?



No doubt he'll be posting pure drivel on a cyber cyber messageboard.


That cyber tup will then be posting on a cyber cyber cyber messageboard.


And so it goes on and on and on and on. :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:





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I don't think you're really getting into the spirit (see what I did there) of this boofon.


Perhaps a bit of sheepiekev is 'rubbing off' on you, perish the thought.


All this after I saved you from a kicking off him.


And posted you books today.


A bit of gratitude wouldna go amiss.


Anyway, we'll settle it over a cyber pint :cheers:

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I don't think you're really getting into the spirit (see what I did there) of this boofon.


Perhaps a bit of sheepiekev is 'rubbing off' on you, perish the thought.


All this after I saved you from a kicking off him.


And posted you books today.


A bit of gratitude wouldna go amiss.


Anyway, we'll settle it over a cyber pint :cheers:



I'm right in the spirit of it you fuck wit.


Cyber was mentioned 6 times in my last post.


I put it to you that sheepiekev has rubbed off on you and you've turned into a bitter bastard with a creepy obsession.


In a cyber sense of course.



Cyber stalking.

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