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Sevco Thread

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Their delusions of grandeur is ultimately what fucked them. Mike Ashley's approach may have not been popular but he'd have ensured that they lived within their means and maybe even turned a profit, much the same as Newcastle. But much like Newcastle the thick cunts just think they are entitled to sign players for £10 million a pop and give no thought to long term financial security. Newcastle will be one of the strongest clubs in the EPL when the bubble bursts down there and it will eventually.

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Ashley helped them and they fucked him over is a summary of what's happened here.

Top posting Tup.


Ashley could of got them back to the SPL easily with a decent but sensible budget and Newcastle loan players. They just needed a half decent manager and a little time.


Ashley isn't daft it was in his best interests to get them to at least 2nd in the SPL in the long term.


Instead the greedy Hun fuckers bit the hand that feeds.


Hope the shareholders back King tomorrow then Ashley fucks them hard and deep.

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It'll need to come out off the Dave King's war chest. What's fuck all subtract 20,000?



Firstlz he had 50M

Then 20M

Then he promised 10M

Then he was sazing that heäd match whatever cash the fans put in for STs.


Whatäs the score with this dude

Real Rangers Man full of shite and bluster ,aming it up as he goes along_

Or goggle ezed crook and a total shzster like all his predecessors looking to milk the huge blue tit until it dries up for good_

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Firstlz he had 50M

Then 20M

Then he promised 10M

Then he was sazing that heäd match whatever cash the fans put in for STs.


What's the score with this dude

Real Rangers Man full of shite and bluster ,aming it up as he goes along_

Or goggle ezed crook and a total shzster like all his predecessors looking to milk the huge blue tit until it dries up for good_









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The warnings of insolvency came from one of their own directors a decade before it happened.




The warnings weren't heeded and Rangers died. Sevco appear to have learned nothing from the death of Rangers.


"He is adamant that Rangers do not have the customer base to improve their financial standing through merchandising. 'Rangers’ so-called global appeal is a myth,' he said."


hahaha tell us something we didn't know.

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Top posting Tup.

Ashley could of got them back to the SPL easily with a decent but sensible budget and Newcastle loan players. They just needed a half decent manager and a little time.

Ashley isn't daft it was in his best interests to get them to at least 2nd in the SPL in the long term.

Instead the greedy Hun fuckers bit the hand that feeds.

Hope the shareholders back King tomorrow then Ashley fucks them hard and deep.

Ah but he's nae a Rangers man whatever the fuck that is
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"He is adamant that Rangers do not have the customer base to improve their financial standing through merchandising. 'Rangers’ so-called global appeal is a myth,' he said."


hahaha tell us something we didn't know.


You mean to tell us that when confronted with Juve, Real, Barca, Man Utd, or Sevco tops in a sports store, the little Asian kid in downtown Tokyo's first choice ISN'T going to be the 2014 Ramsden Cup Runners Up?


"Spolts stole was arr out of Sevco Stlips....had to get this clap instead."


I wonder what the market is like for Cammy Bell scatter cushions?



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I know plenty folk think sevco will never die but it really is at a stage where the simplest solution is to crash the bus and let them die.


They literally make no money from merchandise (rolling contract with a seven year notice period) and have similar fucked up contracts for just about every aspect of the business, the stadium is in disrepair, they have the highest paid manager in the country and have put him on gardening leave.


The list is endless.


Only two solutions are someone with MASSIVE deep pockets comes along and pays off all the crooks or wind up the company.


And given no one with any money has showed up in the last 5 years its unlikely to happen now.



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Guest milne_afc

Bet Victor have Derek McInness(sic) at 7/4


SkyBet have Derek McInnes at 5/1


It'll be Stuart McCall, Neil Warnock or McLeish.

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They could definitely die at any moment now, been on life support for months.


Whats fascinating is seeing King triumphantly crowned as the brave leader of all RRM. A billionaire with millions sitting in his giant War Chests with "Rangurs" scrawled in blue across them. Woohoo!


When in fact it seems pretty clear King is rooked, near penniless and full of shit. If he has any money left at all, its hidden carefully away from the South African tax man and potentially the South African police depending just how many laws he broke to make the money in the first place.


Paul Murray is not a high net worth individual, in fact I'm not even sure what he supposed to be successful at all? Apart from being a buffiont twat of course.


So then we have the 3 bears. Sensible sorts and genuine businessmen no doubt. Also not stupid enough to waste money on some fantasy football pish that King is desperate to recreate.


And they owe lots of Money to Mike Ashley. Someone not to be messed with lets be honest.


So what is their considered strategy? Well they decide to piss in Mike's chips at every single opportunity. Forcing out his men on the board, ridiculing him in public, throwing mud left right and centre and of course employing Jim Tranny to "mastermind" a PR campaign to insult Ashley further and further.


The idiots are poking a bear with a stick and I hope when his patience snaps he rips their fucking heads off. It would be no more than they deserve.

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I know plenty folk think sevco will never die but it really is at a stage where the simplest solution is to crash the bus and let them die.


They literally make no money from merchandise (rolling contract with a seven year notice period) and have similar fucked up contracts for just about every aspect of the business, the stadium is in disrepair, they have the highest paid manager in the country and have put him on gardening leave.


The list is endless.


Only two solutions are someone with MASSIVE deep pockets comes along and pays off all the crooks or wind up the company.


And given no one with any money has showed up in the last 5 years its unlikely to happen now.




They can't even crash the bus and reform.


Ashley effectively owns the trademarks, badges and key assets barring Ibrox. They cannot reform without his say so.


Unless they want new strips, new name, new badges the whole lot.



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